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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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do you consider the victims of the Burka bombers useless trash?
would you welcome the chance that the females of your family also fall victim to some Burka bomber in the future?

Not lecturing you in reference to Islam because you own the sole rights to its interpretation just asking you on the bases of a human being as a fellow citizen and a peace loving person who holds no ill will to yourself.

Tell me hmm? Before detonating their explosives, did these bombers ever stop to check if the people were actually practicing Muslims and were against the war on terror? Do you decide or Mullah Fazlullah decides who lives and who dies? Do you decide how someone should die? It seems that Fazlullah is making all these decisions when he is sending his bombers.

Tell me how you will feel when you will know that the blood of your loved ones is spilled on the roads or shops? Help me to understand please, if you and Taliban are angry with liberals, Zardari and Taseer then that means that ordinary people trying to make a living should die in the most horrific way? only asking you on man to man bases as a fellow human, not bringing in religion because you and Fazlullah own it.

i don't know with what material your types brain is made of :disagree:, how many times we gonna say that we don't support terrorists groups like TTP-- opposing your secular generals or American terrorists doesn't mean that we support TTP- get this in your head!

Suppose, next time a non-burka woman commits suicide attack, the insane logic given here will lead me to believe that you guyz would demand banning of cloths in that case :eek:
Would you like to pinch yourself then.
Since clearly you are implying that the Burka is more sacred than Human lives.

O bhai! if you guyz are this much committed , go on the roads for your demands and we will see how many people follow you-- your (liberal/secular people) history shows that you can only shout on internet & tv.

yehan bolnay sey kuch nahi ho ga......
Theek hai bahi...

couple of incidents have taken place and we see people making such demands, it seems these people were already waiting for an opportunity to raise voice against Burka-- So many incidents have taken place in cars, why not ban them also?
Would you like to pinch yourself then.
Since clearly you are implying that the Burka is more sacred than Human lives.

Nothing angers these so called liberasl than a man with a beard and a woman wearing a Burka.....
All sorts of excuses are dug up to ban these if they had it there way.

Why should we give up our values ..... this means the terrorists win.
i don't know with what material your types brain is made of :disagree:, how many times we gonna say that we don't support terrorists groups like TTP-- opposing your secular generals or American terrorists doesn't mean that we support TTP- get this in your head!

Suppose, next time a non-burka woman commits suicide attack, the insane logic given here will lead me to believe that you guyz would demand banning of cloths in that case :eek:

its good to know that you dont support TTP terrorism and you hate American boot licking
I think many people including myself with share this view with you. By the way why are you evading the big problem of Burka bombers? What do you say about the abuse of the Burka and the respect of the females in our society by these wicked and demented people?
The subject of the thread is not demanding the banning of Burka, I too, am not demanding the ban just trying to find the ways around countering the terrorism.
Because I value life more than a burka, since you have taken away my right to explain this in terms of Islam so I am merely using the human right to exist without fear.

Please tell me Basit, since you have also decided that your brain matter is far superior to us mere mortals and hence you have the right to define and explain Islam, do you agree that Burka is facilitating a would be bomber to easily conceal large quantity of explosives for maximum carnage? Do you agree that Burka is helping the male terrorists to abuse its sanctity and use it to masquerade as a female to escape or attack?

I and many here (who you have labelled as liberals) are not demanding a ban on burka but pointing at the reality that the terrorists are using it to their advantage. Do you reject that?
its good to know that you dont support TTP terrorism and you hate American boot licking
I think many people including myself with share this view with you.

Good to know you dont think all people who support conservative values are TTP, Taliban or terrorists.... Thank you
We can't ban terrorists organizations, their activities and illegal weapons..... do the next best thing .... Ban the Burqa... That is a very logical step RIGHT ? Then what ban the beard ? Many Terrorists sport a beard that should be banned too.
its good to know that you dont support TTP terrorism and you hate American boot licking
I think many people including myself with share this view with you. By the way why are you evading the big problem of Burka bombers? What do you say about the abuse of the Burka and the respect of the females in our society by these wicked and demented people?
The subject of the thread is not demanding the banning of Burka, I too, am not demanding the ban just trying to find the ways around countering the terrorism.
Because I value life more than a burka, since you have taken away my right to explain this in terms of Islam so I am merely using the human right to exist without fear.

Please tell me Basit, since you have also decided that your brain matter is far superior to us mere mortals and hence you have the right to define and explain Islam, do you agree that Burka is facilitating a would be bomber to easily conceal large quantity of explosives for maximum carnage? Do you agree that Burka is helping the male terrorists to abuse its sanctity and use it to masquerade as a female to escape or attack?

I and many here (who you have labelled as liberals) are not demanding a ban on burka but pointing at the reality that the terrorists are using it to their advantage. Do you reject that?

burka or not burka-- it's the job of the law enforcement agencies to counter these attacks with whatever means (i don't know how as i'm not an expert)-- how can these agencies protect us when they are busy attending iftar parties given by American terrorists or when we have clowns like Rehman Malik in charge--

Regarding facilitating would be bomber, there are many other things facilitating, e.g arms/explosives makes into the biggest city of Pakistan and we all know who are the facilitators and yet nothing is done and why should it be done as american terrorists wants the current setup to move on and our Army is a big facilitator to the current setup which is involved in terrorism in Karachi.

Keep on facilitating American terrorists with drone strikes and be ready for would be bombers--

i don't have any right to give any interpretation of Islam, i follow the interpretation given by Quran & Hadith which reached us through classical scholars of Islam.
The subject of the thread is not demanding the banning of Burka,

the title says ' Burqa- A Security Challenge ?'

lets look at the bigger picture:

Ruling elite- A security challenge?
(generals+politicians+bureaucrats+ xyzss)

Yes they are and are responsible for the situation Pakistan is in-
O bhai! if you guyz are this much committed , go on the roads for your demands and we will see how many people follow you-- your (liberal/secular people) history shows that you can only shout on internet & tv.

yehan bolnay sey kuch nahi ho ga......

Liberal secularist..
Is the best you can come up with.
Since you do not have an argument to put up other than blind following.
Branding people liberal secularists, zionists.. american agents is the best you can do?
Tum jaisi qaum ko char din howe nahin Quran parhey howay aur nikle ho kala jhanda lehratey sarak par.
Did you ever bother to even read a tafseer on the Quran? or the prophets life...? that you are here defending a garment that had NOTHING to do with the Quran or Hadees?

Or are you content in following an internet site.. or another holy evangelist Mufti something.. who end up claiming that once you say tauba with them, heaven is guaranteed?
Liberal secularist my foot.
Actually the issue is much broader.

The fundamental issue is of freedom. If you curtail freedoms, which Mullahs always do, then there will be people who will keep trying to curtail freedom of yours, wearing a Burkha is a valid choice, but staying alive is one too. Sooner or later your Burkha choice would get trumped by the Living choice.

Its already happened in most western countries. Pakistan can fight it, but then they get us through other means like drone bombings, sanctions, millimeter wave scanner (which will make the passenger nude).

The issue in fact is not Burkha, but the issue is the bombing, which happens because Mullahs are extremists which is because they don't allow freedoms which they say is because of Islam but fail to point out one Quranic ayat which gives this command to wear the Burkha.

Oh! are u secular....??????:azn:
does this Islam belongs to British created Mullahs or the British created secularz?????????.........;)
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