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Can Bonomo, a Turkish Jew represents Turkey at the Eurovision Song Contest

Red beard you are showing your colors. No matter when Jews came to Ottoman empire, they stood as Jews. When Jews, Armenians and Greeks were taking over the Ottoman Empire, Turks of Anatolia were suffering in poverty. Because they feed upon our lands, do not make them one of us, Turks.[/B]

True, the Empire did nothing for Turks as a nation, thanks to AtaTurk this situation changed in favor of Turks.

That's why they called minorities, not Turk. YES, minority they are called. Not Turks. They were not from Muslim millet during Ottoman Empire, still not Turkish, according to the laws.

They are considered Turkish citizens by law. You or me or any other muslim-Turk do not enjoy more rights then them so we're treated equally. Same with Kurds.

You think this decision to send him as representative is coincident?.

AKP politics.

You called me racist? Whoa, I stand against Zionism, i stand for the rights of Palestinians. I stand for the independence of my country from USA and Israel bond. It is not about racism, I defend my nation and my Ummah against the corruption.

I said you are being racist, if you dont want him to sing for Turkiye just because he belongs to Jewish faith/race that's being racist.

You might like what Israeli alliance did to Turkey, I only see pain. Which makes us enemy of our Muslim brothers. Our government should do necessary things to avoid conflict with our Muslim brothers

I support this idea BUT without our failed ''Muslim brothers"' puppet states involved .. I say get closer to Russian/China. Other than that is too risky we wont gain anything but destruction from within, economically as well as socially and religiously. Which already isnt at a good stage right now. By that i mean division of the people as a result of corrupted religious views misused by powerhungry thieves especially politicians.
True, the Empire did nothing for Turks as a nation, thanks to AtaTurk this situation changed in favor of Turks.
There is a simple explanation to that,; empires were not nation states. Also Ataturk was not the mastermind of Turkish nationalism, there were others whom came long before him.

I say get closer to Russian/China. Other than that is too risky we wont gain anything but destruction from within, economically as well as socially and religiously.
Russia and China vetoed a Syrian UNSC resolution just today, so I'm not sure how they would effect our social and religious life positively.
There is a simple explanation to that,; empires were not nation states

Still doesnt change the fact that Turks got nothing as a nation.

Also Ataturk was not the mastermind of Turkish nationalism, there were others whom came long before him.

He was the one who came forward with the idea and made it a reality, that's what matters.

Russia and China vetoed a Syrian UNSC resolution just today, so I'm not sure how they would effect our social and religious life positively.

We should not mind their internal affairs, because right now it is not so clear who's really on the good side or bad side. Same like Libiya.. People mightbe right but you don't know who are behind the scene playing their games do we??
.Still doesnt change the fact that Turks got nothing as a nation.
Ottomans were Turks. Europeans called anyone who is coming from an Ottoman land, as Turk, with the exception of Arabs. So its not a good methodology to analyze an empire by looking through nation state glasses.

He was the one who came forward with the idea and made it a reality, that's what matters.
Turkish nationalism started around in mid 19th century and ideology itself was spearheaded by many Ottoman Turks. Ataturk was one of them, not "the one" or first one.

We should not mind their internal affairs, because right now it is not so clear who's really on the good side or bad side. Same like Libiya.. People mightbe right but you don't know who are behind the scene playing their games do we??
Meaning of "internal affairs" is not the same as before. International norms, regarding to humans rights and sovereignty, have changed long time ago.
Red beard you are showing your colors. No matter when Jews came to Ottoman empire, they stood as Jews. When Jews, Armenians and Greeks were taking over the Ottoman Empire, Turks of Anatolia were suffering in poverty. Because they feed upon our lands, do not make them one of us, Turks.

That's why they called minorities, not Turk. YES, minority they are called. Not Turks. They were not from Muslim millet during Ottoman Empire, still not Turkish, according to the laws.

You think this decision to send him as representative is coincident? Nay, I dont think so.

Fortunately, Jews, Armenians, Greeks cannot be army generals. By the law.

You called me racist? Whoa, I stand against Zionism, i stand for the rights of Palestinians. I stand for the independence of my country from USA and Israel bond. It is not about racism, I defend my nation and my Ummah against the corruption.

You might like what Israeli alliance did to Turkey, I only see pain. Which makes us enemy of our Muslim brothers. Our government should do necessary things to avoid conflict with our Muslim brothers.

sTANDING against ziionist state, doesnt mean u can stand against ur own citizen !!!
And sadly for u, even turkish citizens dont share ur views !!!
Dont think about other countries first!!
First comes ur country, then ur religion and in that way the singer is a turkish first, and whether u like it or not he is ur equal in turkey !!!
6-7 september 1955

I am sure there were some who said so. Every country has its Alienoz_TR. :)

im not supporting the guy, i just say as you said, Every country has its Alienoz_TR, i say in other way, i say, not every country has spanish zionist problem like turkey does

the guy is upset because his country has some serious problems that needs to be sort out? you got me?
im not supporting the guy, i just say as you said, Every country has its Alienoz_TR, i say in other way, i say, not every country has spanish zionist problem like turkey does

the guy is upset because his country has some serious problems that needs to be sort out? you got me?
We don't have a "Spanish zionist" problem in Turkey.
Jews in Turkey had never political agenda... They stayed out of everones bussiness and just did their thing which is trade... They are mainly rich bussiness families who hang out with eachother. Turkish Jews are respected and to be honest a little teased for their succes with money. :) I know its stereotype but thats ture too generally Jews are very good with money .:P

Turkish people in general are very and I mean very nationalistic. They are proud that there are millions of minorties who lives in this country and supoort Turkish state but when any minority starts to become trouble for the state, they wouldn't tolerate them and probaly there would be a lot of trouble for minority group and Turkish Jews know that. Thats why they are silent about political reasons...

It is hard for them actually... If they state their opinions and if that opinion upset people in power that people could easily flame the people against them. They know this and it scares them actually. This thing will give them a support they need in this hard times... Majority of people have nothing against Jewish citizens but after these thing with Israel things could go out of hand like what happened with Hrant Dink.

So yeah, I am happy that These guy was choosen for Eurovision. With these things Turkish peoples support for our Jewish citizens will not waver. This would help them to understand that goverment of State of Israel and Jewish citizens of Turkey are not the same and they can love one while disagreeing/hating/protesting/etc other...
Turkish people in general are very and I mean very nationalistic. They are proud that there are millions of minorties who lives in this country and supoort Turkish state but when any minority starts to become trouble for the state, they wouldn't tolerate them and probaly there would be a lot of trouble for minority group and Turkish Jews know that. Thats why they are silent about political reasons...

I love Turkey because it's multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious. Unfortunately there are people who want to create tensions between out citizens.

Do these Neo-Ottoman wet-dreamers actually realize that the Ottomans from time to time supported Jews?
Do as you preach. Islam is a religion of peace? Prove it, don't spread hate.
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