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Can Bonomo, a Turkish Jew represents Turkey at the Eurovision Song Contest

Do you represent Islam? Nobody have this right! Just
Go read surat el Kafirun, senin dinin sana benim dinim bana.. Bitti.karismayin insanlari rahat birakin kardesim!

I ain't saying I am representing anything.
ok, now whats this pink head?

Man, you are too furious. Calm down first. We have to convince our brothers and sisters to see the truth, we should not blame nor abuse.

He wanted to say: my religion is mine, yours is yours. Don't mix into our business.

Anyway, as they wish. All I wanted is to see my country as a sovereign nation which has not been deceived by heathens.
Well, it looks like you are behaving that way. Anyway her koyun kendi bacagindan asilacak. Yanlis yapiyosunuz.

Sizi Allah rasulu A.S'dan bir hadisi serif ki sozlerin en sereflisi demek: Zorlastirmayiniz, kolaylastiriniz. Nefret ettirmeyiniz, sevdiriniz.

Bilmem anlata bildimmi?

Write in English.

I ain't forcing anyone. Do you see a blade in my hands? I am trying to show.
A lot of people here are trolling/ not staying on topic. Where are the mods?
I respect peoples beliefs what I wrote was not for people who were discussing normally and repectfull. Those were the words for people who were discussing religion, which they believe to be secret, on a thread about a Jewish citizens of Turkeys who was electe for Eurovision... If people like them can bring religion into this and not offend anyone I am pretty sure my mocking of them would not offend anyone too...

If I remember right, muslims should be examples for all humanity and where is the humanity in people who were being racist towards all from the faith of judahism... If you hadn't noticed, some people here were rejoicing that Allah was damning Jewish people, tthey are cursed race and etc...

They were quoteing from Quran and discussing that whom the Allah gave the land of Israel... Really discussing whom should be the owner of the land from a book 1500 years ago? What kind of logic is that?

I would mack anyone with that way of though whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Christian or Atheist... They are both racist and deprive from logical mind.

Then you should do it in a respectful manner and stop accusing people of believing in "imaginary" friends and "delusional" teachings.
Then you should do it in a respectful manner and stop accusing people of believing in "imaginary" friends and "delusional" teachings.

I did not accuse them like that I personally believe that... I said that just to be mock them actually... I respect religion enough to disapprove its discussion in such ridiculus thread... They deserve it to. Cursing, rejoicing that Jews are cursed race and insultng them as whole is an unacceptable act like my mocking of a religion that has more than 1 billion believers. They hated the fact that I have mocked their beliefs but they still keep their racist behaviour. Staying silent when others are insulted and discriminated in most despicable way but strongly arguing when someone insulted your beliefs... You know whats that called right?
so jews are killing muslimsfo sake of humanity, and thats humanity to you?

please go to kitchen you cant have an intelligent arguement here

Israel kills thosewho attack her regardless of religion. For example in 60-70-es there were Palestinian Christians and some European ultra leftists who commited terror against Israel, we killed them too. Muslims kill Muslims in much much bigger numbers.
I did not accuse them like that I personally believe that... I said that just to be mock them actually... I respect religion enough to disapprove its discussion in such ridiculus thread... They deserve it to. Cursing, rejoicing that Jews are cursed race and insultng them as whole is an unacceptable act like my mocking of a religion that has more than 1 billion believers. They hated the fact that I have mocked their beliefs but they still keep their racist behaviour. Staying silent when others are insulted and discriminated in most despicable way but strongly arguing when someone insulted your beliefs... You know whats that called right?

Are you serious? Go read my posts #16 18 and 22. I just ignored the later part of the thread for obvious reasons.

I ignored the stupid posts filled with hatred and anger.

Edit: hope you understood what i mean Deno.
Generally saying you are a Turk indicates 99% that you are a Muslim too. But religion comes before race for me, since I don't judge people from their races since we are all humans.
Generally saying you are a Turk indicates 99% that you are a Muslim too. But religion comes before race for me, since I don't judge people from their races since we are all humans.

So you don't judge people by race but by religion.... What is the difference?
Generally saying you are a Turk indicates 99% that you are a Muslim too. But religion comes before race for me, since I don't judge people from their races since we are all humans.

a lot of Turkish Christians feel like a 2nd class citizen when i say i am a Muslim living in Turkey. they feel like they are being pushed aside...

therefore to show that i support them. i always call my self a Turk. it will spare me the BS a lot of islamophobes will spew at me and it will make the other minorities in Turkey feel like they are a part of the country instead of being pushed aside! :tup:
Race is just a toy to seperate people and make some people believe they are superior to other. Religion is a whole different thing, you can choose a religion as darkinsky states, but you can't choose race. I am neither saying that we should judge people from their religion, that's up to God, and it's not my duty nor yours.
a lot of Turkish Christians feel like a 2nd class citizen when i say i am a Muslim living in Turkey. they feel like they are being pushed aside...

therefore to show that i support them. i always call my self a Turk. it will spare me the BS a lot of islamophobes will spew at me and it will make the other minorities in Turkey feel like they are a part of the country instead of being pushed aside! :tup:

well if you say you are turk what about armenians, azris, kurds

the problem is that you leave the rest of ethnics

see, however you justify yourself you are just moving in a round about

and just so you know, jews call themselves not only of jew religion, but they consider themselves separate race too, so by saying you are turk, you are not giving them any favour
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