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CAA to outsource pilot licence exam to British firm

No, misleading title. But it will be expensive nonetheless, don't know how much CAA charged for commercial licenses tests.

But, I don't see any other option. CAA license tests won't be recognized anymore, and it's obvious that local private institutes would be also viewed with doubt and concern.

So it has to be outsourced, aviation is a global business and phenomena, you need the legitimacy and recognition. This is not the permanent solution though.
They can have privately owned schools in Pakistan which are recognized internationally.
Because that same Pakistani will try to buy his license if he gets a chance. Close to two hundred people died because of incompetent pilots. If you need a reminder go listen to the audio of that PIA crash.

"Inshallah" doesn't help land an airplane. Proper flying knowledge and skill does.
Why should a Pakistani , living in Pakistan , who earns in Rupees , pay in Pound Sterling ?
Makes no sense sorry
They can have privately owned schools in Pakistan which are recognized internationally.
All flight training schools follow a given critarion by CAA Pakistan which is based on the Standards of International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO..

JAA when incorporated EASA based exams they increased the amount of ground study hours to 706hrs. that is almost 12 months schooling. This system also made sure that the Commercial Pilot licence (CPL) was finished and MCPL (Multi Crew Pilot Licence) was issued with 500 hours flying experiance both on cessna 172 and Boeing 737 NG or A320 Aircraft Simulators. This increased the cost of flight training 0-500 hours to 150000-200000 GBP.

PAkistan can not afford this system as this system would require airlines to directly select/train the candidates eliminating flight schools completely. Moreover this would make these airline bound to accept all the students that have been trained by them i.e job guarantee. Something no airline can afford moreover
Ex AIr Force pilot would be the loosers as they will not be considered by airlines as they would have already filled the pilot slots by the candidates undergoing training.

Because that same Pakistani will try to buy his license if he gets a chance. Close to two hundred people died because of incompetent pilots. If you need a reminder go listen to the audio of that PIA crash.

"Inshallah" doesn't help land an airplane. Proper flying knowledge and skill does.
The audio available online is of ATC not the CVR...Let that be published then we can see who is at fault and if Landing gear was mal functioning or not.
It almost seems Pakistanis require supervision and external support in most industries now - nearly going backwards to pre-independence and ripe for colonization and subjugation due to a broken and corrupt society, where is the new East India company to help provide this much needed service?
Actually this is the way forward. Pakistan has adopted a perverse form of autarky. While the world is moving toward globalization Pakistan headed inwards and parochial. Just compare Pakistan to UAE. They hire the best from across the world without any inhibitions. Emirates has British CEO. Bank of England is ran by a Canadian. Many US companies that have revenues far in excess of Pakistan like Google employ Indian CEO's.

such talent brings in fresh ideas. We live in global economy and to compete with global markets you must poach global ideas and even human resouces.
. .
The International Civil Aviation has barred the CAA from conducting pilot licence tests after the controversial statement of Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan over fake licences of pilots, following the PIA aircraft crash in Karachi in 2020. The Federal Investigation Agency is also investigating the fake licences.

This is the devious way Jang and News reports. It was not due to the minister statement. Its due to corrupt practices of CAA which were encouraged and enabled by PMLN and PPP govts. But blame the minister for the illness!

Taking it to public was the correct decision. This is about public safety. It should have been made public.
. .
Such a shameful thing. instead of fixing the problem and hanging the corrupt people in our licensing department we took the easy and shameful way out.

The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority has completed homework to award a British company the contract to conduct pilot licensing tests.

According to the Civil Aviation Authority sources, British company UKCI will conduct licence tests for the Pakistani pilots against six million Pounds Sterling as per the proposed agreement. The pilots will have to pay exam fee in British pounds. On the other hand, a local flying school has opposed the move to award the contract to the British company. The flying school administration said, “The course is already very expensive and the examination fee will multiply manifolds after awarding the contract to a British company.” The school has demanded reviewing the decision.

When asked for details about the proposed contract, the CAA spokesperson declined to reply. The International Civil Aviation has barred the CAA from conducting pilot licence tests after the controversial statement of Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan over fake licences of pilots, following the PIA aircraft crash in Karachi in 2020. The Federal Investigation Agency is also investigating the fake licences.

PAF or even the Army could have taken care of it efficiently. They are operating hundreds of safe sorties without any issue. Why making UK rich ?
The real value of the $6 million contract is the trust. It's like value of a a degree from Oxford or Harvard is greater than one from University of Multan because the value and global recognition. These pilots will be flying planes across the world. No point in having certificates that rest of the world does not trust and refuses entry of planes into their airspace effectively leaving Pakistani pilots only restricted to flying inside Pakistan. The only alternative then would be to hire foreign pilots.

This is the solution to this problem until Pakistan earns integrity across the world. This is bizzarely similiar to FATF.

Before this saga our pilots were flying the planes of not only national airline but also the planes of other airlines world-over. The Minister for aviation made mess of a matter which was under investigation, only 5 pilots found guilty which were even less than 1% of total numbers of pilots, India had much more fake pilots but their minister does not give away speeches to undermine its own department.
Why should a Pakistani , living in Pakistan , who earns in Rupees , pay in Pound Sterling ?
Makes no sense sorry

Yes, this government was against the contracts in foreign currency and made the first contract in foreign currency.
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I feel someone read my words great if it's true
Because that same Pakistani will try to buy his license if he gets a chance. Close to two hundred people died because of incompetent pilots. If you need a reminder go listen to the audio of that PIA crash.

"Inshallah" doesn't help land an airplane. Proper flying knowledge and skill does.

The pilot, who was flying that unfortunate plane, was not possessing dubious license, this was the mistake made by the minister that led us to this point. He should not have linked that unfortunate incident with dubious licenses.
Ah .. finally an O&A levels for pilots because just like the general education system the flying education evaluation in Pakistan is untrustworthy.

Might even improve the quality of civil pilots and will see the old stewardess swinging - part drunk fellows thrown out. Now if they can only stop putting air marshall upon air marshall incharge of PIA and actually hire an aviation business expert.

It almost seems Pakistanis require supervision and external support in most industries now - nearly going backwards to pre-independence and ripe for colonization and subjugation due to a broken and corrupt society, where is the new East India company to help provide this much needed service?

We better outsource a prime minister as well
The pilot, who was flying that unfortunate plane, was not possessing dubious license, this was the mistake made by the minister that led us to this point. He should not have linked that unfortunate incident with dubious licenses.
When you have non technical personnel on positions they are not qualified then anyone can feed them any information. If the information fed is inaccurate then you have these issues. This problem is not new Julius Ceaser, fall of Baghdad etc. are prime examples.
We better outsource a prime minister as well
Ohh we already did that twice...

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