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Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

No, officer, I am not a doctor; I just like to dress as one.
That's not a crime, I presume!


Your example is invalid.

1) a surgeon most likely isn't going to wear a mask in public.

2) even if they did (as a lot of people do in some asian countries such as China where the air is polluted, and to protect against disease/sickness) they aren't going to refuse to remove the mask if asked by a police officer/get violent about it.
Your example is invalid.

1) a surgeon most likely isn't going to wear a mask in public.

2) even if they did (as a lot of people do in some asian countries such as China where the air is polluted, and to protect against disease/sickness) they aren't going to refuse to remove the mask if asked by a police officer/get violent about it.


But you know some people justify everything ,how could they miss that on point of hudood?

But you know some people justify everything ,how could they miss that on point of hudood?

na, its just being a smart ***... we had some threads here before enactment, with people saying we will do this and do that..
the law is neutral, so gas mask wont help anybody.. :chilli:
You are right, but france have a point when they say face veil isolates people from wider community. They are not banning rest of the dress.
Ban is morally wrong, but probably a practical solution to what france thinks is isolation of muslim women.

Also, criminals can use it for crime, like the selfridges incident.

But criminals also use knives and wear shoes, should the French ban those too? I just don't buy this argument.

As for the isolation, they have no evidence that these Muslim women are being isolated.

Again, none of their arguments make any sense.
But criminals also use knives and wear shoes, should the French ban those too? I just don't buy this argument.

As for the isolation, they have no evidence that these Muslim women are being isolated.

Again, none of their arguments make any sense.

knives are banned in Uk, if you carry it on street and confronted by police, you will have lot of explanation to give. (self defence is not good enough reason)
I said criminals can use it for crime, and CCTV will find it difficult to catch if you wear balaclava or mask.
If you outlaw them (in general usage on street, not for special events or demonstration), police can confront those who wear these.

They cant just hide in crowd after crime.

I did not mean, criminals use it hence its bad.
knives are banned in Uk, if you carry it on street and confronted by police, you will have lot of explanation to give. (self defence is not good enough reason)
I said criminals can use it for crime, and CCTV will find it difficult to catch if you wear balaclava or mask.
If you outlaw them (in general usage on street, not for special events or demonstration), police can confront those who wear these.

They cant just hide in crowd after crime.

I did not mean, criminals use it hence its bad.

I meant the common house knife, not hunting knives. Criminals are known to use them.

Anyway, it still doesn't make sense, because it amounts to collective punishment. If I start using pants to cover my face, should be ban pants? What about underwear? How about I use tree leaves? With this sort of logic, we should probably ban hoodies too. If this is not going to deter criminals, and it won't, then there is no point to the ban. You can say that it's easier to identify criminals if they don't wear the veil, but then going naked also makes it easy.

It's a fascist policy that makes no logical sense.

I've said it a million times, all these people do is use "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" logic, and as we know, correlation does not imply causation.
I meant the common house knife, not hunting knives. Criminals are known to use them.

Anyway, it still doesn't make sense, because it amounts to collective punishment. If I start using pants to cover my face, should be ban pants? What about underwear? How about I use tree leaves? With this sort of logic, we should probably ban hoodies too.

It's a fascist policy that makes no logical sense.

I've said it a million times, all these people do is use "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" logic, and as we know, correlation does not imply causation.
thats because you think they have banned islamic face veil only, its any covering of face, that is banned. You cant wear balaclava either.
Applies to men and women, muslim as well as non muslims.
For muslim women, they can wear it inside car.

I just showed you there is causal link, did not say criminals happen to wear these hence its bad...

Yes, try carrying a kitchen knife in your bag in street of london(which is unpacked), and tell police that you are a cook when they catch you. As if they have not heard it enough times already.. :lol:

You are not allowed to buy even kitchen knife if you are below 18.
Your example is invalid.

1) a surgeon most likely isn't going to wear a mask in public.

2) even if they did (as a lot of people do in some asian countries such as China where the air is polluted, and to protect against disease/sickness) they aren't going to refuse to remove the mask if asked by a police officer/get violent about it.

I think the most important reason is the reason behind wearing it. A surgeon's mask does not have a repressive ideology behind it. The French are fighting the ideology.
thats because you think they have banned islamic face veil only, its any covering of face, that is banned. You cant wear balaclava either.
Applies to men and women, muslim as well as non muslims.
For muslim women, they can wear it inside car.

I just showed you there is causal link, did not say criminals happen to wear these hence its bad...

Yes, try carrying a kitchen knife in your bag in street of london(which is unpacked), and tell police that you are a cook when they catch you. As if they have not heard it enough times already.. :lol:

You are not allowed to buy even kitchen knife if you are below 18.

It's not just the Islamic face veil I'm talking about, it's any sort of face concealing cloth. I simply doesn't make sense, this will not deter crime, so there is no point in the ban. There are isolated incidents, but that still doesn't mean anything. Again, none of this makes any sense to me. Anyways, it's clear that the law specifically targets the burqa, that's already been proven as it was introduced when Sarkozy was trying to appeal to the racist conservative demographic, during high anti-Islamic sentiment in France.

