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Can block websites like China, Delhi High Court warns Facebook, Google

I don't know about China but India should be looking at Pakistan's example. Heck we almost brought youtube to its knees by blocking it :pakistan: :lol:

You brought youtube to its knees? Surely you must be joking, Mr.pdf_shurtah! (with due apologies to Mr. Feynman).

On topic: This is madness. The judge has lost his mind by threatening companies. This is unconstitutional and IIRC there is no law in India against "objectionable material" online. The IPC sections used here are mostly against "p0rn" materials. Idiots.

There have been instances where High Court judges have delivered verdicts only to be squashed by the Supreme Court because they were unconstitutional.
I don't know about China but India should be looking at Pakistan's example. Heck we almost brought youtube to its knees by blocking it :pakistan: :lol:
800M unique users visit YouTube each month an Pakistan has only 20 million internet users so how exactly banning youtube in Pakistan brought down to its knees that too when youtube does not serves pornographic contents(i said it specifically in Pakistan's regard and i hope u know y)???? :undecided:
You did not click the link did you ?

I did read it. An accidental rerouting of traffic does not mean it was done on purpose and had nothing to do with the actual ban. Co-incidences, although rare, do happen.
can the court ever say:- "can give death sentence to corrupt politicians like China"??...........

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