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Buddhist monks destroy Muslim shrine in Sri Lanka

These things are by product of bad justice system. The land was disputed (like many other disputed land in subcontinent). Judiciary was delaying the judgement. Ppl get frustrated and took law in their hand (Which is no doubt bad.).

Judiciary must resolve such religious dispute rapidly, such kind of thing create problem and spread terrorism.

You may be right but that's no excuse for the act. That too by Buddhist monks of all people!
Hi PlanetWarrior hope you are well mate. Well said. I think its pretty low to disrespect anyone's religious views. I thought monks were the opposite to what they did here. Glad to see we are all united on this one

in Ladakh the community is also divided ! well that has some other indians reasons of divide and rule.
@ Leader ...I truly don't understand what you are trying to say here. Don't bother attempting to clarify since it will just confuse me more (what does Ladakh have to do with Sri Lanka anyways??)
Must have been a reason for their fury...Monks do not behave like this..
Anyway this action is not justified...
Idiots. Monks should stick to preaching harmony, tolerance and peace.

True, but clerics from almost all religions ,especially the organized ones, are becoming political then whats stoping these Buddhist monks.
in Ladakh the community is also divided ! well that has some other indians reasons of divide and rule.

I am Speechless.
True, but clerics from almost all religions ,especially the organized ones, are becoming political then whats stoping these Buddhist monks.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Our clerics in Hinduism and Buddhism etc are merely spiritual advisors. If they start behaving like thugs who do we turn to for learning about the enlightened way of life? In that case we may as well convert to an Abrahamic faith and take our cue from the Q'uran burning Pastor or the Jihad calling Mullah or the Settlement proposing Rabbi ?
Must have been a reason for their fury...Monks do not behave like this..
Anyway this action is not justified...

what reason huh? did they suddenly remember the destruction of Buddha's statue in Afghanistan by telebunnies?

the reason is well mentioned in the article, it reads the shrine was built on their land which belonged to them.
in Ladakh the community is also divided ! well that has some other indians reasons of divide and rule.

Not really. Indeed, it's opposite. In ladakha they are more united than anywhere else. India is birth place of Buddhism. They are most peaceful people on earth. I heard this type of incident 1st time in my life. 2-3 people behaviour doesn't make 500 Million+ Buddhist opinion.
On the contrary they cant be buddist at all.Buddists are so peaceful loving people.I suspect they can be Tamil hindus under the disguise of buddist monks who did it in order to bring bad name to buddist sinhala people.

Why stop with Tamil Hindoos. Just make it a general evil Hindoooo statement you false flagging troll you :D
what reason huh? did they suddenly remember the destruction of Buddha's statue in Afghanistan by telebunnies?

the reason is well mentioned in the article, it reads the shrine was built on their land which belonged to them.

The land is holy land. The shrine was a holy Islamic shrine. Since when does Buddhism or even Hinduism or Sikhism for that matter condone the destruction of anything associated with God or good ??? Your sentiment is just as flawed as those idiots who destroyed a mosque in India claiming that it was once a temple of Lord Raam. When they do meet Lord Raam, I guess that he stamped their tickets to Hell on the day that they stormed the holy site so they can burn in whatever inferno He created for their stupid bigotted egos similar to Ravanna. As for these so-called monks, they are a disgrace to a religion which preaches inner enlightment and peace with all living things
The land is holy land. The shrine was a holy Islamic shrine. Since when does Buddhism or even Hinduism or Sikhism for that matter condone the destruction of anything associated with God or good ??? Your sentiment is just as flawed as those idiots who destroyed a mosque in India claiming that it was once a temple of Lord Raam. When they do meet Lord Raam, I guess that he stamped their tickets to Hell on the day that they stormed the holy site so they can burn in whatever inferno He created for their stupid bigotted egos similar to Ravanna. As for these so-called monks, they are a disgrace to a religion which preaches inner enlightment and peace with all living things

On the nail mate. BTW The religion isn't an issue. It wouldn't matter. To destroy or deface a shrine of any sort is completely out of order and pretty low.
Buddhists as arsonists? That's new...................
First time in my life to hear about Buddhist monks behaving like this.

As far as i know Moors in Sri Lanka have been peaceful people throughout history. They have been prosecuted by Portuguese colonialists, by Tamil tigers and now by crazy monks... not good. Hope its just a small incident that wont create any animosity between Buddhists and Muslims in that country.
this is wrong to think every kind of people are peaceful or assign any religion followers as "peaceful" or "violent".
when religion is used for political gain or agenda and to gain power it can be expected something like this will happen.

found this:
Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism is a political ideology which combines a focus upon Sinhalese culture and ethnicity with an emphasis upon Theravada Buddhism, which is the majority belief system of most Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka. It mostly originated in reaction to the colonization of Sri Lanka by the British Empire, and became increasingly assertive in the years following the independence of the country. Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has also been a driving force of interest in the Sri Lankan Civil War against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has a fractious relationship with other religious communities like Christians, with protests often being organized by Buddhist nationalist organizations against the perceived interference of Christians in the country[2]. Relations between Buddhist nationalists and Hindus are more nuanced, with numerous Hindu figures, including Kandiah Neelakandan and T. Maheswaran working with Buddhist groups on the anti-Conversion bill[3]. Also, D. B. S. Jeyaraj noted that both Sri Lankan Hindu nationalism and Buddhist nationalism rose as reactions to Christianity.[4]. Hindu-Buddhist collaboration is growing more prevalent in Sri Lanka, with the rise of groups such as the Hindu-Buddhist Friendship Society[5].
Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is nothing like "Abrahamic" is Violent and "Dharmic"(A term newly coined) are peaceful.
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