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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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Again you're misquoting the Quran, not only is your transliteration bad, but any meaning you implied as if its against anything I said.

In essence I'm referring our disagreement to Allah and his Messenger. Please point out any one thing that Allah has said in his Quran that would tell you that a Burkha is required. Can you imagine, not a single line in the Quran mandates the Burkha and you're here falsely proclaiming it as a fact? Even worse, why did you quote this ayat, as if it vindicates ANYTHING you're saying.

That is the problem with the modern Mullah, aiwai ai bai shai karo pretend to know the Quran, kahin ki baat kahin joro and dazzle their followers as if their word is second after Allah's.

Answer me why did you quote this ayat? What was your point? While we are at it, the two heroes who liked your post can comment on what they liked about it? It was aiwai and out of context. Answer please.
Look If u knew about Holy Quran or understood it from some AAlim/scholar u wouldn't have asked me anything ....For me In order to explain U the meaning of this Ayat U have to come and become my student ....otherwise U will be kept blind in this world and the next one as well...:smokin:
The last time I checked this so called scholar on TV went from a Masters to a PHD in 20 days from a college called Trinity. He is definitely not the only one. I mostly consider all of these guys to be in the same boat. Just that this so called scholar was particularly not that bright to begin with. Who says **** like that on a set of a program??? Either way .. Religion .. all of it .. non existant. Everyone follows whatever the hell they want to. All I got to say is "App nay Ghalib film dekhi hai?"
I am new here. I started reading this article from the start and even after reading 200 posts I am still unable to understand why is every arguing? Topic was Burqa - A Security Challenge? and unfortunately I am unable to find single post discussing it as security challenge and how this problem can be solved. Everyone here seems more interested in giving his/her own version of Islam.

I don't know if it is allowed in this forum to criticize other member but most of the person's comments don't even make sense. First of all thread starter, he has just one thing he keeps on repeating in all his posts about Ya-Allah Khair thing. I don't understand why you even cared to shared this topic here? Perhaps you seems more interested in discussing others versions of Islam and things like that rather than sticking to the topic you actually started. I wonder have you been increasing your number of posts here or is there any sense of debate in you. (No offense)

Most of you (not all) agree on the same thing that it women's choice if she wants to wear Burqa or not? I personally believe that you can't force women to wear Burqa or leave it, it totally up to her whether she wants it or not. But you can't stop fighting here, can you? Because that wouldn't be fun. Get over it and come to the actual to topic. Because both (sides of different point of view) can't force women to wear or leave Burqa, so whats the solution to all this then?
I am new here. I started reading this article from the start and even after reading 200 posts I am still unable to understand why is every arguing? Topic was Burqa - A Security Challenge? and unfortunately I am unable to find single post discussing it as security challenge and how this problem can be solved. Everyone here seems more interested in giving his/her own version of Islam.

I don't know if it is allowed in this forum to criticize other member but most of the person's comments don't even make sense. First of all thread starter, he has just one thing he keeps on repeating in all his posts about Ya-Allah Khair thing. I don't understand why you even cared to shared this topic here? Perhaps you seems more interested in discussing others versions of Islam and things like that rather than sticking to the topic you actually started. I wonder have you been increasing your number of posts here or is there any sense of debate in you. (No offense)

Most of you (not all) agree on the same thing that it women's choice if she wants to wear Burqa or not? I personally believe that you can't force women to wear Burqa or leave it, it totally up to her whether she wants it or not. But you can't stop fighting here, can you? Because that wouldn't be fun. Get over it and come to the actual to topic. Because both (sides of different point of view) can't force women to wear or leave Burqa, so whats the solution to all this then?

The posting is strong in this one.

Sadly you have summed up most threads, they consist of each person repeating the same statement in different ways with out really addressing the other persons point.

On the bright side there are some exceptionally talented, experienced and wise members that provide the 10% worth reading. The content they provide is well worth dreging through the rest to find :) so please persist and dont allow this thread to form your opinion of PDF.
I am new here. I started reading this article from the start and even after reading 200 posts I am still unable to understand why is every arguing? Topic was Burqa - A Security Challenge? and unfortunately I am unable to find single post discussing it as security challenge and how this problem can be solved. Everyone here seems more interested in giving his/her own version of Islam.

I don't know if it is allowed in this forum to criticize other member but most of the person's comments don't even make sense. First of all thread starter, he has just one thing he keeps on repeating in all his posts about Ya-Allah Khair thing. I don't understand why you even cared to shared this topic here? Perhaps you seems more interested in discussing others versions of Islam and things like that rather than sticking to the topic you actually started. I wonder have you been increasing your number of posts here or is there any sense of debate in you. (No offense)

Most of you (not all) agree on the same thing that it women's choice if she wants to wear Burqa or not? I personally believe that you can't force women to wear Burqa or leave it, it totally up to her whether she wants it or not. But you can't stop fighting here, can you? Because that wouldn't be fun. Get over it and come to the actual to topic. Because both (sides of different point of view) can't force women to wear or leave Burqa, so whats the solution to all this then?

