5 people have died on our side you lost 7 @Horus title off thread is a lie
Zarvan Mian, following is the Indian position on UN mission in India - What has Pakistan done (apart from mere complaints) to counter it with China on its side at UNSC?
India doesn't recognise UNMOGIP
India doesn't allow the UN mission known as UNMOGIP to inquire violations from its side. Last year in January also Pakistan had complained to the UN group, but its inquiries didn't yield much. An UNMOGIP official stationed in Srinagar did not provide further details of the Pakistani complaint, but said they will try to visit the affected areas.
UNMOGIP observers have been located at the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir since 1949. Currently, there are 39 military observers in Kashmir, 25 international civilian personnel and 48 local civilian staff led by Major General Delali Johnson Sakyi of Ghana. Since Shimla agreement, when both countries committed to sort out issues bilaterally and converted the ceasefire line into Line of Control, with clear demarcation on ground, India stopped recognising the role of UNMOGIP.