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Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

Buddhists are not safe in BD, the recent riots are mainly targeting Buddhist faith and temples, better for them to leave BD and settle in Myanmar where they are welcomed.

If you read the OP the people allegedly migrating are Buddhists from ethnic minorities, not Bengali Buddhists. According to OP target of the recent 'religious riots' was not ethnic minorities but solely Bengali speaking Buddhists who now feel completely safe in their area. However, the recent attacks on Buddhists, which happened to be a zero-casuality riot, were unprecedented in BD history.
Don't you people tire of the same old rhetoric every single day? You have no moral high ground here.
The so called peaceful Budhhist in Burma should rot in hell. There is no sign of help from Asian Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia or Indonesia that could help stop ethnic cleansing the Rohingwa Muslim. Very disappointed.
The so called peaceful Budhhist in Burma should rot in hell. There is no sign of help from Asian Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia or Indonesia that could help stop ethnic cleansing the Rohingwa Muslim. Very disappointed.

what can we do? we are trying our best to pressure international communities. right now we have 300,000 rohingya refugee, when started to take those refugee to save them from getting killed , the burmese govt. tried to send all rohingya in BD instead of solving the problem
The so called peaceful Budhhist in Burma should rot in hell. There is no sign of help from Asian Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia or Indonesia that could help stop ethnic cleansing the Rohingwa Muslim. Very disappointed.

Wrong. We did everything we could and still continuing to do so.
Bengali in what respect? If they are bengali than arakan is part of Bangladesh, you should probably ask them to give us our part back which we didn't take in 1947, not the other way round! :sleep:

Why the hell do we need to talk to Burmese for Bangladeshis?
Its a matter between BD and Burma. And if they allow Buddhist into myanmar, u should reciprocate by allowing Rohingya Muslims into BD, which u have failed to do so.
so stop crying that Buddhist are moving there. Incidents have happened, and are happening nowadays that are not too encouraging for minorities in BD.
I am not saying Myanmar is better in ssafeguarding minorities. But before we talk, we should keep our house in order first.
The so called peaceful Budhhist in Burma should rot in hell. There is no sign of help from Asian Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia or Indonesia that could help stop ethnic cleansing the Rohingwa Muslim. Very disappointed.

Malaysia and Indonesia are intelligent. Pakistan has little leverage and take their cues from China who are trying to maintain their waning influence on us and Bangladesh... well... it's Bangladesh. What the hell can Bangladesh to for anyone?
Malaysia and Indonesia are intelligent. Pakistan has little leverage and take their cues from China who are trying to maintain their waning influence on us and Bangladesh... well... it's Bangladesh. What the hell can Bangladesh to for anyone?

did not get your question, say it again plz :coffee:

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