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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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thanks for your comments, going by your own logic of Pakistani culture and burka you wont also find winter coats worn by the women

But the point is that winter coats are worn by people and, if our aim is to ban clothing where bombs can be hidden, then winter coats should be banned also.

the problem my respected sir is not the Hijab / burka but its misuse by the terrorists in the current times

I laid out the burden of proof for banning the burqa. If it is met, then it should be banned regardless of its alleged religious justifications. On the other hand, if the burden of proof is not met, then there are no grounds for banning it, regardless of how some people don't like the look of it.

I think every Sunni has a right to know that what happened after the massacre of Krbala on 10th of Moharram, do you know how the grand daughters of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH (yes the same Muhammad PBUH whose Kalima we recite) were marched with bare heads into the streets of Syria? Try visualising it without the sectarian bigotry.

As a Shia, I know the Karbala episode all too well. Next time, don't make so many assumptions and spare me the gratuitous insults.

Kindly do note that I am from a conservative family and we Alhamdolilla are practicing Muslims and we live by the local customs and traditions that are according to the Islamic principles so kindly don’t pass judgement on us as liberal extremists.

Actually, I am neither conservative, nor do I come from a conservative family. Nobody in my family wears the burqa, or anything remotely like it. Having spent many many years in the West, I believe in the true liberal values of individual freedom and avoiding guilt-by-association. I have no respect for the pseufo-intellectuals in Pakistan who hide behing the 'liberal' label, yet espouse a fascist agenda to impose their will on the masses whom they consider 'uneducated' and 'backwards'. These are invariably the same people who bash Pakistan at every opportunity in other aspects also. As Imran Khan rightly points out, these liberal extremists are causing as much havoc in Pakistan as the mullahs because they polarize the debate and make it hard for moderates to find a middle ground.

It is time to stop moaning and carping about the problems and take active role in quelling this disorder, otherwise it could be outsiders and strangers doing this for us and it wont be pleasant.


It is time to address the core issues, which are the extemist indoctrination and absence of law and order. The burqa is only a distraction from the real problem -- even if it is banned, the terrorists will just find another way to beat the system. And, in the process, we will have managed to alienate yet another segment of our population.
IB.. you and I must figure out exactly where in the "tafseer" of your posts did people find you support banning the Burqa..
Since all I found in your posts and others are separate checks for the Burqa.. which I support.
Did you mention banning it ?? Because I dont remember that..neither did I.. how come we have been thrown out of the circle of Islam by the righteous ones..I think we even lost our Fast.. better offer some Kafarrah's somewhere.

you are correct Santro,
I dont remember it my self but I went back to check myself (just in case).. this is a usual practice of some people how they incorrectly attribute things to someone who has not even said or done and also exaggerate things to make a negative impression and use it repeatedly until the a blatant and baseless allegation becomes a truth.

By the way, I have been already barred to mention Islam by one of them so I am only left with my right as a human and a peaceful citizen to express my concerns and share my opinions.
Re Burka and countering the terrorists from abusing it reminds me a story I read on BBC website narrated bya NATO soldier din Afghanistan, he says that the physcial difference between a Taliban and civilian is nonexistent, both will have beards and turban and their clothing will also be the same, their attitude and their mood will be equally unpleasant or hostile and the only thing that will point towards possible trouble is that a Taliban will have concealed weapon on him which he can pull out any moment to take a shot at you.. so the reaction times are short to defend your self or shoot back while patrolling the streets/

In case of Pakistan Army in FATA its even harder because, again the normal tribesmen and the Taliban will look the same and might have the same hostilities towards the Pak Army, what makes it even more worse is that both will be brandishing weapons and the only difference will be that the Taliban will be actually aiming it at you and preparing to take a shot so the reaction time is almost nonexistent. Expecting tribesmen to disarm and dress like the urbanites is a non starter
So Pakistan army had to improvise and take causalities as well. Sadly when we have such hostile and negative reaction to merely mention the application of Burka by the terrorists and thus it becoming an instrument of terrorists then where do we stand at even figuring out a solution is beyond me.
Going by the opposition and the exaggerated situations drawn by our righteous brigade it seems like they rather see our fellow citizens blown up in bits than even entertain a discussion where a respectful and Islamic solution is found to stop the abuse of Burka by the terrorists.
yeah i remember the day when the chief secular (american servant) musharraf was telling the nation to let Americans bomb our brothers/sisters in Afghanistan else we will be sent back to stone ages , yeah the outspoken!

