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Sisamnes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia describes about a Judge named Sisamnes in above referred article in following words:

According to Herodotus, Sisamnes was a corrupt judge under Cambyses II of Persia. He accepted a bribe and delivered an unjust verdict. As a result, the king had him arrested and flayed (i.e. process of removal of skin alive) alive. His skin was then used to cover the seat in which his son would sit in judgement.
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My main irritation stems from the fact that problems that really plague the nation are Terrorism, Law & Order, Poverty, run way Inflation, low standard of Education & Health care and Rehabilitation of the flood victims.

All of these have been put on the back burner. Instead issues discussed day and night on the media as well as in the gov't circles is NRO, letter to the Swiss gov’t, appointment of CEO of various GOP owned institutions and the 18th Amendment. How resolution of any of these issues will affect the common man?

From the day PPP govt’t came to power, the opposition (PML-N) started working to bring it down. First step was to get a very pro Nawaz CJ reinstated. Next step was getting sentence against Nawaz Sharif squashed, thus despite having being sentenced, Nawaz Sharif is lilywhite. Then the NRO and now the 18th Amendment. All the steps are coldly calculated to show PPP in a bad light with ultimate aim to bring it down. Did anyone really worry about how to improve economic situation?

Nawaz Sharif was PM twice, have we forgotten the 16th amendment whereby he would have been an Amir ul Momineen and any action against his gov’t would be considered un Islamic? He arranged millions of dollars loans to be written off, he caused the freezing of foreign account fiasco which resulted in dollar going from RS 46 to Rs 70 overnight. His gov't also engineered an attack on the Supreme Court. Have we also forgotten Saif ur Rahman and his fight with the Jang group. Now every one is talking about a change in gov't, pray tell me how a change from tweedledee to tweedledum will be for the better?

Regret to say that electronic media pundits seem to favor PML_N too despite the fact that Punjab Assembly passed a resolution against the journalists.

Does any one including the Supreme Court care about Pakisani public or what should be done to improve their lot?

Pakistanis do have very short memory. At this rate Pakistan is not going anywhere, simply case of déjà vu.
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No one is stopping PPP to solve these issues. After all they have an army of ministers and advisers for each department and it is their job to make things right in their respective departments. I don't think judiciary or anyone else is stopping them.

What's the point of having so many ministers then?

My main irritation stems from the fact that problems that really plague the nation are Terrorism, Law & Order, Poverty, run way Inflation, low standard of Education & Health care and Rehabilitation of the flood victims.

All of these have been put on the back burner.
Majority ppl cannot be analytical. More intelligent ppl are clever liers. Simple ppl are prone to only projections. They tend to believe in whatever is being projected.

Let's hope for the best!
From the day PPP govt’t came to power, the opposition (PML-N) started working to bring it down. First step was to get a very pro Nawaz CJ reinstated. Next step was getting sentence against Nawaz Sharif squashed, thus despite having being sentenced, Nawaz Sharif is lilywhite. Then the NRO and now the 18th Amendment. All the steps are coldly calculated to show PPP in a bad light with ultimate aim to bring it down. Did anyone really worry about how to improve economic situation?

Nawaz Sharif was PM twice, have we forgotten the 16th amendment whereby he would have been an Amir ul Momineen and any action against his gov’t would be considered un Islamic? He arranged millions of dollars loans to be written off, he caused the freezing of foreign account fiasco which resulted in dollar going from RS 46 to Rs 70 overnight. His gov't also engineered an attack on the Supreme Court. Have we also forgotten Saif ur Rahman and his fight with the Jang group. Now every one is talking about a change in gov't, pray tell me how a change from tweedledee to tweedledum will be for the better?

Regret to say that electronic media pundits seem to favor PML_N too despite the fact that Punjab Assembly passed a resolution against the journalists.

Does any one including the Supreme Court care about Pakisani public or what should be done to improve their lot?

Pakistanis do have very short memory. At this rate Pakistan is not going anywhere, simply case of déjà vu.

very well said
Nawaz is very smug in his belief that he is destined for the next premiership. He is using Anti American/ Anti Musharraf (cloaked anti Pak- Army), pro Lal mosque/ Taliban sentiments to his advantage, couple it with the incompetence of PPP and biased judiciary these are happy days for PMLn.

This is why that lion (due to recent hair implants) and his party doesn’t hesitate to make controversial remarks like calling Taliban as its brothers. His minister Sana--Ullah waving Klashenkov with Sipah Sahabah activist in Jhang etc.

Since war on terror PMLn has cashed in the sentiments of the radical population of Pakistan hence Lal mosque operation and crack down on religious extremists was a blessing for PMLn. It didn’t stop there and even decided to call a known thug, thief, bully and an oppressive murdering tribal chief Bughti as a Martyr just because he met his fate during Musharraf’s rule.

People of Pakistan indeed suffer from Amnesia when it comes to remembering what his own government achieved when whole banks were gobbled up. From seizing foreign exchange reserves to insider dealings (conflict of interest) while making industrial and agricultural policies. Indeed people be damned as far as PMLn is concerned its sole purpose is to achieve power hence it doesn’t shy away from meeting army leadership secretly. NRO, Back coat drama (lawyers movement), Swiss cases etc are needle pricking up the bum of PPP to keep the useless political fever high.
These are happy days for PMLn ... well said:)

Nawaz Politics is only to recognize popular sentiments and then to raise voice in favour of those sentiments. He is clever enough that he can fool sizable population!
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