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British-Pakistani lost generations


Mar 24, 2010
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The large percentage of Pakistani-British have became lost generations. They have low education level, high unemployment and tendency towards crimes. Some of these criminals have "Mohammad" or "Ahmad" in their name but they don't respect what that represents. Many Pakistanis in UK commit crimes that shame their homeland and religion.

BBC News - Girl, 14, forced to be prostitute in Greater Manchester
2 August 2010 Last updated at 15:10 ET

Girl, 14, forced to be prostitute in Greater Manchester

Top row (from left): Aftab Khan, Abid Khaliq and Noorzai Ahmed. Middle row (from left): Mohammed Anwar Safi, Mohammed Khan and Najibullah Safi. Bottom row (from left): Asad Yousaf Hassan, Mohammed Basharat and Mohammed Atif The men were convicted over a number of months at Manchester Crown Court

A 14-year-old was forced into prostitution and sexually abused by a series of men after going missing from her home in Greater Manchester.

Nine men were convicted in connection with the abuse, which took place in February and March 2008.

The girl, described as vulnerable, was "used as a commodity" for sexual activity with the men, police said.

Supt Paul Savill, of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), said she had been through an "absolutely horrifying ordeal".

Police said the girl, who first went missing on 16 February 2008, had been abused by a number of different men "as she went from one vulnerable situation to another".

In each case the men identified her vulnerability to take advantage of her.

In a statement issued following the convictions, the girl said: "These people exploit young girls, introduce them to prostitution, feed them drugs and alcohol and tell them they love them.
'Changed my life'

"I know this because it has happened to me and it has changed my life enormously.

"I just hope that people will be more aware of this now and will be able to prevent this from happening to other vulnerable young girls."
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“Start Quote

She has been treated like a commodity: beaten, threatened and sexually exploited”

End Quote Supt Paul Savill Greater Manchester Police

Over a series of separate hearings and trials, Manchester Crown Court heard how the girl was first picked up in Rochdale town centre by Asad Hassan.

He took her to a nightclub where she was plied with drink and taken to a flat along with two other men, Basharat Mohammed and Mohammed Atif, who all later sexually exploited her.

A few days later she travelled to Manchester where she met another man, Aftab Khan, who also plied her with alcohol and drugs before ordering her to work as a prostitute.

Over the next 10 days she was forced to have sex with a number of men for money, before flagging down a couple in the street and begging them for help.

Supt Savill said the level of abuse the girl had suffered was "almost beyond belief".

"She has been treated like a commodity: beaten, threatened and sexually exploited.

"These men took advantage of her vulnerability with no regard for her wellbeing.

"I commend this young girl for her bravery in supporting this case. Even after her ordeal she was able to revisit the sites where she was abused and testify against her abusers in court."
'Nightmare experience'

The girl's parents added: "We are very proud of our daughter for her courage in assisting Greater Manchester Police with the prosecution of these abusers who caused her such terrible harm.

"No family should have to endure a nightmare experience like the one we have been through.

"We support our daughter in hoping that these successful prosecutions will send a message that will help protect other children."

Nine men convicted at Manchester Crown Court in connection with the abuse were:

* Aftab Khan, 31, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield pleaded guilty to one count of controlling a child prostitute and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. This was later reduced to seven years on appeal

* Abid Khaliq, 30, of Shrewsbury Street, Stretford was sentenced to eight months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice

* Noorzai Ahmed, 29, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of paying for the sexual services of a child

* Mohammed Anwar Safi, 29, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 31 months in prison after admitting paying for the sexual services of a child

* Mohammed Khan, 26, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of facilitating child prostitution

* Najibullah Safi, 33, of Reabrook Avenue, West Gorton was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child

* Asad Yousaf Hassa, 28, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child

* Mohammed Basharat, 28, of Prospect Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under 16

* Mohammed Atif, 29, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child
The Press Association: Girl, 14, forced into prostitution

Girl, 14, forced into prostitution

(UKPA) – 9 hours ago

Nine men have been jailed after a 14-year-old girl was preyed upon and forced into prostitution.

The vulnerable teenager was targeted with vodka and cigarettes after she was spotted wandering the streets before she was made to have sex with a string of Asian men, Greater Manchester Police said.

The child went missing from home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, on two occasions in February 2008 before she told officers she had been sexually exploited.

Over the following weeks the girl was spoken to by a specialist team of officers, police said. She was able to identify the places she was taken and the men who had abused her.

The convictions for various offences, including sexual activity with a child, controlling a child prostitute, facilitating child prostitution and paying for sexual services with a child, can be reported following the acquittal of another man at Manchester Crown Court who faced charges in connection with the case.

The girl, who is white, had to testify in separate trials involving the men and was eventually excused further evidence after a third hearing when psychologists ruled there were fears for her mental and physical well-being.

In a statement, the girl said: "These people exploit young girls, introduce them to prostitution, feed them drugs and alcohol and tell them they love them. I know this because it has happened to me and it has changed my life enormously. I just hope that people will be more aware of this now and will be able to prevent this from happening to other vulnerable young girls."

Superintendent Paul Savill, from Greater Manchester Police, said: "This child has been through an absolutely horrifying ordeal at the hands of these men. The level of abuse she has suffered is almost beyond belief. She has been treated like a commodity; beaten, threatened and sexually exploited. These men took advantage of her vulnerability with no regard for her well-being. I commend this young girl for her bravery in supporting this case. Even after her ordeal she was able to revisit the sites where she was abused and testify against her abusers in court."