What you guyz think that by becoming partners in killing Afghans we Pakistanis will live in peace, just look around for the answers.

Again, the terrorists (not saying all Afghans are terrorists) who blow up innocent Pakistanis & fellow Muslims are not our brothers & sisters. Don't go around encouraging terrorism against innocent Pakistani civilians being a terrorist sympathizer.
most of the suicide bombings are carried out by people without wearing any Burka-- going by the logic of some people here, we should ban clothing also and make law that everyone walk naked in the public so our lazy security agencies can detect who's wearing suicide jackets.. :lol:

you are a sick person and it looks like you are getting some sad kicks out of this wishful thinking.
this is the second time you are wishing that people should walk naked so that you can gawk at them.
get a grip and don’t exaggerate, problem is its misuse not the Burka itself.
A burqa isolates a woman from society, other than also posing a threat to society (suicide bombers, both men & women have hid themselves underneath the Burqa in the past). Without seeing one's face, you limit communication with your co-workers. Social scientists have proven that the majority of the communication is done subliminally, through facial expressions; less is done through verbal means. Islam is a means of liberation, not suppression or oppression. Also, the burqa is not advocated in Islam, in Hajj or prayer/namaz/salat. Burqa/niqab is a pre-Islamic Arabian practice, a cultural thing.
A burqa isolates a woman from society, other than also posing a threat to society (suicide bombers, both men & women have hid themselves underneath the Burqa in the past). Without seeing one's face, you limit communication with your co-workers. Social scientists have proven that the majority of the communication is done subliminally, through facial expressions; less is done through verbal means. Islam is a means of liberation, not suppression or oppression. Also, the burqa is not advocated in Islam, in Hajj or prayer/namaz/salat. Burqa/niqab is a pre-Islamic Arabian practice, a cultural thing.
I guess Burqa is for the protection of women who loves Islam and try to follow Islam and not for the other pplz.......anywayz thanks for ure great and kind comments.....:)
But the point is that winter coats are worn by people and, if our aim is to ban clothing where bombs can be hidden, then winter coats should be banned also.

I agree and that’s what I said, Read the bold part again, why did you miss it?

thanks for your comments, going by your own logic of Pakistani culture and burka you wont also find winter coats worn by the women but that’s not the point. And this is what I am trying to convey, its not about the kind of garment it’s the application. By the way winter coats, if worn, will have similar implications

I laid out the burden of proof for banning the burqa. If it is met, then it should be banned regardless of its alleged religious justifications. On the other hand, if the burden of proof is not met, then there are no grounds for banning it, regardless of how some people don't like the look of it.
check out the first post, the bomber was indeed wearing the burka, our Lal Mosque firebrand Mullah used the same cover to escape and so did so many other Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Do you also need me to link you the post where a female bomber bombed a female shia gathering?

As a Shia, I know the Karbala episode all too well. Next time, don't make so many assumptions and spare me the gratuitous insults.
do you feel insulted if a Sunni quotes Karbala? Do you think Sunni Muslim doesn’t have any association and respect for Alh e Baith a.s and their sacrifices? Let me quote something a famous Sunni said about Imam Hussain r.a


my target audience was everyone in my post not just yourself, I just picked up on your points. You must be aware that the Taliban and their supporters consider your sect as heretics and there is a silent majority of Sunnis that is being intimidated and indoctrinated by these people to move away and disassociate with anything that Shias hold dear. So my dear friend, my intention was not to insult but to draw a parallel. This is a discussion forum right? We quote examples and we make our point and we share ideas. I request everyone to read my paragraph again and tell me if I was condescending? Addressing Sunnis was intentional because it’s a given that the Shia consider this tragedy as a basis for their struggle and their identity but it applies to every other Muslim too who recites the kalmia.

