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Breaking: Search Operation at 90

Looking at the results all is justifiable. Plus Rangers has special status, they can do this, if i am not wrong. Even if they are they are most probably doing it for good. It's Pakistan's para military force not India's.

It didn't make the news much but Sunni Tehrek office was also raided many times in last couple of months. Members arrested and some weapon concealed.
There are criminals within MQM, now if Rangers are going after them there is nothing wrong in it. Karachi has suffered enough from Namaloom afrad. MQM needs to cooperate and clean this mess, they created.

Bro, you are wasting your time with the cult followers of that foreigner barking-toad-of-London.

They are brainwashed to an extent, that if the toad-of-London announces on Wednesday that "today is Friday", they will start forcing Imams of their respecive mosques to say Juma sermons.

The thing people of Pakistan demanding from MQM is very simple:

- Hand over all the gangsters / terrorists and those who ordered these people to murder and carry acts of terrorism
- Get rid of foreigners on the payroll of RAW who are out there to damage Pakistan at any cost.

If you do not do it volunterily, state will use force.

PS. Apologies for using harsh words for that person sitting in London, but given the kind of language he is using against us Pakistanis, he should not expect anything milder.
They are brainwashed to an extent, that if the toad-of-London announces on Wednesday that "today is Friday", they will start forcing Imams of their respecive mosques to say Juma sermons.
One thing i don't get as to how they can stand anyone speaking against the state and Pakistan Army and it's personals. It's unbearable. Then there is whole Criminals saga.
PS. Apologies for using harsh words for that person sitting in London, but given the kind of language he is using against us Pakistanis, he should not expect anything milder.
If MQM want's to do politics it must get rid of it's militant wing and Altaf Hussain. He is the main cause of their downfall.
One thing i don't get as to how they can stand anyone speaking against the state and Pakistan Army and it's personals. It's unbearable. Then there is whole Criminals saga.

If MQM want's to do politics it must get rid of it's militant wing and Altaf Hussain. He is the main cause of their downfall.

I really don't get how people could volunteerily hear even five minutes the rants of that foreigner from London, let alone 4 hours / day continously.

He would not even qualify as an extra for a stage drama actor going by his theatrics.

With all those unit/sector incharge gangsters behind bars and people having a free will to decide whether to attend MQM rallies or not, you will just see how popular MQM actually is, :lol:
Times have changed. This time it's a different scenario and different stakes. Rangers are here to clean up this mess.

Mate, the arguments that you are putting forward are old and fallacious. Time always change! Its always a different scenario. And military continues to repeat its mistakes before there is no proper check and balance. Power corrupts and absolute power well. Only by ensuring that the process is right can a long lasting peace be ensured anywhere in this country. Rangers are here to clean up this mess, they must also make sure that they aren't creating new enemies while doing so by arresting and torturing the suspects. Its very essential and not to be taken lightly.

- Get rid of foreigners on the payroll of RAW who are out there to damage Pakistan at any cost.

It has never been established with certainty, its the job of the accusers or the state of Pakistan to pursue this case in a competent court of law if they think that there is any truth to the allegations.

Do you support this operation or not?

Conditionally, of course. You think I would feel good and safe if ten-twenty are being kille daily? Things have improved, lets make sure that they remain so.

Choro Politics ko. I hate politics but can't ignore it. Eid Mubarak. Since you weren't around much, did you get a tag for a project done by me, Slav Defence and Gufi. Read it when you get the time to.
The dark chapter:1971 tragedy
And i got promoted. :victory:

Khair Mubarak! :)

I don't think so. But I have been absent for long, so not sure.

Congratulations! :D
Conditionally, of course. You think I would feel good and safe if ten-twenty are being kille daily? Things have improved, lets make sure that they remain so.
Exactly. Now if Rangers are going after criminals within MQM, no one should have a problem with it. Instead of abusing and crying MQM should cooperate. PPPs turn will come.
I don't think so. But I have been absent for long, so not sure.
Read it when you get the time to.
Congratulations! :D
Thank you.
It has never been established with certainty, its the job of the accusers or the state of Pakistan to pursue this case in a competent court of law if they think that there is any truth to the allegations.

Ok lets take one thing at a time. And take practical steps.

Instead of hiding them in their headquarter, how about MQM hand over all those serial killers, gangsters, terrorists from their ranks and also those people in paty hierachy (the main culprits) who use these?

