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Buner falls without a fight

The locals refused to allow the Military into Buner, claiming they could keep the Taliban out themselves through negotiations and 'lashkar'.

Their contention was that a military presence would attract the Taliban, and the ensuing conflict was not worth it.

Isn't that a terrible situation when the PA cannot even deploy in its own country ?

The locals refused to allow the Military into Buner, claiming they could keep the Taliban out themselves through negotiations and 'lashkar'.

Their contention was that a military presence would attract the Taliban, and the ensuing conflict was not worth it.

AM its not worth it, if only these people could understand the complexities involved in that entire area, what would then be left to argue about and for the US to blame Pakistan for not doing enough.:disagree:
Just look at the title of the thread, its so misleading, gives an impression as if Pakistan army did not fight the taliban and surrendered. "Buner falls without a fight" my foot.
AM its not worth it, if only these people could understand the complexities involved in that entire area, what would then be left to argue about and for the US to blame Pakistan for not doing enough.:disagree:
Just look at the title of the thread, its so misleading, gives an impression as if Pakistan army did not fight the taliban and surrendered. "Buner falls without a fight" my foot.

Tell us something different for us to believe.
This actually is an even more frightening scenario ? The locals are left to their own devices to defend themselves. Where was the Pak Police or Army ?

Why are they not involved on the ground ?


Isn't that a terrible situation when the PA cannot even deploy in its own country ?


You seriuosly need to read the old newspapers, espacially the Swat Pact, so that you can first undersatdn that actually is going on.

PA was withdrawn from those areas when the deal was enacted, thereby leaving the area in the hands of locals.

Now there is a long story behind the reason why those people don't like the Army to operate there. It's kinda autonomous area, though it don't form part of FATA, but still the local elders and sardars have alot of say there.
You probably will not understand it as it would be a news for you that how can two form of governance operate in a country, but that's how it is. Read something about FATA on the internet.
This may help you : FATA [ Federally Administered Tribal Area ]

i again repeat Buner don't come under FATA but the entire NWFP less the metropolitan cities like to and enjoy much independence, but this doesn't mean the government don't have a say there!!

Most of the Frontier province has the following system of Administration:

Under the Constitution, FATA is included among the “territories” of Pakistan (Article 1). It is represented in the National Assembly and the Senate but remains under the direct executive authority of the President (Articles 51, 59 and 247). Laws framed by the National Assembly do not apply here unless so ordered by the President, who is also empowered to issue regulations for the “peace and good government” of the tribal areas. Today, FATA continues to be governed primarily through the Frontier Crimes Regulation 1901. It is administered by Governor of the NWFP in his capacity as an agent to the President of Pakistan, under the overall supervision of the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions in Islamabad.
That was the agreement made with the Tribal areas when they agreed to become part of Pakistan.

So its a illogical agreement. How can they be part of Pakistan when they don't want the PA there ? It also shows that these areas have never assimilated themselves into the main stream Pakistan.

So its a illogical agreement. How can they be part of Pakistan when they don't want the PA there ? It also shows that these areas have never assimilated themselves into the main stream Pakistan.


It was a flawed agreement. I imagine the intent was to develop the areas and slowly change the mindset and integrate them into Pakistan proper - that never happened for various reasons.

Under the agreements with the tribes, the Pakistani constitution does not apply, hence the uproar when the PA was deployed, and the reluctance to deploy the PA.
You seriuosly need to read the old newspapers, espacially the Swat Pact, so that you can first undersatdn that actually is going on.

PA was withdrawn from those areas when the deal was enacted, thereby leaving the area in the hands of locals.

Now there is a long story behind the reason why those people don't like the Army to operate there. It's kinda autonomous area, though it don't form part of FATA, but still the local elders and sardars have alot of say there.
You probably will not understand it as it would be a news for you that how can two form of governance operate in a country, but that's how it is. Read something about FATA on the internet.
This may help you : FATA [ Federally Administered Tribal Area ]

i again repeat Buner don't come under FATA but the entire NWFP less the metropolitan cities like to and enjoy much independence, but this doesn't mean the government don't have a say there!!

I have read all about SWAT and the agreement. Wales in UK has its own Parliament and is actually autonomous in the true sense but that does not stop the BA from having a base there.

Please stop telling everybody that they are ignorant and only you know the solution. You might as well give them independance then maintain this facade.

Well, at this rate these people will soon be crossing into Punjab. Lets see what happens then.
Easier said then done!
Had this been the case, 8 years after the 9/11 they could have taken over the entire Pakistan. Laxity given doesn't mean that one should start dancing on the heads!
So its a illogical agreement. How can they be part of Pakistan when they don't want the PA there ? It also shows that these areas have never assimilated themselves into the main stream Pakistan.

As i said you probably will not understand the mechanics involved. It's complex, but still simple.Our Pathan brothers have a different psychology, i wish you read some books on them.
We neither want to intervene in their choices provided they don't contradict with the national stance. The people creating problems their are not 'truly' the locals so i would suggest that you omit the normal Pathan out of the next question that you ask:)
It was a flawed agreement. I imagine the intent was to develop the areas and slowly change the mindset and integrate them into Pakistan proper - that never happened for various reasons.

Under the agreements with the tribes, the Pakistani constitution does not apply, hence the uproar when the PA was deployed, and the reluctance to deploy the PA.

Now this is strange .. & corroborates that view that there exists regions where the writ of GOP does not officially apply & was as now emerges was not meant to apply.

The people creating problems their are not 'truly' the locals so i would suggest that you omit the normal Pathan out of the next question that you ask

A valid point - the Tribal areas existed in harmony with mainstream Pakistan for the longest time. The problems really started arising after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and especially after the US invasion of Afghanistan. It was after the latter that the Taliban groups in the Pakistani tribal areas really expanded, gained strength and popularity, and overthrew the traditional elders and systems.
Easier said then done!
Had this been the case, 8 years after the 9/11 they could have taken over the entire Pakistan. Laxity given doesn't mean that one should start dancing on the heads!

As i said you probably will not understand the mechanics involved. It's complex, but still simple.Our Pathan brothers have a different psychology, i wish you read some books on them.
We neither want to intervene in their choices provided they don't contradict with the national stance. The people creating problems their are not 'truly' the locals so i would suggest that you omit the normal Pathan out of the next question that you ask:)

This talk about pathan psychology is just cover for the rot and crap people / politcians try to hid behind. The basic reason is that after 50 years you have been unable to bring them into the mainstream or give them a durable Pakistani identity and now its just too late.

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