As for the banning of kitchen knives, no, it is not. As long as your knife is 2 inches and smaller, you are allowed to carry it. That's actually UK law, how do I know? Because Canada copied the exact same law.
It's not just the Islamic face veil I'm talking about, it's any sort of face concealing cloth. I simply doesn't make sense, this will not deter crime, so there is no point in the ban. There are isolated incidents, but that still doesn't mean anything. Again, none of this makes any sense to me. Anyways, it's clear that the law specifically targets the burqa, that's already been proven as it was introduced when Sarkozy was trying to appeal to the racist conservative demographic, during high anti-Islamic sentiment in France.

As for the banning of kitchen knives, no, it is not. As long as your knife is 2 inches and smaller, you are allowed to carry it. That's actually UK law, how do I know? Because Canada copied the exact same law.

I dont know any kitchen knife that is 3 inches long, there are swiss army knife things which specifically make sure that their blade is less than 3 inch.
how do I know? I carry one in my bag sometimes when I travel around (not for self defence though, its just handy tool)

About the reason behind ban face covering cloths, phobia indeed might be the case.

Basic laws on knives
It is illegal to:

sell a knife of any kind (including cutlery and kitchen knives) to anyone under 18
carry a knife in public without good reason - unless it’s a knife with a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less, eg a Swiss Army knife
carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife (the list of banned knives is below)
use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife, such as a Swiss Army knife)

The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and a fine of £5,000.

There is no kitchen knife that is 2 inches long, there are swiss army knife things which specifically make sure that their blade is less than 2 inch.
how do I know, I carry one in my bag sometimes when I travel around (not for self defence though, its just handy tool)

About the reason behind ban face covering cloths, phobia indeed might be the case.

Actually,there are kitchen knives that are 2 inches long, they're used to cut things like cherry-tomatoes, I should know, I use them every day.

Let's be totally honest, the phobia probably is the case.

As a side note, 4 months and I have over 800 posts. Is that good or bad?
Actually,there are kitchen knives that are 2 inches long, they're used to cut things like cherry-tomatoes, I should know, I use them every day.

Let's be totally honest, the phobia probably is the case.

As a side note, 4 months and I have over 800 posts. Is that good or bad?
I have given the link of exact rules that police considers including exemtions, the issue is knife is considered a security threat, and increasingly face covering is so. Its a good reason, just because islamophobes enacted does not make it wrong.
Causation and not correlation please.. :chilli:

Check your daily post rate.. my profile > about me (I learnt it today from @Neptune)
mine is 11, what is yours?

on a side note: which animal will be your favourite pet, cat or dog..
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I have given the link of exact rules that police considers including exemtions, the issue is knife is considered a security threat, and increasingly face covering is so. Its a good reason, just because islamophobes enacted does not make it wrong.
Causation and not correlation please.. :chilli:

Check your daily post rate.. my profile > about me (I learnt it today from @Neptune)
mine is 11, what is yours?

on a side note: which animal will be your favourite pet, cat or dog..

I did say probably... Still, I think we just differ on the morality of the issue. Correlation does not imply causation, it's pretty much a base for common logic.

huh, 10.26 posts per day. Is that a lot?

I like cats, dogs tend to be noisy and harder to take care of.
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Very inaccurate and misinformed

Same like Saudi Arabians have their own interpretations on who is really a muslim/Arab - and claim to be an Islamic sharia state despite kingdoms being forbidden in islam.

We don't have an interpretation to claim who is an Arab on who isn't. Actually, Saudi Arabia isn't
An Arab country, but Arabian. Similarly, We don't have an interpretation to determine who's Muslim and who isn't it, if you mean a sec recognition then officially we don't recognize Shias to be Muslims, and yet we allow them an access to the holy sites as long as they don't whine and lash themselves out. KSA never claimed to be a Shria-law country, but rather an Islamic.

Arabs are famous for hiring foreign construction contractors.

The two biggest constriction contractors in the ME are Saudi owned companies, but we do hire foreigners from all over the globe, not only in construction but else where.

If you meant citizenship - They dont give it to non Arabs

Not true, there are Saudi Burmese, Pakistanis, Turks, Africans, and Asians.
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I did say probably... Still, I think we just differ on the morality of the issue. Correlation does not imply causation, it's pretty much a base for common logic.

huh, 10.26 posts per day. Is that a lot?

I like cats, dogs tend to be noisy and harder to take care of.

Well, most freedom that is taken away from individual to make life better for majority sounds morally unjust for me, never argued this on moral basis but practical one. I am in favour of restiction of guns in US, although its morally unjust.

just because criminals wear xyz attire does not make the wearing of it wrong - i agree
just becase islamophobes brought the legislation, does not make legislation wrong - ?

I think the law does not discriminate, and at the same time give religious freedom.

10.26 is nearly same as mine.. I think I should cut down.. :)

I have posted a video 'secret lives of dogs' .. will post 'secret lives of cats' when available on youtube.
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