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Busted again- " China gets $1 trillion boost from dodgy data: Report"

There goes the J-20. Might really need to use that bought carrier as a casino after all. :lol:

I know you're just joking, but even with a lower than expected economy, they're still the second largest in the world and can still pretty much afford the J-20 and J-31 projects.
How much is the real China's GDP according to you or your reliable source??

I bet it is still much much bigger than Indian LOL

We are not comparing India and China in this thread

And by the way no one claimed India is better than Chine in terms of GDP/income/standered of living
Do you consider nyt, yahoo, bloomberg, and such reputable? If yes than i can find articles that says china will soon surpass america.

Also i do carry on, but some people try to use these false info to discredit china in order to make themselves feel better, not saying who, just some people.

yes I find them mostly reputable and I agree china will at some point surpass us. your own govt said it fudged the export numbers, so it was not just articles. several other indicators show that numbers are fudged. you cannot have a stock market with losses all year and still be growing at levels you say you are...
yes I find them mostly reputable and I agree china will at some point surpass us. your own govt said it fudged the export numbers, so it was not just articles.

can i get a source on where China government said this?
I think she got her points from this article : Premier U.S. Fighter Jet Has Major Shortcomings - Washington Post

stealth being a huge part of the aircraft and most maintenance associated with F22 has to do with the " stealth" feature, which the air force also acknowledged.

she is not mad clown or cow, come on now.

she is quoting a comment made by someone about the " vulnerability to rain" and not asserting it. I really like some more clarity about it. I think she is just going by comment made by a some guy in the know. although I find it kind of irresponsible all the same coming from her. Rest of her video is pretty spot on but that does not make the aircraft any less lethal, would you agree? even Gates and Mccain said so re: boondoggle ...I think moving to F35 is the right decision. F22 was inducted when- in the 80's was it?
Regardless of her source, Maddow is now considered an 'expert' on aviation by the gullible Chinese. :lol:

Whoever was her source, knowing or unknowingly, also was clueless about basic radar detection, let alone 'stealth', so it is a case of the ignorants propagating a falsehood. I have explained how Maddow was wrong several times before. It require a bit of a refresher on basic radar detection process so let us leave it at that. Since my explanations, no one reasonably intelligent on this forum took that video seriously. In a way, I kinda feel sorry for the Chinese who continues to believe in it.
Regardless of her source, Maddow is now considered an 'expert' on aviation by the gullible Chinese. :lol:

Whoever was her source, knowing or unknowingly, also was clueless about basic radar detection, let alone 'stealth', so it is a case of the ignorants propagating a falsehood. I have explained how Maddow was wrong several times before. It require a bit of a refresher on basic radar detection process so let us leave it at that. Since my explanations, no one reasonably intelligent on this forum took that video seriously. In a way, I kinda feel sorry for the Chinese who continues to believe in it.

Rachael Maddow knows alot more about aviation than you playstation boy :lol:

She brutally exposed the massive flaws in the F-22 :D
Rachael Maddow knows alot more about aviation than you playstation boy :lol:

She brutally exposed the massive flaws in the F-22 :D
Looks like the quality of the Chinese 50-cent army is in decline. It was already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I'm not sure if you read the stories, those are country lead crackdowns on fraud businessmen. So ccp not only doesn't encourage them but is also cracking down.

These false invoices are used to illegally move money by businesses.

Also if you look, it is a very small percentage, and the majority of the story talks of how the economy has slowed down and ccp cracking down.

But you make it seem xi jinping is changing numbers at his desk.

These frauds certainly doesn't equal to 1 trillion.

Now on the subject of frauds, do you consider the various united states ponzi schemes, fake exports, and such by united states companies to say united states gdp is also false? The states is the finiancial center of the world, and with their wallstreet and bankers, you don't think they got more integrity than chinese counterparts do you?
Wats new in it ? Its there for decades. Congratz china
Even China does not know how big her size is. :)

Well, you now knows???

China may be exaggerating the size of its economy to the tune of $1 trillion by releasing "willfully fraudulent" inflation and GDP [gross domestic product] data, according to a study out this week.
Numbers from the world's second largest economy are treated with skepticism by some economists, but this latest report has attempted to quantify the scale of discrepancy.

"There is strong evidence indicating that the rate of real Chinese GDP growth, and ultimately total real GDP, may be significantly over stated," said Christopher Balding, associate professor at Peking University's HSBC Business School, and the report's author.

Through "significant and systematic irregularities", official estimates overstate China's true GDP by 8 to 12 percent, or $1 trillion, according to Balding.

Balding looked at data from between 2000 and 2011, and found that inflation numbers had been manipulated in a way that distorted other measures such as GDP and disposable income.
"If inflation data is not accurate, or is willfully fraudulent, as appears to be the case, it will impact many other areas of economic and financial data leading to large disparities over time," said Balding. "It is disturbing that a statistical body would so obviously manipulate and produce blatantly fraudulent data."

In particular, the report focused on housing inflation data, which is one of the biggest items in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). China's booming economy has caused people to migrate from rural areas to the expanding cities, causing house prices to rocket in industrialised areas. Yet official statistics showed rural house prices increasing more than those in urban areas, said Balding.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics China, the price of private housing in rural areas grew at 1.67 percent per year on average, more than three times faster than prices in urban areas, which averaged 0.53 percent.

In addition, official statistics suggest the price of private housing in China rose by a very modest 8.14% over the 11-year period, despite a housing market boom and a quintupling in nominal GDP.
"The claim that the housing component of CPI grew by less than 10 percent between 2000 and 2011 is nothing less than comical," Professor Balding wrote.

Analysts have long-been been cautious of official Chinese data.
Qinwei Wang, China economist at Capital Economics, told CNBC that the discrepancy between official Chinese GDP data and Capital Economics' own growth indicator became more apparent in 2012.

"Since 2012, our indicator suggests the slowdown in China has been faster than what official data showed. Our data suggests that the growth of China's economy is 1-2 percent lower than official data, growing slightly above 6 percent."
Balding said he hoped his research would change the way the Chinese authorities deal with data.
"I think the Chinese leadership is really struggling with the data. I don't think they even know what is really going on within their own country," he told CNBC.
"Hopefully this paper will spur the Chinese government to come up with better statistics to see what's going on in the own country."

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