The thing I notice about Pakistanis is their general paranoid frame of mind on this forum. Instead of questioning why one of the world's most notorious terrorist was holed up in your country and who is responsible for this fiasco, you start imagining the scenario of an imminent invasion by the USA. You really need to change your mindset. You have no strategic assets or otherwise which makes you worth invading by the USA, India or any other nation. You overstate your importance. With 90% of the world is glad that Osama bin Laden is dead and stating so, 5% of the world saying that they don't really care about Osama and the remaining 5% mourning his death, you instead focus and plan on the disintegration of your country. You elect your leaders and then curse them. You praise your army when they stand toe to toe against the Indian army but curse them for ridding your country of its trash or failing to stop the Americans from killing a self confessed mass murderer. Some poster here even went so far to state that the very men and women who defend you against dangers within and outside your borders will turn their guns on you. Pakistan doesn't need enemies outside its borders when it has citizens of your calibre