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Britain will lose by criticizing China on Tibet issue

It is actually quite funny that you have to bring Australia and Canada into the picture, now let's drag US alone just for extra fun should we. As formal British colonies, may I ask how how their aboriginal people doing compare with Tibetan right now? How about their cultures, religions and language preservations going in their own lands? Why is that they have to all speak English as their official language in their own lands? What about their independences of their homelands?

Gary Brecher, one of the few honest Americans around, wrote this fun little article.

THE EXILE - Massacres Paid Your Mortgage, Dude - By Gary Brecher - The War Nerd


"Where [in America] do you live? Now answer fast: Who lived there 300 years ago? The reason you can live there without asking some chief's permission is that your tribe wiped out their tribe. Primitive warfare paid the mortgage on your house, dude. And it happened every bit as cold-bloodedly as it's happening in Africa right now."
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lol read my post one more time b4 commenting its not only UK who thinks China has a poor human rights record so does every western nation! why is it that even countries like Australia, Canada and Sweden slammed China over its Human rights record? did they invade China too like UK? your argument is weak to say the least.

Those western nations...can go fck themselves.

They committed innumerable atrocities and human rights violations against the "third world" countries in order to get themselves rich and powerful. Now that they're done stepping over the bloodied backs of poor Asian and African folks and have arrived at this position of power, they think they can stand on a pedestal and point their fingers as the black and yellow people go through unnecessarily difficult roads toward modernization because of the burdens laid on them by the western nations themselves? Go fck yourselves.
Only if you know what is really important to Chinese, and its government. And yes, it could spoil UK-China relationship. Just be honest with me here if I keep mentioning to you who your mother should sleep with, would you want to have anything to do with me at all?

Just calm down. Dirty politics are everywhere equally. But I really think East Asian civilization should teach Western countries some lessons. Maybe they, as civilization just emerged around 400 years ago, are not mature enough.
Anyway we will keep speaking up about Tibet and Human rights no1 can stop us if China thinks it will spoil relations then so be it but we will continue to do so.
Chausim your the biggest fool ive met on this forum, u think there is such thing as Hindu DNA lol and India has nothing to do with Tibet your what we call in UK a total walley.

You'd better accuse me with some evidences that could back your claim, otherwise everyone can see who the real fool is here.

To all Indian members here
Yes but in History in every conflict there has been war crimes name me one war there wasen't? people are humans they are liable to commit crime and heinous acts but at least in UK we have public enquiry and u found out about such 'torture and deaths' in the first place shows the system works.

I dont think u understand the concept of democracy, the British public by voting and not voting chose to elect a hung goverment it was their choice to make and the elections were free from rigging.

As for the Media part yes i agree Rupert Murdoch and his not UK only but global media empire can influence politics, people's opinions but thats business has been for hundreds of years doubt it will change overnight.

All i can say is we may not be perfect but if you compare Uk to China where foreign journalists can not freely operate, where there is hundreds of annuel executions and free speech is not permitted let alone simply using the internet as we do which system is better to you?

Yean,"the British public by voting ",but British can control theirown country by voting, it's wrong to decide other countries' things by British voting,
If England can earn 1$ through 1 Indian being a slave,British vote will certainly be "yes"~~~~~~~~~or "Israel should disappear by Iran's voting"~~~
Chausim you are a walley as u said things like hindu dna! when there is no such thing as a religious dna, the second point you made was that India has nothing to do with Tibet and I gave u various links to prove otherwise but you kept changing the record.

Han chinese like you have nothing to do with Tibet the sooner u leave Tibet the better.
Yes but in History in every conflict there has been war crimes name me one war there wasen't? people are humans they are liable to commit crime and heinous acts but at least in UK we have public enquiry and u found out about such 'torture and deaths' in the first place shows the system works.

These "public enquiries" are affected by politics have resulted and "white-washes", the politicians can hand-pick people to chair these enquiries.

The investigations into allegations of murder and torture require the military to investigate themselves - perfect opportunitiy for cover-ups.

I dont think u understand the concept of democracy, the British public by voting and not voting chose to elect a hung goverment it was their choice to make and the elections were free from rigging.

Nobody wants a hung parliament (the media spins it that way to make it seem like it was a conscious decision by voters) because then it is left for the political parties to do backroom deals between themselves to see what power they can get - undemocratic.

As for the Media part yes i agree Rupert Murdoch and his not UK only but global media empire can influence politics, people's opinions but thats business has been for hundreds of years doubt it will change overnight.

All i can say is we may not be perfect but if you compare Uk to China where foreign journalists can not freely operate, where there is hundreds of annuel executions and free speech is not permitted let alone simply using the internet as we do which system is better to you?

Free speech is permitted to an extent. You can't speak out on certain things.
Same with internet, in fact China has the largest number of internet users in the world - but only certain subjects are not permitted.
I really dont know whts indian's problem is they keep poking there nose in every issue even if it sumones internal issue .Nor Britian nor indians have any right to question china abt the Tibet , its there internal matter and they knew it better how to solve it .
and for u indians wht will u feel whn they comment the moaist should be given there due states and china supports them.wht abt tht it hurt right coz its ur internal matter and no one should have any problem with tht.so it will be better for u guy to just look in to ur problem and dont keep poking ur nose everywhere else coz in the end u might get hurt .
Hung parliament was predicted way b4 the elections took part, if like you mentioned nobody wanted a hung parliament then more people would have voted/ changed their votes etc but who says a coalition goverment is a bad thing?

As for the internet use in China thats only due to the high population no other reason.
I really dont know whts indian's problem is they keep poking there nose in every issue even if it sumones internal issue .Nor Britian nor indians have any right to question china abt the Tibet , its there internal matter and they knew it better how to solve it .
and for u indians wht will u feel whn they comment the moaist should be given there due states and china supports them.wht abt tht it hurt right coz its ur internal matter and no one should have any problem with tht.so it will be better for u guy to just look in to ur problem and dont keep poking ur nose everywhere else coz in the end u might get hurt .

Thats cause your Pakistani and a muslim brother, Im hindu and Tibet is sacred land for hindus sikhs buddhist I dont know if you heard of Mount kailash in tibet? it is a pilgrim site for all 3 dharmic religions. Lord Kalki the final Avatar of God will also be born in Tibet as mentioned in Hindu/Buddhist/Sikhs holy text. So Tibet has everything to do with us but Han chinese have nothing in common with tibet they simply annexed it.
Anyway we will keep speaking up about Tibet and Human rights no1 can stop us if China thinks it will spoil relations then so be it but we will continue to do so.

But you seem to keep forgetting that the current human rights situation in Tibet is the best it's had in its history.

Show me when it has been better.

And I can see why the Chinese would get so angry at this issue.

They liberated the masses of serfs and gave them rights yet they are portrayed as the bad guys while the Dalai Lama and the ruling elite who had no concern for the human rights of the serfs are portrayed as the heroes.
Thats your view I dont agree I believe these Han chinese have ruined Tibet and tried to destroy its Tibetian culture and we will keep speaking up about it like every other western nation does.
Thats cause your Pakistani and a muslim brother, Im hindu and Tibet is sacred land for hindus sikhs buddhist I dont know if you heard of Mount kailash in tibet? it is a pilgrim site for all 3 dharmic religions. Lord Kalki the final Avatar of God will also be born in Tibet as mentioned in Hindu/Buddhist/Sikhs holy text. So Tibet has everything to do with us but Han chinese have nothing in common with tibet they simply annexed it.

You forget that China has a very large population of buddhists.

British better fcuk herself ! Free N Ireland first and return falkland to Argentina!

Your country commited more evil than all the counties in the world combined.
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