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Call Centre Drug Addicts


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Indian call centre workers 'depressed and hooked on drugs'
Pity the poor, derided Indian call centre operator who fields your insurance claims and computer problems – he is likely to be sleep deprived, depressed and hooked on drugs, according to a new study.

The study, carried out by sleep disorder specialists, found more than 80 per cent of staff in call centres close to the capital New Delhi were showing signs of depression.
Their symptoms are linked to the disruption to their normal sleep patterns by working regular night shifts, the researchers said.
The study, conducted by a team led by Dr J.C. Suri, head of the Indian Sleep Disorders Association, compared a group of daytime workers aged 19 to 37 with call centre staff on night shifts.
While 81 per cent of call centre workers showed signs of depression, only one in six of the day workers displayed the same symptoms. The call centre workers drank more heavily and a quarter regularly took illegal drugs, compared with only four per cent of day workers.
"These young people have to work when their bodies want to sleep and they have to sleep when their bodies are awake to face the day. As a result, they resort to consuming stimulants like coffee and energy drinks throughout the night, and use alcohol or sedatives to put them to sleep during the day," said Dr Suri.

He said their body clocks cannot adjust to the Western time zones they serve. "The body's clock is programmed, both genetically as well as by habit from birth, to remain active during the daytime," he added.

Indian call centre workers 'depressed and hooked on drugs' - Telegraph
yes,these night shifts are damn harmful.my friend fell one night due to daily night shift and he was admitted to hospital for 1 month.
and he requested many times for day shift but no body paid attention.
But the good thing is the peak of call centre culture is over (with call centres now shiftin to Phillipines as Indian wages have increased) and Indian IT industry evolving into a niche product based industry..
I have heard that experience in such kind of jobs is a negative point.
But the good thing is the peak of call centre culture is over (with call centres now shiftin to Phillipines as Indian wages have increased) and Indian IT industry evolving into a niche product based industry..

Writting thousands of lines of codes based on instructions of chief software engineer or drawing disney characters is not considered as a "niche" industry. Indian wages may have increased but so had indian population and the number of job seekers as well as poors. Philiphines on the other hand is not undergoing population crisis. The large role in sacking of call center industry is the number of frauds which increased with the outsourcing of call centers as well as bad accents!

I have heard that experience in such kind of jobs is a negative point.

Yes it is, very negative indeed depending on the person qualification. Usually someone with a call center experience means they will be tough to converse with since they have gotten used to shoving few lines of selected sentences.
Writting thousands of lines of codes based on instructions of chief software engineer or drawing disney characters is not considered as a "niche" industry. Indian wages may have increased but so had indian population and the number of job seekers as well as poors. Philiphines on the other hand is not undergoing population crisis. The large role in sacking of call center industry is the number of frauds which increased with the outsourcing of call centers as well as bad accents!

Well lets just end the argument by saying your knowledge about the Indian IT industry is bhains ki ghobar.
Writting thousands of lines of codes based on instructions of chief software engineer or drawing disney characters is not considered as a "niche" industry. Indian wages may have increased but so had indian population and the number of job seekers as well as poors. Philiphines on the other hand is not undergoing population crisis. The large role in sacking of call center industry is the number of frauds which increased with the outsourcing of call centers as well as bad accents!

Yes it is, very negative indeed depending on the person qualification. Usually someone with a call center experience means they will be tough to converse with since they have gotten used to shoving few lines of selected sentences.

u seem to have a very poor knowledge of everything......in a software industry, every software is written the instructions of chief software engineer only, all companies even Google & MS follow this approach......thats why all computer engineers are taught a subject software engineering....probably pak IT industry works in some other way.....

and about call center industry, do u have any source to back ur claim that indian call center industry has been sacked due to frauds??? one or two frauds don't close an industry......
lol.. Idiotic attempt by some frustrated Pakistani members to ridicule the Indian ITES industry, forgetting that just the top 200 companies in this sector in India generate revenue almost equal to what half of Pakistan generates in an year :lol: :rofl:
There have been cases of call centre workers committing suicides.