Now please do not write an essay about Boko Haram, KKK, PKK, TTP or others. Lets stay focused on terrorists in your party MQM and see how we can get rid of them.

All others are a big problem too, but not focus of this discussion.
Instead of hiding them in their headquarter, how about MQM hand over all those serial killers, gangsters, terrorists from their ranks and also those people in paty hierachy (the main culprits) who use these?

Do you see anyone else doing that? Do you demand that anyone else does that? It doesn't work that way and its not realistic. What is realistic is demanding lawful treatment from the law enforcers, why act like vigilante even with all the power of the state? It makes no sense to me at least, except for the obvious.

All others are a big problem too, but not focus of this discussion.

Nothing is isolated or should be treated so.

Read it when you get the time to.

Why not? :)
The rangers are appreciated for their stance,and I hope that action will be taken against all black sheeps within all political parties .I hope that MQM will cooperate with Rangers

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Do you see anyone else doing that? Do you demand that anyone else does that? It doesn't work that way and its not realistic. What is realistic is demanding lawful treatment from the law enforcers, why act like vigilante with all the power of the state?

You don't want to hand over terrorists in your party, fine.

Then don't cry when state decides to use lawful force to arrest those terrorists, because no one is going to have sympathy for you on this one. We want every single terrorist hanged, and peace restored in the whole country.

LEAs are doing a great job for nabbing those terrorists across the board and an overwehlming majority of Pakistanis support them. Don't expect any sympathy from anyone of us as long as you are going to hide those terrorists among you on whatever context.
You don't want to hand over terrorists in your party, fine.

Whats with answering everything else but the post? This isn't what I am asking.

when state decides to use lawful force to arrest those terrorists

Hardly lawful in the absence of a search warrant. Is your definition of lawful extended to everything which the military does? How does that work?

have sympathy for you on this one

See if alienation works better here.
Whats with answering everything else but the post? This isn't what I am asking.

Hardly lawful in the absence of a search warrant. Is your definition of lawful extended to everything which the military does? How does that work?

See if alienation works better here.

As long as convicted murderers and terrorists are being nabbed, ordinary Pakistanis are happy.

Don't do unlawful activities and hide terrorists in your headquarters and then instead of answering the questions every one asking in the country "why have you been protecting terrorists in your headquarters?" demand for "lawful actions" from the state.

Constitution gives power to LEAs to arrest terrorists wherever they are found. Period!
Constitution gives power to LEAs to arrest terrorists wherever they are found. Period!

I am not going to have any further circular conversation. If you think that following the law or the due process isn't important, its your problem. But understand that its the cause (which could have been prevented) for most of whats wrong with this country today. Knee jerk and emotion driven reactions may be useful and effective in short term, but they have usually come to bite Pakistan later.

demand for "lawful actions" from the state.

Yes, the state becoming the "criminal" or "terrorists" to deal with one. Wonderful analogy!

ordinary Pakistanis are happy

Are also happy and blindly follow the local Mullah, that doesn't make it alright. Pakistanis have a shared delusion of the usefulness of an unaccoutable military deserving of absolute powers.
I am not going to have any further circular conversation. If you think that following the law or the due process isn't important, its your problem. But understand that its the cause (which could have been prevented) for most of whats wrong with this country today. Knee jerk and emotion driven reactions may be useful and effective in short term, but they have usually come to bite Pakistan later.

Yes, the state becoming the "criminal" or "terrorists" to deal with one. Wonderful analogy!

You can cherry pick few lines from my posts completely out of context, no one is going to stop you on that. I'll only say this to end this discussion:

Do not harbour terrorists in your headquarters and then complain about they being nabbed.

Do not expect anyone to sympathize with you on that one.

Don't do unlawful activities and hide terrorists in your headquarters and then instead of answering the questions every one asking in the country "why have you been protecting terrorists in your headquarters?" demand for "lawful actions" from the state.

What did you mean by this, in the first place?

Something else than this?

Yes, the state becoming the "criminal" or "terrorists" to deal with one. Wonderful analogy!

The state must abide by the law, even if the criminals don't.

Do not harbour terrorists in your headquarters and then complain about they being nabbed.

But then again, there's no one complaining about them being nabbed. Nab them lawfully.
But then again, there's no one complaining about them being nabbed. Nab them lawfully.

Instead of apologizing for harbouring those terrorists in your headquarters, you are complaining about the raid and calling it unlawful.

Can you see the hypocricy in that?

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