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Breaking News TTP Leader Wali ur Rahman killed in today's Drone Attack

sir your army has killed thousands in tribal areas let this war end you will know the mass murders done by pak army they have killed thousands and they have been doing this since 2003 and even army guys know it but some liberal jerks who are paid dogs of USA always like to defend master USA and their touts

Again , the same . :D Is that how the young Jihadist are brainwashed to bomb mosques and shrines ? Repetition's the key here , I see !

Who's hiding the imagined " facts " about the fantasy killings when you have a media that criticizes the armed forces 24/7 ? There must be a credible source / link somewhere if any killing of thousands and thousands happened , if there isn't one , then it didn't happen .

The censorship doesn't work fine in the 21st century , wake up !
This isn't the work of weed, even Afghanistan's finest. He's just pulling numbers out of his bunghole.

These aren't drugs I know , its a full blown psychiatric disorder !
He is drunk. Its silly to claim the army killed 40,000 people. We all know its the Taliban that killed 40,000 of our citizens. They are murderous brutal enemies of the Pakistani state and it is only them who have been murdering our citizens.Zarvan wants to protect the butt of those traitors but everyone has seen the atrocities of the Taliban. There is no justification for what the Taliban are doing to our great nation. They cannot be forgiven $80 billion in damages and 40,000 Pakistani souls dead. Taliban must be hunted down.

Exactly !

There are no negotiations that can be carried out with these enemies of the state and the murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis , we cant find any common ground with the people who want to impose their barbaric interpretation of the religion on the silent majority and want the constitution abolished and the democracy put to an end so they can have their " self proclaimed " Caliph rule the country . We - the people gave our verdict when we participated in elections with better turnout than ever despite all the terror , warnings and bombings . Enlightened Moderation and Pakistan first be our policy instead of this intolerant and draconian ideology .

Time for the final offensive against these religious psychopaths , time for the final solution , lets " take no prisoners " be the order here !
Again , the same . :D Is that how the young Jihadist are brainwashed to bomb mosques and shrines ? Repetition's the key here , I see !

Who's hiding the imagined " facts " about the fantasy killings when you have a media that criticizes the armed forces 24/7 ? There must be a credible source / link somewhere if any killing of thousands and thousands happened , if there isn't one , then it didn't happen .

The censorship doesn't work fine in the 21st century , wake up !
Sir facts will come out it have come out but most will come out soon and expose this mass murderer USA slave army who has killed its own people to please USA @havisultan I don't drink but liberal jerks do who also eat **** off their daddy USA
Sir facts will come out it have come out

Do you know the meaning of the word " fact " ?

How exactly can one hide the news of the imagined " massacre " in this era , first of all ? :azn:

Infidels are still waiting for the link . Go ahead .
Do you know the meaning of the word " fact " ?

yes I know meaning of fact and pet d... of master USA
The militancy in Syria and Pakistan is a bizarre one.

On one side "al-qaeda" are cutting soldiers hearts out and eating them. In Pakistan they are shooting little girls and blowing up schools.

It is difficult to justify this behavior let alone a normal functioning human being carrying out such acts.

Psychologists say these fighters take a large dose of psychotropics before battle.

Definition if psychotropics: affecting mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug.

They use this drug to encourage "following through" with anyone they encounter without hesitation. Alongside lacking one the key things that make you human, having sanctity of life. So they have no fear of dying.

These people are getting high on drugs and blowing themselves up, killing indiscriminately when taking over our villages in Swat. Murderous savages.

I want the drones stopped to kill one of their narratives for recruiting new members, identify the tunnels and caves they have created in the mountains. Send some bunkbuster bombs to give them deliverance.
Thank god for this drone strike as it has saved hundreds of Pakistani lives by killing this barbaric terrorist.

A drone strike a day, keeps a terrorist away.
Thank god for this drone strike as it has saved hundreds of Pakistani lives by killing this barbaric terrorist.

A drone strike a day, keeps a terrorist away.

Let's not be so absolute.

Obviously everyone's happy about seeing a scumbag like him get killed and no one is denying that the overall purpose of the drone strikes is to kill these people, but after 50 strikes we hear about one kill... Just imagine how many innocents are being killed? They are firing rockets in populated regions, what else would happen?

