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Britain’s Prince Harry has ‘mental problem’: Taliban

What makes you say that? I very much doubt he believes that.

Are you seriously defending the actions of this spoilt brat who after making a mockery of millions of deaths in WW2 by dressing as a SS officer to a costume party, now relates shooting down people in the Afghan war from a copter to a playstation game ?
Are you seriously defending the actions of this spoilt brat who after making a mockery of millions of deaths in WW2 by dressing as a SS officer to a costume party, now relates shooting down people in the Afghan war from a copter to a playstation game ?

I don't see how his personal life matters. Most men and women are even bigger hypocrites , the only difference is they don't have to live 24/7 under public scrutiny.
I don't see how his personal life matters. Most men and women are even bigger hypocrites , the only difference is they don't have to live 24/7 under public scrutiny.

He is being fed by the state. He is pampered and literally lives the life of a prince thanks to the state of UK. He does not have a personal life. He is a public figure and owes it to the public that feeds and pampers him to behave more responsibly. With respect, your argument is typically received from most politicians who are caught doing wrong. "Everybody else does it but I just got caught because I am oh so popular"
He is being fed by the state. He is pampered and literally lives the life of a prince thanks to the state of UK. He does not have a personal life. He is a public figure and owes it to the public that feeds and pampers him to behave more responsibly. With respect, your argument is typically received from most politicians who are caught doing wrong. "Everybody else does it but I just got caught because I am oh so popular"

He belongs to the Royal family. He is pampered "because he is a prince". There is nothing "literal" or unreasonable about that at all. Regardless of him wanting to be one or not, he is not a prince (public figure) by choice.

King-Emperor Edward VIII had to abdicate his throne due to the restrictions it imposed on his free will.
He belongs to the Royal family. He is pampered "because he is a prince". There is nothing "literal" or unreasonable about that at all. Regardless of him wanting to be one or not, he is not a prince (public figure) by choice.

King-Emperor Edward VIII had to abdicate his throne due to the restrictions it imposed on his free will.

He has the same choice which his granduncle Edward VIII had. He can renounce his title and live a private life as a normal UK citizen who has to work for a living and pay taxes
He has the same choice which his granduncle Edward VIII had. He can renounce his title and live a private life as a normal UK citizen who has to work for a living and pay taxes

I don't see why a price has to renounce his position. Unless he becomes King--and decides to go against restrictions set by the position and church, the question of him renouncing anything is irrelevant. His only titles are "His Royal Highness" ( comes with the royal family ) and "Captain" ( which is a military rank ).
Britain’s Prince Harry has ‘mental problem’: Taliban
By AFP Published: January 22, 2013
KABUL: Britain’s Prince Harry, who compared shooting insurgents in Afghanistan to playing video games, “has probably developed a mental problem”, the Taliban said Tuesday.
“There are 49 countries with their powerful military failing in the fight against the mujahideen, and now this prince comes and compares this war with his games, PlayStation or whatever he calls it,” Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told AFP.
Harry, third in line to the throne, said he had killed Taliban insurgents during a 20-week posting flying scores of missions over the restive southern province of Helmand in an Apache attack helicopter.
As co-pilot, Harry was in charge of the weapons systems in a two-man cockpit, firing Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, rockets and a 30-millimetre gun.
“It’s a joy for me because I’m one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox, so with my thumbs I like to think I’m probably quite useful,” he said in interviews released Monday after the end of his posting.
“This is a serious war, a historic war, resistance for us, for our people,” Mujahid told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.
“But we don’t take his comments very seriously, as we have all seen and heard that many foreign soldiers, occupiers who come to Afghanistan, develop some kind of mental problems on their way out.”
Asked by Britain’s Press Association if he had killed from the cockpit, Harry said: “Yeah, so lots of people have.
“Take a life to save a life,” he shrugged. “If there’s people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we’ll take them out of the game.”
The Taliban have been waging an insurgency in Afghanistan for 11 years since being ousted from power for harbouring al Qaeda chief Osama bin laden after the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
During the war, they have faced more than 140,000 troops from over 50 countries but remain a serious threat to the Western-backed government with Nato troops due to withdraw in 2014.

The taliban claims victory, not realizing perhaps that if they organise terror strikes on western targets again, they'll be faced with more 'western interference in their home lands'. You reap what you sow, Taliban.
And.......he should be admitted to a mental hospital with Taliban's doctor serving him :lol:
Taliban and Price Harry trolling each other!
Harry should thank his lucky stars for not being wiped out by Talibans!
Look who's talking ! Taliban are hardly models of mental stability!

Anyways both the young pup Harry and the Taliban are products of centuries of inbreeding - and it shows - on both . No offense intended.
LoL, this is the Royals of Britain nowadays!!!, all retards being ridiculed by Afghans.

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