Aftab Khan, 31, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield, pleaded guilty to one count of controlling a child prostitute and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. This was later reduced to seven years on appeal. Abid Khaliq, 30, of Shrewsbury Street, Stretford, was sentenced to eight months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice. Ahmed Noorzai, 29, of Royce Court in Hulme, was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of paying for the sexual services of a child. Mohammed Anwar Safi, 31, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 31 months in prison after admitting paying for the sexual services of a child.

Mohammed Khan, 26, of Royce Court, Hulme, was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of facilitating child prostitution. Najibullah Safi, 32, of Reabrook Avenue, West Gorton, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child. Asad Yousaf Hassan, 28, of Rivington Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child. Mohammed Basharat, 28, of Prospect Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under 16. Mohammed Atif, 29, of Rivington Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child.

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.
so whats the reason for higher rates of delinquency and crime. surely can't be the war on terror can it :)
so whats the reason for higher rates of delinquency and crime. surely can't be the war on terror can it :)

Many British Pakistanis compared to their Asian peers are more reluctant to associate or adopt mainstream British culture or tradition,resulting in many of them becoming unemployed social outcastes.Naturally such people succumb to criminal tendency.

However they do perform better than Indians in crime rate.

A recent report by the Metropolitan Police showed Indians committed 748 crimes in the city during the first six months of the year, including 235 violent ones. Pakistanis came lower down the order at number 10, with 591 offences, 177 of them violent.

Indians ranked eighth in British capital's crime list,India news,Online News,Online India news,Top World News,Breaking News,Latest News
Many British Pakistanis compared to their Asian peers are more reluctant to associate or adopt mainstream British culture or tradition,resulting in many of them becoming unemployed social outcastes.Naturally such people succumb to criminal tendency.

However they do perform better than Indians in crime rate.

Indians ranked eighth in British capital's crime list,India news,Online News,Online India news,Top World News,Breaking News,Latest News

i dunno,

London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
indicates that there are nearly 3 times as many people of indian origin than pakistani origin in london. that means the per capita crime rate of pakistanis is much higher.
i dunno,

London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
indicates that there are nearly 3 times as many people of indian origin than pakistani origin in london. that means the per capita crime rate of pakistanis is much higher.

Per capita wise i'm sure Indians will be lower.But Indians are mostly into non-violent crimes like fraud,racketeering etc.
Nothing new. A few of those guys are from my town. I have seen this generation of Pakistanis self destruct. I know of people, former friends, class mates, acquaintances that have been jailed for terror, fraud, drugs, rape, money laundering, assault, theft...Its beyond belief.

Surely there is an underlying cause to all this, yet most pakistani-british people are in denial.
so whats the reason for higher rates of delinquency and crime. surely can't be the war on terror can it :)
From my personal experience, it comes down to parenting, or lack of. The majority of Pakistani's in the UK are from the Mirpur area (around 75%).

If we take the parents, you won't find many drumming in the value of education to their kids.

Kids go astray because of the lack of discipline/ education / parental control and you end up with losers like these.

Would be interesting to see if these guys have roots in Mirpur, as Manchester has a large population of them. Wouldn't surprise me to be honest.
Nothing new. A few of those guys are from my town. I have seen this generation of Pakistanis self destruct. I know of people, former friends, class mates, acquaintances that have been jailed for terror, fraud, drugs, rape, money laundering, assault, theft...Its beyond belief.

Surely there is an underlying cause to all this, yet most pakistani-british people are in denial.

Madarasa graduates shining at their best. LOL :rofl:
Life in the UK is very different from Pakistan by that I mean the environment people grow up in.

Alcohol is not frowned upon, promiscuous sexual relations almost a norm and people openly admit to being atheist with almost a sense of pride.

The older generation of Pakistani immigrants were not born in the UK and dealt with this situation by sticking to their own finding solidarity with each other to get through.

But newer generations that are UK born and bred have a much more difficuly task IMHO. They are the first generation who from birth have gone through the system of education socialised more openly with native people and unfortunately as in the case above have picked up some of their worst qualities.

One person has mentioned bad parenting. With large families its difficult for a mother to keep track of all her children whilst her husband works. Young Pakistanis in the UK are torn between two cultures.

For example at home women dress modestly but outside in the towns they will see some women who dress the opposite in more revealing clothing.
If someone wants to do wrong then he will do that no matter what his/her family teaches or his/religion preaches...

Everyone knows that prostituion is bad it's the case in UK as well so it's their own will that they chose the wrong path don't blame it on their origin ot their culture.... their is no contradiction between UK and Pakistan when it comes to prostituion, fraud, killing of a person etc. etc.
Most Pakistani immigrants to UK came from northern Pakistan which was one of the least developed areas of Pakistan. The conservative immigrants with low educational level worked hard to support their large families. The second generation schooled in UK was torn between two cultures. The parents who did not full grasp of local culture due to lack of education and language thus could not guide their children properly. Nevertheless immigrants from other countries with similar circumstance has done far better than Pakistanis in UK and other parts of Europe.
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If someone wants to do wrong then he will do that no matter what his/her family teaches or his/religion preaches...

Everyone knows that prostituion is bad it's the case in UK as well so it's their own will that they chose the wrong path don't blame it on their origin ot their culture.... their is no contradiction between UK and Pakistan when it comes to prostituion, fraud, killing of a person etc. etc.

but in that specific situation the girl was 14 which is considered as child and underage. the PIMPS were adults.
but in that specific situation the girl was 14 which is considered as child and underage. the PIMPS were adults.

So ?? I never said that those PIMPS were right ..... my point is that such acts are condemnable no matter which part of world you belong..... it's not appreciated in pakistan either, so you can't say that such persons are frustrated due to cultural difference etc etc.

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