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Britain is No Longer a Major Military Power

The generall who whooped napoleons *** would disagree...

Not the americans as we are led to believe but the russians, germany lost the war at stalingrad, the americana only wiped out the decaying defeated thing ledt of the former german army, do u knw the red army was the first to enter berlin, hitler committed suicide when the russkies came knocking...

That was like 800 years ago man! When they guy was whooping Napoleon, Cholas were conquering Indonesia. You think we can rest on those laurels?

THIS is their idea of a nuclear submarine which many many brits call the 'best in the world'. A pigmy sub with high consequent limitations on range and carriage capability. Yet I have hard many a brit claim how it is better than Virginia and Sea Wolf Class!


and the truth?


I think it would be very unwise to underestimate these old-world developed countries.

They industrialized over a century ago, while we are still finding our feet.

Their power projection means that they are currently engaged in fighting a war in another continent. Which is a trait of all the P5 members (USA, Russia, Britain, France...) all except China which is still a developing country.

You shouldn't over-estimate them either.
I think it would be very unwise to underestimate these old-world developed countries.

They industrialized over a century ago, while we are still finding our feet.

It would also be unwise to overestimate England. England became wealthy because it smuggled drugs into China, looted its colonies and stolen a lot of works of art from countries it invaded. Now England is unable to smuggle drugs into China and loot countries like Pakistan, India or Bangladesh. Without it's colonies England is just small and puny country.
You shouldn't over-estimate them either.

We aren't going to fight them anyway so it doesn't matter.

The fact is that Britain, along with France, USA and Russia are currently able to project their military power across the globe, fighting wars (sometimes multiple) in other continents. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria.

This kind of power projection is what developing countries like China still lack. And even if we get the capability, it's still another thing entirely to be able to carry it out.
We aren't going to fight them anyway so it doesn't matter.

The fact is that Britain, along with France, USA and Russia are currently able to project their military power across the globe, fighting wars (sometimes multiple) in other continents. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria.

This kind of power projection is what developing countries like China still lack. And even if we get the capability, it's still another thing entirely to be able to carry it out.
hy should it matter if you can't carry it out?

Man you are so stuck with prestige and 'achieving status'. Do you know what makes China important? It's not your space program or missile or PLA...that comes later. It is the fact that you represent 1/5th of humanity. All these things are for protecting the interests of those people, not to make you 'deserving' of anything. When a tiny nation has a voice so disproportionate, and when you - instead of having a voice that is legitimately yours spend your time chasing after shiny baubles so that you should be 'deserving' of that voice 'some day', that is the real tragedy.
British and German's were once major powers in the world , along with USSR and Japanese .. lets not forget that if it wasn't for Brits German's would triumph over the Europe .. Brits and German's today is sad to see how they become stooges for US and once were great powers .. If German's survived WW2 they would be unmatched in terms of Military might
The Brits are capable of defending themselves against every threat if needed. As long as this is the case, Britain remains strong in my opinion.

Britain may no longer be a major military power but on the other hand no current military major power would dare to attack them.
The Brits are capable of defending themselves against every threat if needed. As long as this is the case, Britain remains strong in my opinion.

Britain may no longer be a major military power but on the other hand no current military major power would dare to attack them.

3 more exocet missiles and they would have lost the falklands.
Some Englishmen live in denial and still believe in "England stronk" propaganda.
yeah okie dokie
poland shupa powa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you cry and b!tch to nato for troops

you lot run around here stone dead drunk and living of benefits

3 more exocet missiles and they would have lost the falklands.
did it happen???
argentina cant even afford to buy new fighters. they only have one sub!
why dont you sell them the brahmos!!!!!!!!
Actually you guys forgot something, it goes further than WW2. The British lost to US independence war which ended in 1783 :rofl:

Without the massive financial,material and finally direct French support,the British army would just have crushed the revolutionnary Americans.

the day they declared the Falklands a major war itself this became clear.

Only few countries would have been to sustain a war so far from their own territory. The fact of projecting their power so far away and to sustain it logistically....

At the end,Argentine just got crushed. Any claim now is just pointless and a wet dream since their armed forces are now outdated and underfunded. If they didn't succeed in the 80's,they will never,now.
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Without the massive financial,material and finally direct French support,the British army would just have crushed the revolutionnary Americans.

Which one are you talking about ? Wellington ? It was only the Prussians of Blücher who saved the coalition from the defeat at Waterloo.The Prussians,who were almost obliterated at Ligny.

Only few countries would have been to sustain a war so far from their own territory. The fact of projecting their power so far away and to sustain it logistically....

At the end,Argentine just got crushed. Any claim now is just pointless and a wet dream since their armed forces are now outdated and underfunded. If they didn't succeed in the 80's,they will never,now.

3 more exocets and Britain was toast.
hy should it matter if you can't carry it out?

Man you are so stuck with prestige and 'achieving status'. Do you know what makes China important? It's not your space program or missile or PLA...that comes later. It is the fact that you represent 1/5th of humanity. All these things are for protecting the interests of those people, not to make you 'deserving' of anything. When a tiny nation has a voice so disproportionate, and when you - instead of having a voice that is legitimately yours spend your time chasing after shiny baubles so that you should be 'deserving' of that voice 'some day', that is the real tragedy.

It has nothing to do with status.

It's to do with facts. The fact is that these developed countries have significant power projection capabilities that allow them to fight multiple wars in other continents (which they are doing now).

The fact is that China is still a developing country, a country that is still in the process of building our power projection.

Ignoring facts is a pretty silly thing to do.
yeah okie dokie
poland shupa powa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you cry and b!tch to nato for troops

you lot run around here stone dead drunk and living of benefits

did it happen???
argentina cant even afford to buy new fighters. they only have one sub!
why dont you sell them the brahmos!!!!!!!!

they did place orders before the war, the war started before they took delivery of their full consignment of exocets. Faklands was a shit war. And why the hell should it be with Britain anyway? That land belongs to the Argentinians. It will go back to them eventually.
That was like 800 years ago man! When they guy was whooping Napoleon, Cholas were conquering Indonesia. You think we can rest on those laurels?

THIS is their idea of a nuclear submarine which many many brits call the 'best in the world'. A pigmy sub with high consequent limitations on range and carriage capability. Yet I have hard many a brit claim how it is better than Virginia and Sea Wolf Class!


and the truth?


You shouldn't over-estimate them either.
every project has its hickups even our destroyers
our sub are just as good as the virgina as their navy cheif!
@Blue Marlin I don't think the thread opener is really a Pole,as he has a very pro-russian stance. Strange since most Poles are literally anti-Russians and welcome any NATO country sending troops to their country to deter the threatening Russia. Be sure that those Eastern European countries aren't spitting on the British army support provided.
It has nothing to do with status.

It's to do with facts. The fact is that these developed countries have significant power projection capabilities that allow them to fight multiple wars in other continents (which they are doing now).

The fact is that China is still a developing country, a country that is still in the process of building our power projection.

Ignoring facts is a pretty silly thing to do.

It's actually a strange kind of gloating. In reality you're saying 'china can kick their crap out of them but....' . I would have been ok with that. Except sometime I feel there is genuine complexes plaguing Chinese world view.
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