If you are new I want to tell you that this happens all the time.

Regarding the technicalities of which you are asking I want to add something that there are total two incidents occur in which women suicide bombers are used.In the first bombing which
happened in Bajaur.These women are not simply acting as suicide bombers, they are trained in basic combat techniques, as evidenced by their hurling of hand grenades. Those dispatching these
female bombers know that reaching the target site can be difficult — security forces have implemented many precautions to stop bombers due to the high number of attacks in recent years.

Now the question here which should be asked is not about one aspect or one loophole which is Burqa,But why women suicide bombers are used by terrorists in the first place?

The answer to this question not since women wears Burqa in tribal areas it makes iteasy for them to attack.

The answer to this question is that the use of female suicide bombers is an effective means to circumvent the Pakistani intelligence and security apparatus. An increased crackdown on Pakistani militants — which includes a military offensive throughout the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (including Mohmand agency) and a countrywide intelligence operation has resulted in the deaths of a large number of male militants, with others landing on security wanted lists. Their presence on these lists makes men more likely to be watched with greater scrutiny than women.

Tell me If ban of Burqa is really that important than what about those male bombers who have made countless attacks.They do not wear Burqa.This is simply the equation my friend.
If you are new I want to tell you that this happens all the time.

Regarding the technicalities of which you are asking I want to add something that there are total two incidents occur in which women suicide bombers are used.In the first bombing which
happened in Bajaur.These women are not simply acting as suicide bombers, they are trained in basic combat techniques, as evidenced by their hurling of hand grenades. Those dispatching these
female bombers know that reaching the target site can be difficult — security forces have implemented many precautions to stop bombers due to the high number of attacks in recent years.

Now the question here which should be asked is not about one aspect or one loophole which is Burqa,But why women suicide bombers are used by terrorists in the first place?

The answer to this question not since women wears Burqa in tribal areas it makes iteasy for them to attack.

The answer to this question is that the use of female suicide bombers is an effective means to circumvent the Pakistani intelligence and security apparatus. An increased crackdown on Pakistani militants — which includes a military offensive throughout the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (including Mohmand agency) and a countrywide intelligence operation has resulted in the deaths of a large number of male militants, with others landing on security wanted lists. Their presence on these lists makes men more likely to be watched with greater scrutiny than women.

Tell me If ban of Burqa is really that important than what about those male bombers who have made countless attacks.They do not wear Burqa.This is simply the equation my friend.
I had repeat this so many times that what about a male bomber ???
what about a car bomb (specificity of CIA , they doing this in iraq and now in peshawer ) but because ony burqa is the issue for these fascist they rant around about banning burqa.

if now we say band the burq and all women must wear chadar or dupata (must) then these liberals start its upto the women wha she wears, and dont violet the women right.
sometime later a secular fascist will show up and say ban food cause terrorists first eat food all their life from childhood till the day they blow themselves up so if we can ban food terrorists wont survive and grow.:lol:
Oh com'n only the part which suits you is right ??? hunh
what about the other part that the women should lower there Gaze???????
dont pick the half part .......
if she would have been covered with chadar or any thing not showing her beauty then the same case would be there is after the burka happend ... no one looks at a women which wears chadar or even a decent looking dopata would have dont better.
is what she wearing according to the orders of Islam .??? NO.

How many women are adam-teasing boys?

About how wonderful it was when no one looked at the woman... well that wasn't the woman's fault that people were looking at her, it was the men's fault. They need to fix themselves, not that the woman cover herself up in a wrapping.

There is no order according to Islam that states that you need to cover yourself up in a Burkha. Not one. Show me where it says so in the Quran.
Look If u knew about Holy Quran or understood it from some AAlim/scholar u wouldn't have asked me anything ....For me In order to explain U the meaning of this Ayat U have to come and become my student ....otherwise U will be kept blind in this world and the next one as well...:smokin:

How wonderful that not one of you "Islaami" folks have stepped up to the challenge of quoting from the Quran. Maulvi sahab ne bass jo kehdia usko sach maanlia... Try to understand Islam rather than just follow it.

You must demonstrate you have the intellect of a teacher before smart people can sign up into your following. Otherwise be content with your students of mindless zealots.
Its tradtional ... u cant FORCE people to change.... if u apply force u will create more problems.... and we dont need tht right now.
I am new here. I started reading this article from the start and even after reading 200 posts I am still unable to understand why is every arguing? Topic was Burqa - A Security Challenge? and unfortunately I am unable to find single post discussing it as security challenge and how this problem can be solved. Everyone here seems more interested in giving his/her own version of Islam.

