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British woman jailed in Tehran for insulting Islam and Iranian government on Facebook fears executio

Insulting a Holy religion and insulting a Country are two different things....Britain is an atheist country, while Iran is an Islamic country.

Under Islamic laws and according to Iranian laws whatever the local laws are, this British woman has to be punished. Period.

@Azizam , If you think you are not a second rate, second class citizen in Britain, why are u ppl and large community of you not seen in Government, Westminster, or the Parliament in majority. Why are you second class citizens not seen or selected in the Armed forces??

Why is EU student fees 3x times less than an international student from Srilanka?? why Srilankan like you pay £20,000 fees as compared to £3000 EU students?? I can go on and on on to proof the iranian canadian or the srilankan brits are second class. There is a hatred against you or any immigrants from the inside and the hidden ways they work to ensure you ppl never come in numbers to UK and settle for life.
Hang Her !!!

The Brits-it are the most anti-Islamic race, fascist haters, with a criminal history and an island built on evil methods and dirty ways of using African slavery. Sorry but Britain a country built upon dirty and hypocrite designs...totally unlike the Empires of Chinese, Arabs in older times or the Ottoman Turkish empires.
Then why do you live in Britain as going by your flags?
Insulting a Holy religion and insulting a Country are two different things....Britain is an atheist country, while Iran is an Islamic country.

Under Islamic laws and according to Iranian laws whatever the local laws are, this British woman has to be punished. Period.

@Azizam , If you think you are not a second rate, second class citizen in Britain, why are u ppl and large community of you not seen in Government, Westminster, or the Parliament in majority. Why are you second class citizens not seen or selected in the Armed forces??

Why is EU student fees third times less than an international student from Srilanka?? why Srilankan like you pay £20,000 fees as compared to £3000 EU students?? There is a hatred against you or any immigrants from the inside and the hidden ways they work to ensure you ppl never come in numbers to UK and settle for life.
I don't have a problem about not having too many ethnic minority people in parliament. Take a look at how many non-Muslims in Pakistan/Iran parliament and how many non-Sinhalese in Sri Lankan parliament.

Are you kidding???? You think Sri Lanka takes international students for the same price as it takes local students? And no you have to pay £9000 per year even if you are a citizen. There's indeed hatred for immigrant because of people like you. There's so much space to prosper for educated people in this country regardless of what ethnicity you are belonged to. For instance, one of my father's friends who is a Sri Lankan and a PhD holder is a top level official in defense ministry.

I also know many Pakistanis personally who are successful here.
Then why do you live in Britain as going by your flags?

HAHA. I used too study in UK, paid thousands of pounds, infact invested all my saving in UK. Now am on to Pakistan and soon to Middle-East countries.

My point is if Iranian laws are according to Islam, and this British woman did committed a serious crime, what would have you done in India??

Treat her strictly according to the laws of the land. Period

@Azizam you making a needle in an ocean point. Look at bigger picture, if u will. I will say what is wrong in britain as it is wrong....i will appreciate Britain where ever it is right to do so. Do you agree UK history is as clean as Chinese ?? Simple as tat, which you second rate citizens will not understand.
Only these days do people openly lie in the media, I doubt this is the full story. Many people criticize the government, that's just the way it is. Nobody is going to execute her, that is something of speculation only.
Who deleted my post and why?
HAHA. I used too study in UK, paid thousands of pounds, infact invested all my saving in UK. Now am on to Pakistan and soon to Middle-East countries.

My point is if Iranian laws are according to Islam, and this British woman did committed a serious crime, what would have you done in India??

Treat her strictly according to the laws of the land. Period

@Azizam you making a needle in an ocean point. Look at bigger picture, if u will. I will say what is wrong in britain as it is wrong....i will appreciate Britain where ever it is right to do so. Do you agree UK history is as clean as Chinese ?? Simple as tat, which you second rate citizens will not understand.

I don't know mate. To be honest I've never seen an educated person struggling here. System here is way way better than that of Sri Lanka. Chinese are one of the most successful communities in UK due to hard work and being ambitious. Ask yourself, how many times have you seen a homeless white and how many times have you seen a homeless Chinese/Mongloid.

Chinese history is clean? Really? This is a clear indication of Chinese attitude when they were in power.

Straight-away, their dens and hideouts we ravaged,
And made captive that entire country,
Bringing back to our august capital,
Their women, children, families and retainers, leaving not one,
Cleaning out in a single sweep those noxious pests, as if winnowing chaff from grain...
These insignificant worms, deserving to die ten thousand times over, trembling in fear...
Did not even merit the punishment of Heaven.
Thus the august emperor spared their lives,
And they humbly kowtowed, making crude sounds
Praising the sage-like virtue of the imperial Ming ruler.

Ming–Kotte War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Power corrupts, that's the universal law. Instead of complaining, we should work hard to develop South Asia as we always choose to ignore all the problems and injustice going in our region.
Is there an easy way?

What about those people who want to visit their relatives in Iran and yet don't want to subscribe to the extreme laws the natives face?
Well , there is no easy way and honestly I don't know why somebody want to denounce its citizenship .
If someone want to visit his family he'll simply use his iranian document if he has it otherwise there is two situation
1- he lost the document and he can go to embassy and get some replacement .
2 - he don't have iran nationality any more which he can go to embassy and apply for the visa.

By the way its nonsense that if anybody come back to iran and use his foreign passport they'll confiscate it . My family when come bsck to iran use their iranian passport and while they want to leave the country use their foreign passport.
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