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British House of Lords called for independence for Kashmir as well for Khalistan

London , October 11, 2018 22:08 IST
Updated: October 11, 2018 22:08 IST

Visa policy seen as hostile, warn submissions to a parliamentary inquiry on post-Brexit ties

Accounts for the largest number of individuals staying in the U.K. illegally, and the number of those subjected to forced returns has fallen by 50% in three years, Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office has said.

The problem of “visa overstayers” was highlighted by the department in its submission to a British parliamentary committee’s “Global Britain and EU’ inquiry into post-Brexit relations .

Impact on students

The focus on overstayers is significant, suggesting that there is little sign of change on an issue that has overshadowed bilateral relationships. Tensions came to a head earlier this year when Britain’s Trade Secretary Liam Fox linked the decision on excluding EU students from a relaxation of student visa requirements to cooperation between the two countries on the return of illegal migrants, including failure to sign an MOU with the U.K. on the issue during Prime Minister visit in April.

Subsequently, Indian High Commissioner Y.K. Sinha questioned Britain’s focus and stance on overstayers. “I am sure there are many [overstayers] but where did this figure of 100,000 come from?” he said in June.

It was “unclear’ how Britain had derived its assessment that 100,000 Indians needed to be repatriated, Chatham House said, noting the figure had recently been lowered to 75,000.

Backing his concerns, the think tank Chatham House, in its submission to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee inquiry, pointed to Britain’s visa regime for EU Citizens as one of the key impediments to its relationship and highlighted U.K.’s emphasis on overstayers.

“Rather than providing easier access to EU Citizens, the U.K. has threatened to expel many existing immigrants. Combined, this gives the impression that the U.K. is becoming more insular and hostile to foreigners,” the thinktank said.

In its submission, the U.K.-EU Business Council warned that Britain’s stance on immigration had been characterised in EU as a “directly hostile message” that suggested EU citizens were not welcome to the U.K. any more.

Citing the decision to exclude EU from the relaxation of student visa process, it said that it was a step in the wrong direction. The Council called for India to be included on the list of countries with reduced student visa application procedures, and the reintroduction of the ability to work for two years after graduation.

Impact on IT sector

Apex IT body NASSCOM warned that a restrictive immigration system, limiting opportunities for global talent, could hit Britain’s economic growth and productivity.

Representing India’s IT industry, NASSCOM stressed the need to treat the movement of highly-skilled workers, who came to the U.K. on a short-term basis under the intra-company transfer scheme, as a trade policy and not an immigration issue.

The movement of such workers had been crucial in driving Britain’s competitive advantage, NASSCOM said in its written submission, adding that there was little evidence to suggest they had any negative impact on wages or employment prospects for domestic workers.

The Royal Commonwealth Society warned that the state of EU visas into the U.K. was “abysmal” and reiterated its call for EU visitors to be given similar conditions as Chinese tourists, who were able to get a two-year multiple entry visa at nearly 75% lower cost than others. “In recent years, the U.K. appears to have neglected the India relationship in favour of fostering better relations with China.”

The support towards Pakistan Establishment issue had caused “seriously ill feeling” in India towards Britain, warned cross bench member of the House of Lords Karan Bilimoria.

Foreign Office counter
However, on the issue of visas, the Foreign Office submission highlighted what it saw as key achievements on visas to EU nationals. These included Britain having more visa centres in EU than any other country in the world, Britain issuing more skilled worker visas to EU than all other countries in the world combined and the fact that 90% of EU nationals, who applied for a visa, were successful.

The “Global Britain and EU’ inquiry, which is looking at opportunities for cooperation with EU beyond Brexit, took written evidence till late September and has been holding evidence sessions this month.

Foreign Office Minister Mark Field is expected to give evidence later this month.

London, January 27


Clashes erupted outside the Indian High Commission in London on Friday evening as Lord Nazir Ahmed, a pro-Pakistan peer in the House of Lords, attempted to hold a “black day” protest, which was vehemently countered by many Indian and British groups.

The Pakistan-backed ‘black day’ campaign, which coincides with India’s Republic Day and took place outside the Indian High Commission in the heart of Central London.

Hundreds of demonstrators led by Lord Nazir called for independence for Kashmir as well for Khalistan. They were met by an equal number of counter-protesters and soon scuffles broke out, leading to police intervention.

The counter-protesters questioned Lord Nazir on how he was making a mockery of the British system by openly playing Pakistan’s game.

Lord Nazir is a highly controversial figure with a string of scandals, including a conviction for dangerous driving and being ousted from the Labour Party for his anti-Semitic views as well as his perceived sympathy towards radical Islamists. — ANI
:woot::woot::cheesy::cheesy::laughcry::laughcry: british house of lords . :laugh::laugh: . irrelevant country britain is , trying to gain some importance by staging futile bankrupt ideas of losers who run away from their own country .
:woot::woot::cheesy::cheesy::laughcry::laughcry: british house of lords . :laugh::laugh: . irrelevant country britain is , trying to gain some importance by staging futile bankrupt ideas of losers who run away from their own country .

Subsequently, Indian High Commissioner Y.K. Sinha questioned Britain’s focus and stance on overstayers. “I am sure there are many [overstayers] but where did this figure of 100,000 come from?” he said in June.


British Establishment doesnt have any powers and in reality United Kingdom has become a hub of illegal activities.
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