Perhaps pressure at both sides from the boss and customers?

Guys please be aware. Last week a guy from our office had a call from a call centre based in Calcutta. He tryed to cold call our techy guy in the office - who builds and lives computers. He proceeded to tell him his computer was badly infected. What he didnt realize was the lad that works in our office is a computer geek and knows them inside out. He pretended to play along with this Indian chap from who asked him to print some commands into the computer resulting eventually a series of numbers coming up on the screen. He told our chap the computer was very badly infected but he could fix it for £101. Payment had to be made by credit card. When our man confronted him and told him the computer was fine he immediately started shouting and disconnected the line!
Wonder if these cold callers are put under great pressure by customer AND bosses?
Perhaps pressure at both sides from the boss and customers?

Guys please be aware. Last week a guy from our office had a call from a call centre based in Calcutta. He tryed to cold call our techy guy in the office - who builds and lives computers. He proceeded to tell him his computer was badly infected. What he didnt realize was the lad that works in our office is a computer geek and knows them inside out. He pretended to play along with this Indian chap from who asked him to print some commands into the computer resulting eventually a series of numbers coming up on the screen. He told our chap the computer was very badly infected but he could fix it for £101. Payment had to be made by credit card. When our man confronted him and told him the computer was fine he immediately started shouting and disconnected the line!
Wonder if these cold callers are put under great pressure by customer AND bosses?

keep wondering dude....maybe finally u will crack the secret behind it.....
There have been cases of call centre workers committing suicides.

In first place whats your point starting this thread, is Pakistan jealous of these jobs going to India? will given an opportunity will Pakistani youth leave these job offers?
moreover, nobody is forcing youth of india to take these jobs, so one should be mature enough to handle the pressure, as this is the nature of these kind of jobs, you can't serve ,in services industry according to your will, its the client who matters most.
so if some day suppose (god forbid) some untoward incident happens due to extra work load in Maruti-Suzuki in India will you start a new thread questioning the same point of view.

And as our domestic market gets developed in the coming years we will be reaping the benefits of all these so called "cheap jobs" infrastructure and experience.

Its not like they were getting exploited, they are getting paid handsomely.
In first place whats your point starting this thread, is Pakistan jealous of these jobs going to India? will given an opportunity will Pakistani youth leave these job offers?
moreover, nobody is forcing youth of india to take these jobs, so one should be mature enough to handle the pressure, as this is the nature of these kind of jobs, you can't serve ,in services industry according to your will, its the client who matters most.
so if some day suppose (god forbid) some untoward incident happens due to extra work load in Maruti-Suzuki in India will you start a new thread questioning the same point of view.

And as our domestic market gets developed in the coming years we will be reaping the benefits of all these so called "cheap jobs" infrastructure and experience.

Its not like they were getting exploited, they are getting paid handsomely.

Dont argue with them ,they are sad - ever heared the story of a hungry fox & sour grapes
It's a personal choice.Call centres come decked with a 24 hour gym including a trainer,vegan food outlets,a doctor in attendance etc.You really can't assign blame on the corporations for employees making poor lifestyle decisions.Not to mention call centres provide financial independence even to folks barely out of school.I used to work at Dell Bangalore during school vacays for pocketing some fast cash and I was pleasantly shocked to see the level of sophisticated infrastructure put in place.Far better than some MNCs operating abroad.
Perhaps pressure at both sides from the boss and customers?

Guys please be aware. Last week a guy from our office had a call from a call centre based in Calcutta. He tryed to cold call our techy guy in the office - who builds and lives computers. He proceeded to tell him his computer was badly infected. What he didnt realize was the lad that works in our office is a computer geek and knows them inside out. He pretended to play along with this Indian chap from who asked him to print some commands into the computer resulting eventually a series of numbers coming up on the screen. He told our chap the computer was very badly infected but he could fix it for £101. Payment had to be made by credit card. When our man confronted him and told him the computer was fine he immediately started shouting and disconnected the line!
Wonder if these cold callers are put under great pressure by customer AND bosses?

How did you knew that he was calling from Kolkatta.
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