Actually, I am neither conservative, nor do I come from a conservative family. Nobody in my family wears the burqa, or anything remotely like it. Having spent many many years in the West, I believe in the true liberal values of individual freedom and avoiding guilt-by-association. I have no respect for the pseufo-intellectuals in Pakistan who hide behing the 'liberal' label, yet espouse a fascist agenda to impose their will on the masses whom they consider 'uneducated' and 'backwards'. These are invariably the same people who bash Pakistan at every opportunity in other aspects also. As Imran Khan rightly points out, these liberal extremists are causing as much havoc in Pakistan as the mullahs because they polarize the debate and make it hard for moderates to find a middle ground.

it seems to me that you are committing the “sin” of making an assumption and generalisation over myself. I am least rigid here who is actually requesting people to acknowledge this problem based on the very story this thread is started and so many other examples. How many other examples do you require where the terrorists have abused the religion and local sensitivities to cause destruction?

You see, it took a majority of us about ten years to acknowledge that this WoT is our war, specially when TTP turned Swat into a slaughter house. How long do you think we need and how many “compelling” evidences we need to decide that yes, burka is indeed an instrument of convenience for the terrorists.
You are being overtly defensive here, dismissing the fact that Burka has been used as a tool by Taliban and even their spokesman announced that he has an army of female bombers who would commit similar acts in the future is naïve. Its not a social experiment is it? Do you need a sample of 10000 or even more to accept that burka has become a security risk?
And no, the “liberal fascist” will never ever be able to do a fraction of harm to our country what these religious terrorists and their apologists have managed so far.
Like you mentioned, these so called secularists are only confined to few drawing rooms or symposiums or on web space and all they can manage is air their dissent. If the general public is resilient enough to suffer the bombings by the Islamists on regular bases then I request it to man it and stomach mere words of the liberal fascists as well. I don’t think anyone will loose limbs and/ or life by listening to or reading what a secularist has to say.
And with all due respect to you and Imran Khan, the liberal fascists are not polarising the discussion and making it harder for finding the solutions, it’s the likes of Mullah Abdul Rashid and Jamat Islami etc who are openly declaring the killing of Pak army, Shia and Ahemids as a religious duty. Who are openly telling people to rebel against the state and kill everyone who doesn’t agree with the Taliban version of Islam.


It is time to address the core issues, which are the extremist indoctrination and absence of law and order. The burqa is only a distraction from the real problem -- even if it is banned, the terrorists will just find another way to beat the system. And, in the process, we will have managed to alienate yet another segment of our population.

I agree completely what you are saying, but read all my posts and posts from Santro. At no point we are advocating the ban. First we are asking if other people also acknowledge that there is a problem? And then sharing ideas to find solutions.
Yes the enemy is very deceitful, it will shave off its beard, wear western clothes do away with burka etc to evade detection but remaining impassive will also not help. The traditional methods of screening still exist at the airports don’t they? Terrorism aside, the drug traffickers also use most novel and imaginative ways to smuggle contraband items don’t they? They slip through few times but then they get caught when the system catches up. The idea is to present deterrence and close the opportunities don’t give them free reign to kill and maim the citizens of Pakistan. Yes Burka is just one item and one should waste all the time and energy to put restrictions on it in a society which is so easily aroused.

Don’t you see? The terrorist are having a laugh at our predicament here its only the people who are suffering.
First we are asking if other people also acknowledge that there is a problem? And then sharing ideas to find solutions.

We all agree there is a problem and, with the burqa, the terrorists are using our religion and culture against us to hide the criminals. Perhaps we need a societal change. Perhaps we can learn from the Israelis. They have female guards throughout the civilians areas, including cafes and restaurants. That might be an acceptable compromise, and it would also create jobs (= empowerment) for women in our society.
couple of incidents have taken place and we see people making such demands, it seems these people were already waiting for an opportunity to raise voice against Burka-- So many incidents have taken place in cars, why not ban them also?

