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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

I must agree with the Pakistani members here. The shooting of this woman should be investigated. Shooting at a person even if they disobey an order to stop is simply reckless. If they deemed her to be such a threat they could have used less lethal force such as shooting her in the leg to paralyze her. Now that it has been uncovered that she was unarmed and posed no threat, what do we do? Say "oops sorry" and carry on ?

see bhai

when an intruder is coming in from pakistani side you never know who it is or what they carry

it could have been a suicide bomber or person carrying arms

the BSF asked her to stop she did not obey the order how was BSF to know what she carried what she didnt carry ?

if she carried arms / bombs it would have been BSF persons lives on risk ? moreover if she was able to eliminate BSF search party by suicide bomb / firing then her acomplice could easily slip into india while the backup arrives

so if she didnt stop she was shot at

matter over
While Indian members are assuming that she had malicious intent... the oddest since the BSF changed its statement regarding "infiltrators" with her.

There is an infiltration problem but there is also the geneva convention. In this case the BSF should have gotten proper identification before opening fire. To say that she was asked to turn back and then shot.. and then claiming that there were infiltrators firing that forced a shoot?.. Which was it?

It seems more and more that this poor woman was shot by a trigger happy BSF and is now being made a mockery of by claims of "infiltrators".

Sir the geneva convention wouldn't apply to either civilians or terrorists. The Geneva convention only exists between established armed forces in a declared conflict.

And, as I have said, she could have been alone or with an armed group, it makes little difference. She was issued with appropriate warnings and failed to heed them, forcing the BSF's hand. And the question of what she was doing at midnight under a blanket that close to the Indian fence (and I'm pretty sure on Indian soil) is still looming.
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I don't think it puts them in a bad light at all- any professional security officer from anywhere in the world would have done the exact same thing.

Pakistani members here are assuming this woman had no malicious intent- based on nothing. They don't seem to recognise the fact that this woman failed to respond to the warnings and instructions from the BSF resulting in the use of lethal force- the ROE and rules regarding the use of lethal force the world over are uniformly in line with that- you are challenged and told to comply, failure to do so will result in the use of lethal force.

I also find it both humorous and pathetic how these members are playing ignorant to the fact that India has been facing a very real infiltration problem emanating from their side of the border and the risks of this have gone up and up year by year as the threat to India becomes more multifaceted and complex.

It is like a we will do whatever we want and you should silently tolerate it.They are saying BSF should accept all that bullet because there is a woman there.
That is messed up. Why not use non lethal ammunition for women/children? Their intent is to kill. Poor farmers wander across by accident and but butchered.
Dear Pakistanis!!!! What's that women doing there Firing at BSF??? She got what she deserve, we don't care for Women terrorists either...
You guys really deserve a Bravery award. Now you started killing unarmed women. So much Supa Dupa Pawa display
What do you expect bsf to do ? When suspicious women intrude into other country with a GUN ? That too firing at Indian Army ?

There are many jihadi kids and women who's motive is to kill their assigned target . Terrorist deserves to die . They are not humans.
Our BSF did the right thing.

Now it is upto Pakistanis to stop their civilians/infiltrators/anyone from crossing the IB.

The BSF means business. Either listen to the warnings and stop or pay with your life.

Now upto Pakistan what they want to do. We are proud of BSF, and whatever they did today was right, and they will do exactly the same thing every single day, if any infiltrators come from Pak (men, women, kids, oldie, donkeys anyone) and do not heed their warnings.

its IB not kabaddi play ground.
Kill who ever enters into India without approval of Indian govt . Or they will destroy peaceful families . Its kid or women or men . Terrorist is a terrorist

And how they crossed with out he knowledge of Pakistani Rangers ??? Or its a plan to sacrifice this women
Force her to enter india ??? Something fishy isn't it ?
That is messed up. Why not use non lethal ammunition for women/children? Their intent is to kill. Poor farmers wander across by accident and but butchered.
It was posted somewhere that not untill she was gunned down that she was identified. She was covered.
Good job done by the BSF.
Why Pakistan is are carrying like babies. Its a fenced IB not a park. Also as per a "think tank" Indian border fence is well inside the actual line, check the thread where the farmer was shot dead and dragged in side Indian side. Then how she manage to sneek in and cross the fence?
After just 2 days of Wagha blast I don't think any of the forcess want to take any risk.
As I mentioned before, these people are ignorant and illiterate. Perhaps this woman was lost and scared and what she thought were Pakistani forces turned out to be BSF. A thousand warnings could not have staved off that.
The emphasis is on the innocent before proven guilty and not the other way around. This was how it used to be even during the height of infiltrations during the 90's.
Oscar I beg to differ, even if I assume that this woman might have lost its way back home, and might be illiterate to differentiate an Indian border outpost from a Pakistani one, but according to rules of engagement, she should have listened to BSF, its unfortunate that she was at a wrong place at the right time, but having said that I will repeat, this is not a time for background checks when you have a threat that is so unpampering of national security. Things are getting worse and only blaming BSF is not going to help.
Oscar I beg to differ, even if I assume that this woman might have lost its way back home, and might be illiterate to differentiate an Indian border outpost from a Pakistani one, but according to rules of engagement, she should have listened to BSF, its unfortunate that she was at a wrong place at the right time, but having said that I will repeat, this is not a time for background checks when you have a threat that is so unpampering of national security. Things are getting worse and only blaming BSF is not going to help.
Very true.

And once again the fault does not lay with the BSF- they did their jobs, but really one has to ask questions about the Pak Rangers- where were they? I've heard from @Oscar sir that they are not as well funded as the BSF so have fewer posts, no fence and such but it is a categoric failing on their part that has led to this situation one way or another. You can't walk up to the Indian fence under the cover of night, not respond to a warning and expect to escape with your life. I have yet to see any Pakistani members here asking any questions of their forces (Rangers) when really that is where the anger should be directed.
Why is it that person's from Pakistan always lose their way near the Indian border during the night time....

Anyways may her soul rest in peace
Very true.

And once again the fault does not lay with the BSF- they did their jobs, but really one has to ask questions about the Pak Rangers- where were they? I've heard from @Oscar sir that they are not as well funded as the BSF so have fewer posts, no fence and such but it is a categoric failing on their part that has led to this situation one way or another. You can't walk up to the Indian fence under the cover of night, not respond to a warning and expect to escape with your life. I have yet to see any Pakistani members here asking any questions of their forces (Rangers) when really that is where the anger should be directed.
When its about national security nobody is above and that applies to Pakistani side too. We can give some concession on the basis of gender but that doesn't support the conclusion that you failed first at things with in sight. Let's say for a moment that the villagers are illiterate and don't know the border but what the litterates did in Mumbai is unimaginable. Not knowing is unsafer and more unpredictable and that makes things unmeasurable and repeatable at the same time.

Let them protect their people first and if they succeed we will not have this discussion again. This comes as first come first serve when we have 1.2 billion at stake
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