And let's not forget this is a foreign army firing on our soil, if it was the Pak Government carrying out these attacks - officially - I'd have some recourse to get it shut down if they were doing something ridiculous like signature strikes.

My severe opposition to US drone strikes would remain even if the spawn of Satan was killed.

Anyway, on the death of Pakistan's enemy, good news indeed, this leaves, Hakimullah Mehsud alone with Ehsanullah Ehsan (orchestrated the attack on Malala).
Let's not be so absolute.

Obviously everyone's happy about seeing a scumbag like him get killed and no one is denying that the overall purpose of the drone strikes is to kill these people, but after 50 strikes we hear about one kill... Just imagine how many innocents are being killed? They are firing rockets in populated regions, what else would happen?

And let's not forget this is a foreign army firing on our soil, if it was the Pak Government carrying out these attacks - officially - I'd have some recourse to get it shut down if they were doing something ridiculous like signature strikes.

My severe opposition to US drone strikes would remain even if the spawn of Satan was killed.

Anyway, on the death of Pakistan's enemy, good news indeed, this leaves, Hakimullah Mehsud alone with Ehsanullah Ehsan (orchestrated the attack on Malala).

Its not 50 Strikes that we hear about 1 kill.

A lot of other strikes kill low level foot soldiers, mid-level commanders, and senior level terrorists.

Since the TTP, Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leadership numbers only 10's, so thus there are only so few to kill.

Its like the the German Army in World War II numbered 9 Million Men, but the top echelon of Nazi Power was with 12 or so men.

That doesnt mean after 50 bombing missions that 1 Top Nazi Was killed and thus they are a failure.

As for Pakistani Soil, Its a bigger violation of Pakistnai soverignity that these foreign terrorists, TTP are using Pakistani soil as a staging ground for global terrorism and attacks within Pakistan.

How sad is it to see the world 7th Largest Army and the only Islamic Nuclear Power fail to pacify and establish authority over its own soverign territory.
Let's not be so absolute.

Obviously everyone's happy about seeing a scumbag like him get killed and no one is denying that the overall purpose of the drone strikes is to kill these people, but after 50 strikes we hear about one kill... Just imagine how many innocents are being killed? They are firing rockets in populated regions, what else would happen?

And let's not forget this is a foreign army firing on our soil, if it was the Pak Government carrying out these attacks - officially - I'd have some recourse to get it shut down if they were doing something ridiculous like signature strikes.

My severe opposition to US drone strikes would remain even if the spawn of Satan was killed.

Anyway, on the death of Pakistan's enemy, good news indeed, this leaves, Hakimullah Mehsud alone with Ehsanullah Ehsan (orchestrated the attack on Malala).

Hakimullah Mehsud – Amir (Chief) Of TTP

Khan Sayed (alias Sajna Mehsud) - New deputy chief of TTP

Mangal Bagh Afridi - New Chief of TTP & Lashkar-e-Islam in Khyber Agency.

Maulana Fazlullah, "The Radio Mullah" – Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi swat.

Akhunzada Aslam Farooqui - Chief of TTP in Orakzai Tribal Agency.

Abdul Wali (alias Omar Khalid) – Chief of TTP in Mohmand Agency.

Maulana Abu Bakar - Chief of TTP in Bajaur Agency.

Maulvi Malik Noor Jamal
(alias Mullah Toofan)- Chief of TTP in Kurram Agency.

Muhammad Arif
(alias Kaka) - TTP Chief of Darra Adam Khel, Peshawar, Kohat, and Hangu.

Adnan Rasheed - Chief of Ansar Al-Aseer

Thank god for this drone strike as it has saved hundreds of Pakistani lives by killing this barbaric terrorist.

A drone strike a day, keeps a terrorist away.

A drone strikes a day, creates a dozen taliban that day
A drone strikes a day, creates a dozen taliban that day

No evidence to support that.

In 2010, there were 122 Drone Strikes in Pakistan and yet in 2011, there was a huge decrease of terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

This just reinfoces the fact the more drone strikes are occuring in Pakistan is reducing the ability of terrorists to conduct terrorist attacks and are too busy dodging drones.
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