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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

Arrest Zakir Naik and you will face millions Burhan Wani not just in Kashmir but inside India. Zakir Nail has never supported terrorism but by arresting a peaceful man you will only open doors for militancy.

That is great . Our army will get Millions of live target in place of few. When you are so motivated than why do not you cross the border?
Haha another 3 scumbags down!
I have a friend in that area, better check with him on the real story.

Please do let us know the ground reality as well.

As cousins, we are in this fight together.
Hope you have checked with him

Looks like a woman ratted out Burhan, estranged lover?
Looks like a woman ratted out Burhan, estranged lover?
everything is fair in love and war.
News coming that

1.Indian Army was already aware about Buhran Wani whereabouts, they were waiting for anantnag by polls to get over to eliminate this pig.

2. The pig died within 5 minutes of starting of encouter.

3. Pig was constantly talking to a girl over phone and was crying like a girl may be due to fear of death.
Rot in hell to terrorists....

See this Jonah arthur guy is known supporter of terrorist... Somebody search his IP and if from kashmir provide it to police....

See he had created below thread last year....
News coming that

1.Indian Army was already aware about Buhran Wani whereabouts, they were waiting for anantnag by polls to get over to eliminate this pig.

2. The pig died within 5 minutes of starting of encouter.

3. Pig was constantly talking to a girl over phone and was crying like a girl may be due to fear of death.

wow...source ? from what i understand, he was nothing more than a poster boy. had no issues recruiting other innocent deluded kashmiris to get killed but really could not do anything on his own...
Well killing person not mean to kill ideology
Just like Goras could not kill Ideology by Killing Bhagat Singh
Rest in peace, may your sacrifice bring freedom to your people from Indian occupiers. Terrorist for Hindutva occupiers will be hailed as a hero for his people.
Well killing person not mean to kill ideology
Just like Goras could not kill Ideology by Killing Bhagat Singh[/QUOTE

Like you guys are unable to kill the ideology in Baluchistan , scind, FATA and Gulam kashmir.

Rest in peace, may your sacrifice bring freedom to your people from Indian occupiers. Terrorist for Hindutva occupiers will be hailed as a hero for his people.

Kashmir is a part of India since the history is available. Few people converted and murdered real residence and cleansed them from state does not mean that Kashmir is not our part like Baluchistan. Kashmir is our land and we are commuted to protect it. If some dogs get rabies than we know how to treat them. Most of the kashmiris belive that india is their country and they are happy with us. Few fringe dogs shall be treated in a manner they understand.
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Bhai I have gone thru trauma of 1992riots in Mumbai where I lost everything and almost got killed too but I came to know one reality if something gone wrong with u allow u to kill each every people on this earth Islam is peace not hate
Suntaaa life is small not eternal we r here for test of sabr taqwaa and ibadat

No one is supporting these actions of terrorist groups. But as I said there are reasons for insurgencies. I hope you look at the situation with open eyes. The Afzal Guru case was a travesty of justice and Burhn Wani was a militant but he only attacked soldiers. He had a code where he did not permit himself to kill Kashmiri civilians. I am not justifying his act but saying there is a background, there is oppression people suffer which makes them militants. When I was in Lucknow we were refused entry to even a hospital because we are muslim to see my aunt.

I wish you the best but I don't think it is fair to support oppression of muslims in Kashmir just to please your countrymen. Instead you should vouch for a policy of assimilation through respect of Kashmiris.
I wish you the best but I don't think it is fair to support oppression of muslims in Kashmir just to please your countrymen. Instead you should vouch for a policy of assimilation through respect of Kashmiris.

India has done what ever is possible for Kashmiris

We have exercised maximum restraint while fighting terrorists

we have never used Heavy weapons like artillerry or airpower

And provided maximum funds for kashmir's development

But we cannot accept these demands of secession

If you think and see carefully ; even Pakistan with ALL its socio economic problems
has REJECTED Baluchistan independence demands and is fighting for its
Territorial INTEGRITY

Big countries DO NOT just give away their territory just like that
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