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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

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Rest in peace all these kashmiri freedom fighters, Burhan has done his job already and surely alot of kashmiri youth will follow his foot steps.
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Rest in peace all these kashmiri freedom fighters, Burhan has done his job already and surely alot of kashmiri youth will follow his foot steps.

They will reach exactly where he reached.
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Hmmm..The average life of a kashmiri jihadi is 21 years, thousands from your side have been killed in this so called jihad since the 90's and thousands might get killed if the same policy continues.

You are right, kashmiri jihadism has lost its charm as the payout is too small while life expectancy is near zero. (We like to keep it that way).

Not to mention, the retirement benefits are non existent. You made a wise choice, at least you could see your children and grand children.
As I said sir the policy was changed way back in the early 2000 and you can see the result of that.

As for the payout and retirement benefits well that is not why people join Jihadi outfits (Al-Qaida thou used to offer a very handsome package back in the days, but then it was only confined to the Arab people, damn racist terrorists).

Joining Jihadi outfit is not a career choice, its more of a lifestyle choice.

And I am not sure about seeing my grand children, my smoking habit might kill me way before that :(

Are real muslims not allowed to fight for the freedom of their homeland from the occupation and oppression of Pagans

Have you nor forsaken Islam and God by siding with the worshippers of idols against your own brethren seeking freedom?
Are real muslims not allowed to fight for the freedom of their homeland from the occupation and oppression of Pagans

Have you nor forsaken Islam and God by siding with the worshippers of idols against your own brethren seeking freedom?
I always wonder about your type people. sitting comfortably in a kafir land, enjoying kafir tax money and kafir inventions of comfort but preaching others to die. Those Kashimiris have more freedom than pakistan, why on earth they would fight? for what "freedom" that they lack? It is because of people like you muslims are losing their freedom everywhere. If anyone needs to fight against enemies of islam, they have to fight people like you. You infact are the one who has forsaken islam and God and trying to destroy it from inside. You are the one who is spreading mischief in the land.
Yes, Pakistan stopped (to be more accurate, severely reduced) military support during Musharaff's time in about 2003. But the reason for the big change from early 90s to today, is that now the IA has a very large counter insurgency force - the Rashtriya Rifles. The RR did not exist in the early 90s, and the regular army was not trained to counter a large scale insurgency. But now the situation is entirely different - India has the largest dedicated counter insurgency force in the world, and they have a wealth of experience. Over the past 20 years, they have honed their tactics and skills and with a strength of 65 odd battalions, they have complete area domination in Kashmir. A successful insurgency is impossible. Period.

So as you state, the political demands will continue for a long time, until the Indian govt gets its act together and bring all of Kashmir into the mainstream. But the chance of a real insurgency that tests Indian forces, is nil. Pakistan's ability to overtly support them militarily is also severely curbed by the border control systems in place - there can be no large scale movement of militants, as there used to be in the 90s. Back then, large droves of young men would go to Pakistan for military training, and return as masked insurgents. These days, that too is an impossibility. With the RR dominating all of Kashmir, the army can easily secure the border from any large scale movement of arms or men.

I was under the impression all along, drop in intensity of Kashmir insurgency is due to rise in terrorism in Pakistan, forcing Pakistani state to focus its resources on curbing terror in Pakistan rather than supporting terror in Kashmir.

But if what you have mentioned is major factor in reduction of Kashmir insurgency, its even better. :)

I always wonder about your type people. sitting comfortably in a kafir land, enjoying kafir tax money and kafir inventions of comfort but preaching others to die. Those Kashimiris have more freedom than pakistan, why on earth they would fight? for what "freedom" that they lack? It is because of people like you muslims are losing their freedom everywhere. If anyone needs to fight against enemies of islam, they have to fight people like you. You infact are the one who has forsaken islam and God and trying to destroy it from inside. You are the one who is spreading mischief in the land.

Not to forget better quality of life as well.

Indian side Kashmir HDI 2012: 0.626

Pakistan HDI 2014: 0.528

http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/files/file/Human and Child Deprivation.pdf

What a bloody waste.
At 21, This guy had his whole life in front of him. He could have made a differnence.

Now he will be remembered a another terrorist who waged war against humanity,
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What happens to their bodies?
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