The only thing I'm saying is that there is nothing in the Quran that would be against the ban on the Burkha but protecting freedom of the woman to cloth herself would protect against a ban.

Quran only mandates that women adequately cover their breasts.

As far as day dreaming is concerned... It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. The whole world is moving in one direction you in another. You may say you can impose your Mullah will on Pakistan, but the world will not even leave Pakistan as anything if you don't make it strong from the inside.

Khair I'm very hopeful with Pakistan, things are changing so fast that even you all would be left behind wondering why did you oppose a good thing for so long when it happens and brings good along with it. See we will keep opposing you guys, and we will keep gaining in strength. How many Taseers can you kill? With each killing our resolve only gets stronger.

You guys didn't bother quoting anything from the Quran, but I will...

Inna ma'al usri yusra

Indeed, there is ease with hardship.

Words revealed by Allah at a time when the Prophet was disturbed in his heart facing challenges in spreading Allah's message.

So I said, theek hai bahi, tum log baray champion kaatil ho, kisi ko bhi maar dete ho jab bass nahi chalta. In the grand scheme of things sabse zyada haar bhi tum log hi rahay ho. For us, there is only ease after this hardship.
Dont know why, but seems the Pakistanis are taking this Burqa idea to the extreme, but the Arabs are not, the Arabs wear jens, and T-shirts inside the Burqa, the legs are visible during the walk, the face is shown, the hair are mostly shown, but then again, they do not show the figure of the body, and the condition is fulfilled. Pakistanis take it to the extreme, while a arab wearing it will look nice. It is maybe just ingrained into their culture though, like shalwar kamees in Pakistan.
O bhai! if you guyz are this much committed , go on the roads for your demands and we will see how many people follow you-- your (liberal/secular people) history shows that you can only shout on internet & tv.

yehan bolnay sey kuch nahi ho ga......

I am sure that no one will follow us on roads even we do not have courage to go on roads for this purpose, as we are afraid of facing a 'burqa posh' lady or a man, who will simply say 'ya allah khair' and will blow her/him taking all of us to hell with him.

Well to answer your concern about number of people to follow us, just visit any market / public place to see that how many ladies you can find wearing burqas. However you will find a massive number using scarfs / dupattas / chadars etc.
Dont know why, but seems the Pakistanis are taking this Burqa idea to the extreme, but the Arabs are not, the Arabs wear jens, and T-shirts inside the Burqa, the legs are visible during the walk, the face is shown, the hair are mostly shown, but then again, they do not show the figure of the body, and the condition is fulfilled. Pakistanis take it to the extreme, while a arab wearing it will look nice. It is maybe just ingrained into their culture though, like shalwar kamees in Pakistan.

Bhai pakistanis take everything to extreme, like there was movie about another prophet, i think Jesus, against which there was no protest in the world but in Pakistan tyers burnt and roads were blocked.
couple of incidents have taken place and we see people making such demands, it seems these people were already waiting for an opportunity to raise voice against Burka-- So many incidents have taken place in cars, why not ban them also?

What do you think? Why people were waiting for the oppotunity to raise voice against burqa?

Don't you think that these so called Islamic people are giving every chance to raise voice against every act of muslims? Even people now make fun of 'islam being religion of peace'.

No one is against burqa here, but everybody is concerned about the way it is being used for terrorism. So if you have any solution then please come with it.

Why everybody is against madressas? Just bcaz these were / are being used for brainwashing innocent teenagers. Infact there is no problem in madressa itself but it has become symbol of negativity.
I would like to reiterate one of my previous points here:

The burka itself is not the problem, but merely one of the many manifestations of a bigger and more complex matter, namely, that of social implementation and acceptance of modesty as defined in the Quran. The security issues raised by its use as a convenient camouflage mechanism by terrorists are part of a separate tactical nature.
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