This iranian saudi bullshit has polluted the entire muslim world, get out of this psycho bullshit, im talking to the idiots of both sides but usually on this forum the iranians start it, both sides blurt out the most vile racist slurs at each other, all of u belong to the same race, the human race that started with hazrat adam(as), all of u are his children, all of u are the creation of Allah, when Allah himself decress that no race is superior to the other who the f uck are u little mofos to promote racism to appease ur filthy ego's, both of u shame islam and the islamic world, no human has superiority over another, the only thing that makes one better is faith and morality, both ofu have contributed massively to the destruction of islam, while u hurl racial slurs and call out for each others blood the westerns and the zionists laugh their a sses of damnit, both of are are muslim nations,, that makes u brothers,, wtf are u fighting for??,, regional dominance and monarchy's??? While israel prepares itself for subjugation and destruction of entire middleeast...