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British Red Cross doctor kidnapped in Pakistan found beheaded

Bhindranwaale and his cohorts then turned on Indira's Congress and started targeting civvies in Punjab and when confronted later holed up in the sanctum sanctorum of Akal Takht armed with RPGs, HGs, AK-47s and what nots.
Pretty much the same case in Baluchistan so why you crying.?
So the simple mention of an Ababeel is bringing religion into the thread, is it ? Even esteemed authors like Farhat Taj have been using it in widely read columns which are nothing but a reflection of the people in FATA, then what is the prohibitive factor of me using it here ? Can you then spell out guidelines of usages which imply religious connotations because such implications are always open to interpretations and hence debatable.
He is talking about you using the word "Jihadis".
2) Taken with a pinch of salt, the same can now be said for the situation in Kashmir, 7 sister states, Punjab, the Red Corridor. As according to the seperatist's estimates, the IA and BSF have indulged in a systematic campaign of genocide against these people for at least 3 decades. They claim fatalities in the millions, guess your own house is out of order and I reject all official inquiries as you did, since they may also have been influenced by the GoI or the IA to protect their national interests.
None of these have been classified by either Amnesty or UNHRCW as Genocide, but the series of incidents with which Bangladesh was carved out from Pakistan starting from Searchlight outnumbers Kashmir, Seven-Sisters, Red Corridor, the Gujarat pogrom and the Sikh massacre which was rightly known as the Bengali genocide.
You decided to skip the posts in between??:no:

Because he isn't here to have some serious debate but to spew some diatribe against Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

If you can check out how many times he has been banned on this forum, you might realize why is he here and why it is futile to have debate with him or other like him.
He is talking about you using the word "Jihadis".
Who else have beheaded people but the people you and i both call terrorists ? Haven't we seen earlier instances like Daniel Pearl who have been killed by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the likes declaring "Jihad" against America ? So how is that attributing to religion ?
None of these have been classified by either Amnesty or UNHRCW as Genocide, but the series of incidents with which Bangladesh was carved out from Pakistan starting from Searchlight outnumbers Kashmir, Seven-Sisters, Red Corridor, the Gujarat pogrom and the Sikh massacre which was rightly known as the Bengali genocide.

These organizations need money to run and many times their opinion is based on where the finances are coming from and not the truth.
So there you go,they are not the ultimate authority...what Mukti Bahini did with the support of India was beyond barbarism .
They took it upon themselves to search and kill anybody who was non bengali and didnt speak bangla bhasha..and that was ethnic cleansing supported by India.
This is an instance of kidnapping which is condemnable by the BLA. But i would like to see instances where anyone been wilfully tortured or killed by the BLA ?

You said BLA doesn't target foreigners. I gave you an example. Doesn't kidnapping someone and killing his driver doesn't equal to target foreigners. If someone kidnaps you would it mean he didn't target you.

By the way do you consider BLA as a terrorist organization or not. :)
You said BLA doesn't target foreigners. I gave you an example. Doesn't kidnapping someone and killing his driver doesn't equal to target foreigners. If someone kidnaps you would it mean he didn't target you.

By the way do you consider BLA as a terrorist organization or not. :)
Has BLA been involved in such gruesome murders of foreigners the way Masood Azhar and Khaled Mohammed were ? That is where the entire question boils down to innit.

As to your second question, if they are targeting civilians wantonly and indiscriminately (which i do not believe they do until now) then yes i would put them as terrorists. But so has the PA and the FC been targeting the Baloch people. Where does that leave them ?
Has BLA been involved in such gruesome murders of foreigners the way Masood Azhar and Khaled Mohammed were ? That is where the entire question boils down to innit.

As to your second question, if they are targeting civilians wantonly and indiscriminately (which i do not believe they do until now) then yes i would put them as terrorists. But so has the PA and the FC been targeting the Baloch people. Where does that leave them ?

BLA needs money and this guy was kidnapped for ransom .. then murdered on not getting ransom..
how difficult is this to understand that this wasn't jihad...

and since BLA is baloch..any BLA member that FC kills or captures is baloch...so whats wron in catching them?
Who else have beheaded people but the people you and i both call terrorists ? Haven't we seen earlier instances like Daniel Pearl who have been killed by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the likes declaring "Jihad" against America ? So how is that attributing to religion ?
First requisite of declaring jihad is that jihad can only be declared by an Islamic state not by an individual or organization.
So i would request you address them as miscreants just like we do.

Who else have beheaded people but the people you and i both call terrorists ? Haven't we seen earlier instances like Daniel Pearl who have been killed by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the likes declaring "Jihad" against America ? So how is that attributing to religion ?
First requisite of declaring jihad is that jihad can only be declared by an Islamic state not by an individual or organization.
So i would request you address them as miscreants just like we do.
Has BLA been involved in such gruesome murders of foreigners the way Masood Azhar and Khaled Mohammed were ? That is where the entire question boils down to innit.

It all boils down to targeting foreigners. I gave you an example. Doesn't kidnapping someone doesn't equal to target someone?

if they are targeting civilians wantonly and indiscriminately

You know yourself that whether they target civilians or not. It isn't even matter of an IF. You should know it.

But so has the PA and the FC been targeting the Baloch people.

So according to you PA is targeting Baloch people indiscriminately. Right??

Now you tell me in this "indiscriminate killing" how many time PA

1 Killed Kalpar Bugti's
2 Killed Shambani Bugti's
3 Missori Bugti's
4 Mohammad Zai Mengal's
5 Bajrani Marri's

I named these three tribes since BLA militants belong to these three tribes. If you can answer this question then you would realize that PA isn't killing Baloch people but militants and there is a hell of a difference between the both.

Where does that leave them ?

They are fighting insurgents and militants. You should better know yourself where does that leave them. You have fought dozens of militants and insurgencies in your country. What you call your forces in such cases. :)

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