I don't know if it is allowed in this forum to criticize other member but most of the person's comments don't even make sense. First of all thread starter, he has just one thing he keeps on repeating in all his posts about Ya-Allah Khair thing. I don't understand why you even cared to shared this topic here? Perhaps you seems more interested in discussing others versions of Islam and things like that rather than sticking to the topic you actually started. I wonder have you been increasing your number of posts here or is there any sense of debate in you. (No offense)

Most of you (not all) agree on the same thing that it women's choice if she wants to wear Burqa or not? I personally believe that you can't force women to wear Burqa or leave it, it totally up to her whether she wants it or not. But you can't stop fighting here, can you? Because that wouldn't be fun. Get over it and come to the actual to topic. Because both (sides of different point of view) can't force women to wear or leave Burqa, so whats the solution to all this then?

If all the colors in the world were just black and white we will not have complicated decisions to face. The problem started when people made it a point to say that for whatever reasons whether it be suicide bombings or high water, Burqa can not come off. Explaining to people that their traditions and beliefs aside "if" security situation in this area persists to deteriorate there will have to be sacrifices made to save innocent lives. But they do not budge from their stance and say that it is in the quran therefore nothing can change because around them everything is stagnant for the past 1400 years. I did not want to get into personal life issues I have dealt with in this country but you leave me no choice. The maid that comes to my house wears a burqa to work and at work when I am around. Horrible job if you ask me, walking into walls and spilling stuff. Just feels awkward. I sat down with the rest of the family and asked her the reason why was it necessary at work and if she felt that I would look at her or some other case. She would not reply and I gave her my word that if she felt uncomfortable if I walked in I would walk out with my gaze lowered. And so the burqa was off and its been 2 years I do not know what her face really looks like. It wasnt that hard and I am not some guy who has no urges. She made her point clear and I respect her decision to obey her wishes. The household also gave me accounts of what the uncle down the street used to do and what his contributions were in getting that burqa on. I have confronted him and his white beard on this issue. It was not pleasant and the sad ending was that she was let go from that house. Anyway, good riddance.

Rather than forcing women to put this on, fight for the women in your life against these miscreants who are forcing them to wear this. Where has your concept of Jihad gone?? why can you not be real men and say we will force the men to lower their gaze instead of forcing the women to suffer in 40 degree weather. The choice of having to be eye ****ed if they go out should not exist. This is one choice I am against personally. But I can not speak for everyone. One person is not incharge of bringing change to the whole country and even if he can, he shouldn't. Bring change to your house then right outside your house, let others follow your example if they feel it makes sense. Otherwise continue to harrass women because it is the easier thing to do, with or without the burqa.
You've just too much from our islamican in training -- When things don't go according to their worldview, they begin having comprehension challenges.
What the ...

Don’t Say Aurat
Yahya Monastra

The view of a woman as nothing more than something to be completely covered explains how the meaning of the word “awrah” became transferred from a bodily defect to the very identity of Woman herself. It is a reflection of the social status of woman in India, confined to purdah and completely veiled, that in Urdu, women can only be spoken of as “she whose entire being is veiled.” But, what is worse is the original semantic implication still underlying this word: defect, deformity, weakness. It wrongs all womankind to designate them with such a derogatory term. The language we use affects the way we perceive reality. Calling Women a “defect” is a putdown that continually lowers her social and even existential status. To give women the respect they deserve, Urdu speakers need to stop calling them “‘aurat” and use another word. Given the rich resources from which Urdu draws its vocabulary, that would not be at all difficult. We could use Arabic imra’ah, nisâ’; or Persian zan; or Sanskrit strî or mahilâ. Anything would be better than the present word “aurat”.

In Persian and Kurdish, the word “awrat” has been used to mean “woman”. In Persian, this use of the word is uncommon and a bit archaic. But in Urdu, “aurat” is practically the only way to say “woman”. Although it comes from the Arabic word “awrah”, this word is not used to mean “woman” in Arabic.

The original Arabic word “awrah” comes from the root “ayn-wâw-râ”. The basic verb of this root, “awira / ya‘waru”, means “to be blind in one eye, to be one-eyed”. One derived verbal form of this root is “awwara / yu‘awwiru”, means “to deprive of one eye; to damage, mar, spoil”. Some nouns derived from this root meaning are “awâr”, meaning “fault, blemish, defect, flaw, imperfection” and “a‘war (m.) ‘awrâ’ (f.)”, means ‘one-eyed’.

The word “awrah” itself means “defectiveness, faultiness, deficiency, imperfection; pudendum, genitals; weakness, weak spot”. As a technical term in Islamic law, the extended sense of “pudendum” has been defined to mean the part of the body that must be covered for the sake of basic decency: for men, from the navel to the knees, and for women, the whole body except for the face, hands, and the feet. Some Muslim jurists over the centuries, with no justification in the sources of Sharî‘ah, increased the definition of woman’s “awrah” to mean the entire woman, with nothing excepted. This fit in with the institution of “purdah” which restricted women to their homes and made them cover their faces. One ruling of the veil, applied in some Arab countries, said that women had to cover one eye and leave the other uncovered to see with (which directly goes back to the original meaning of having only one eye).

Burqa! is really security challenge, when munafiq mullahs use to flee in burqa like molvi abdul aziz of lal mosque.
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