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Budget 2014/15

So many interesting things from PDF, i cant post because of tablet. Anyway if anyone can then post tables, especially the one on page 21 about NFC award distribution. Looks gas&oil royalty is already included in NFC.

So the reason for 330+bn KPK budget can be provincial taxes and what else?
Does it mean that KPK will get 280Billion Rs through NFC award+330Billion Rs dedicated provincial budget?

if so than Rs 610Billion is indeed a huge amount for KPK
The share of K-P for budget 2013/14 was 251 billion rupees and the total budget outlay was 344 billion rupees.

This year the share of K-P is 283 billion rupees. So I expect the total outlay to be close to 400 billion rupees.
Really handsome budget for HEC for this year. That is 63 billion rupees

I don't think that is enough.

@Topic I would love to see defense budget above 10billion$ at least, education & development budget tripled & MPA/MNA/Political looters salary down.

Police budget should be increased too.
I don't think that is enough.

@Topic I would love to see defense budget above 10billion$ at least, education & development budget tripled & MPA/MNA/Political looters salary down.

Police budget should be increased too.

Defence budget is already $11.3 billion, read thread posted by farhan.
I don't think that is enough.

@Topic I would love to see defense budget above 10billion$ at least, education & development budget tripled & MPA/MNA/Political looters salary down.

Police budget should be increased too.
This is in addition to the education budget of Federation, Provincial budgets of all 4 provinces, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. So the actual number of education budget is way higher.
SUPARCO budget is just Rs 700 million, same as last year. :( Actually in revised estimate only Rs 195 million spent on Suparco last year.

Pakistan atomic energy comissiom budget Rs 51bn, no increase here. This include nuclear weapon development right? So actual defence budget maybe closer to $12 billion?

The share of K-P for budget 2013/14 was 251 billion rupees and the total budget outlay was 344 billion rupees.

This year the share of K-P is 283 billion rupees. So I expect the total outlay to be close to 400 billion rupees.

I think NFC award does not include PSDP budget for provinces? Which is 650bn this year, thats why KPK budget will be closer to 400bn? I am not sure....
GDP at market prices Rs, last fiscal year 25,40 trillion. On going fiscal year 29,07 trillion.
Is Railway Budget part of The Federal Budget in Pakistan or it's presented separately.How much are they spending on PR ?
Minister Ishaq Dar is manipulating numbers as usual

Analysis: Get your numbers straight, minister
By Farooq Tirmizi
Published: June 4, 2014


The minister paid lip service to the notion that the government needs to increase the share of direct taxes in its overall revenue in order to make the tax code more progressive. DESIGN-FAIZAN DAWOOD/FILE

NEW YORK: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar appears to have been put on earth to make his predecessor Hafeez Shaikh look good by comparison. For all his flaws and inability to run a responsible fiscal policy, Shaikh at least tried to introduce more transparency in the budget process and did not try to artificially make the numbers look good. Dar, by contrast, relied on a combination of obfuscation and inaccuracies to make his record look better than it actually is.

Let us start with some of the headline numbers: the budget deficit is projected to be 5.8% of the total size of the economy during the outgoing fiscal year 2014, compared to the 8.2% of GDP it was the year before. That sounds impressive, unless you consider the fact that Dar artificially inflated the 2013 deficit by transferring a massive chunk of circular debt payments to that year. Without those, the 2013 deficit would have been closer to 6.5% of GDP. This year’s deficit is lower, yes, but not by as much as the minister made it look.

And then there are the specific components of the government’s strategy to reduce the deficit. One of the biggest ways the federal government reduces the overall deficit is by forcing provincial governments to run a surplus, in effect trampling the fiscal sovereignty guaranteed to them under the constitution and the National Finance Commission Award. But the legal niceties are not even what is most wrong with this policy.

The provincial governments are where we spend money on health and education. By forcing those governments to run surpluses (which Islamabad achieves by not releasing the money on time), we are effectively eviscerating the country’s ability to invest in the health and education of our citizens. In other words, Dar is willing to let schools and hospitals crumble in order to make his numbers work.

Indeed, Dar appears to be so obsessed with making the numbers work that he seems to have forgotten that budget numbers have meaning, that they represent choices of where the government wants to lead the nation and the economy, and that ignoring their effects can have devastating consequences. Unfortunately, it seems that the minister appears to have relied far too much on tired old advice from unimaginative bureaucrats who see their job not as managing the economy, but balancing the government’s books.

It certainly did not have to be this way. Unlike almost any of his predecessors, Dar got a full year in office before he had to present what could justifiably be called his first budget, giving him unparalleled opportunity to shape the document according to his own vision for the economy. Unfortunately for the country, it appears that either he does not have a vision for the economy or, in the few places that he does, it is to benefit the already privileged economic elite of the country.

The minister paid lip service to the notion that the government needs to increase the share of direct taxes in its overall revenue in order to make the tax code more progressive. However, in the entire budget speech, I counted precisely zero ideas that would make the tax code more progressive. Oh, to be sure, there were plenty of proposals to increase what the government calls “direct taxes”, but they are levied as withholding taxes, in a manner identical to that of indirect taxes, effectively rendering them as regressive as regular indirect taxes.

The only time Dar even mentioned an increase of taxes for the economic elite was in very general terms when he announced that all Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) would be eliminated over a period of three years. SROs are issued by the Federal Board of Revenue, often flouting existing tax law, and reduce the effective tax rate for some of the largest and most profitable businesses in the country. A firm commitment to end all of them is good, but without specifics, it is a hollow promise.

On the crucial matter of ending unaffordable energy subsidies, the minister said little beyond generic statements. In short, this budget does nothing to eliminate the structural weaknesses of the Pakistani economy. Indeed, in some ways, it may end up exacerbating them.

It is a terrifying thought to be pining for the good old days of Hafeez Shaikh.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 4th, 2014.
Is Railway Budget part of The Federal Budget in Pakistan or it's presented separately.How much are they spending on PR ?

Railway will get 77bn, from it 37bn will be to cover losses and 40bn for actual development.
دفاعی بجٹ 700ارب سے زائد تجویز کیا گیا ہے، رواں سال کے دفاعی بجٹ میں گذشتہ سال کی نسبت دس فیصد اضافہ کیا گیا ہے، دوسری جانب بھارت کا دفاعی بجٹ پاکستان کے دفاعی بجٹ سے تقریبا چھ گنا زائد ہے

Defence budget 2014
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