Cant agree with you more honestly i dont care about any politician in Pakistan or in world but when i see those peoples around me even with facing so many hardship their smile,hospitality,positivity many qualities thats why keep an eye on that for last 2 months on daily basis Allah bus in sab ka bhalaa karayy Ameen.Can u do us an favor ask your father why specifically he said """6""" not 5 not 7 but """6"" ????as that second time in 24 hours i heard that and by training i don't believe on coincidences
Thats the question i asked him too, he said the gas is at the top and then comes liquid raw oil muddy.
He says the fact that they had to stop drilling for 3 weeks because of high pressure shows there is much more gas than they expected and stopped drilling possibily for safety reasons as my dad has seen rigs exploding and everyone can easily die and rigs damadged etc
If gas is alot more than oil would be less. The estimate italian geologist are talking about puts this specific region in numbers lower than what iraq has. But more than what kuwait has.
This is also an estmate given by usgs ( united states geological services) back in 2011. But no one was given permission to drill bt that time governments. Politics etc
My dad threw alot of numbers at me while explaining. Its a huge oppertunity for us All. Depends if we find something or not. Once my dad says he insisted on a his personal hunch to drill 500 meters more into the sea , costing the company thousands of dollars and because of his insistance oil was found by that rig.
Sometimes they stop drilling after 5000 meters my dad took it 5900 meters deep. On his personal risk.
Depends on knowledge of geologists rigs being used worth of the people and among All, Will of God The Almighty. Pray for pakistan and its poor people perhaps we will see a better pakistan sooner than we thought.
Best rig in the world is being used settalite guidance available , latest technologies being used . now lets see if we deserve it as a nation or not.