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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

The insurgency rages on yet. And Burhan Wani, a uni student in it gives increased popularity to the freedom movement. Kashmiris admire Burhan. If India does not stop using violent disproportionate force against stone throwing Kashmiri mobs the situation is only bound to grow worse.

It is the Kashmiris that incite violence first, and Indian forces are forced to respond. I would understood your point if Indian forces were to incite violence first. Burhan Wani was firing and Indian forces have to kill. Any force anywhere in the world would have done the same
. . . . . .
He was using social media as the weapon of war as per Barkha Datt. Maybe there was no internet connection at the time of encounter! :lol:

Yes.. He should have learned to use real weapons as well. Looks like our boys did not mind his photogenic features while shooting him.
Behave, He was not dropped out.
He left his education for freedom and entire nation will proud on him.

Well, your countryman stated that he is a "university student", and therefore it means a lot. The reality...

By the way, leaving school without completing it is the very definition of dropping out; whatever the reason for doing so may have been.
Why you are so curious.?
Our nuclear assets have different purposes. When we talk about nukes we want to remind you that we are capable to remove India from map.
Alas, our defense assets and military strength cannot secure Muslim Ummah specially oppressed Kashmiris.

Muslim ummah?

Even the saudis consider you as second rate!!!
. .
It is the Kashmiris that incite violence first, and Indian forces are forced to respond. I would understood your point if Indian forces were to incite violence first. Burhan Wani was firing and Indian forces have to kill. Any force anywhere in the world would have done the same

Every action has a reaction. Were the Kashmiris the first people to attack Indian forces or did the IA brutality from 1947 onwards incite this violence? Use logic and think WHY they are uprising and waving Pakistani flags. Biggest democracy on earth yet not willing to fulfil a people's simple wish.
The insurgency rages on yet. And Burhan Wani, a uni student in it gives increased popularity to the freedom movement. Kashmiris admire Burhan. If India does not stop using violent disproportionate force against stone throwing Kashmiri mobs the situation is only bound to grow worse.

Do you know what was the situation from 1990 to 1996

It was like WAR ; the present situation is just FIVE PERCENT of the Nineties

Most of the 93 000 casualties have happened in the Nineties
Don't take gun, the average life of Kashmir militant is just 2 years. I would not like you to get killed.

Wrong .. it is 2-3 weeks if he is indeed active.

If he is a part time militant 5 months top.

Don't spread misinformation .. we don't deny them the virgins lol
Why don't you quit your forces from the valley and finish all this.?
I am very disappointed today.

I can ask the same, why don't you quit P0K and GB. This is never ending saga. You blame Indians and Indians blame you. The best solution is to make LoC the international border and give Kashmiris from both sides the chance to migrate either to India part of Kashmir or Pakistan part of Kashmir according to their liking, and end the thing for once and all.
You are enjoying tax payer's money (including mine) and most of them are kafirs (including me).
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