Tell that to Kemal, he went to suck D*ck in the US with all these think tanks to strategize with his benefactors on the the Turkish election.
He might try to downplay it, but they were most certainly backing him and doing everything they could to tilt things in his favor. EU promising restarting to EU membership negotiations, and other stuff. All the think tanks talking about how Kemal was their man and how there would be a "thaw"/"reset" in relations if he came back. Anything you read in english media about Turkey, it was Pro Kemal, anti Erdogan. Anything on english western social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all Pro Kemal and anti Erdogan, now we are supposed to believe in a globalized world and with the influence of english soft power and penetration, none of this was reaching anyone in Turkey? Turkey isn't North Korea in a bubble, whatever floats in the global discourse will eventually penetrate through.