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Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

Seems and Apt discription of Pakistan and the aid they beg NATO and the US for?

And yet they still hold on to kashmir. His own country is doing what he says is impossible. And from recent news has been involved in a skirmish with Indian troops.
you are being kiddish here, i rest my case

Well just for the records Argentina did not exist. Punta has an airport and closest airport to Falklands. Air ports from Argentina are twice the distance. Can i send you a book on the falkland's war?

Argentina lost because of faulty bombs. Some more Exocets could change the result.

Yet you lost Aksai Chin and large parts of Arunachal Pradesh? Due to cowardice?
Seems and Apt discription of Pakistan and the aid they beg NATO and the US for?

David Camerron is worst than Pakistan's Zardari..
Even European leaders disparage him...Due to his cockiness soon Britain will be Kicked out of EU and the free trade will end...
The English cok is higher than the English brain and all blood is pumped into the wrong place starving the English brain of any thinking capability.
Proud British my arse...Mere pride cant make a cup of tea.
Well just for the records Argentina did not exist. Punta has an airport and closest airport to Falklands. Air ports from Argentina are twice the distance. Can i send you a book on the falkland's war?

bro my point was argentina is geographical closer to falklands then UK, if UK builds some base in chile well then chile is still not UK, it can stop UK use its land any time

argentina can build facilities closest to falklands any time because its geographically closer
Check out where Punta Arenas is and then come back. Then check where Buenos Aires is ? Punta is where we based our Special Forces to take out the Exocets.

And that gives you sad life a streak of joy? Well tell the Naxals as they seem to control the hinterlands of India.

I was only explaining that No nation will giveaway the territory it has. there is no reason for you to angry with me.
Well just for the records Argentina did not exist. Punta has an airport and closest airport to Falklands. Air ports from Argentina are twice the distance. Can i send you a book on the falkland's war?

Yet you lost Aksai Chin and large parts of Arunachal Pradesh? Due to cowardice?

Hey you neutral.

STOP bringing up aksai chin in every second post. Stick to the topic.
David Camerron is worst than Pakistan's Zardari..
Even European leaders disparage him...Due to his cockiness soon Britain will be Kicked out of EU and the free trade will end...
The English cok is higher than the English brain and all blood is pumped into the wrong place starving the English brain of any thinking capability.
Proud British my arse...Mere pride cant make a cup of tea.

Yet you prefer your pay check in sterling not Pakistani Rupees? How dumb can one be Mr. oracle?
Well just for the records Argentina did not exist. Punta has an airport and closest airport to Falklands. Air ports from Argentina are twice the distance. Can i send you a book on the falkland's war?

Yet you lost Aksai Chin and large parts of Arunachal Pradesh? Due to cowardice?

Factually wrong mate.

Aksai Chin was always controlled by Tibet/China but British maps showed it as a part of India. Hence, the confusion and war. So many people in India like to blame Brits. And Arunachal Pradesh (ALL of it) is still controlled by India? Didn't lose ANY part of it not to mention LARGE PARTS?

McMahon Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you've still not replied to my question about
And yeah not to mention even today there are thousands of Indian Sikhs (Including my own brother who studies at Wellback College and who is also a senior Cadet from Ulverscroft who lead the march on Rememberence day in Victoria Park when your favourite Mullahs were busy with protests and slogans of "British soldiers rot in hell, Our soldiers in paradise") and Indian Gurkhas serving in British Army so people like you and me can go sleep in peace and ridicule each other online. How many Pakistanis who think it is against their Religion or Chinese are serving in British Army?

So don't get all worked up over some Ignorant Indians' comment and offend whole race. After this, I don't really expect a reply from you but still I'll be looking forward to it.
when you call Indians cowards. Regards :)
You are a britisher and you seem to have problems with english?

Stick to the topic. Do you understand ?

Well its your fellow Indian's who come here and have brain fart about Falklands not me.

They forget

Argentina did not exist or have the boats to sail there when the first Brit stepped on that land.
The falklanders want to be a part of UK and not present day Argentina.
No natives were killed when WE arrived.



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