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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

That's too overt, and could bring them into a war they want nothing to do with. Covert assistance is key, take a page out of America's book on supporting the Mujahideen against the Soviet in the 80s. Cyberattacks, troop movements, GPS guidance etc. would do wonders for Iran during periods of heavy suppression.
that's best option bro, I gave even example of options such as delivering taliban modern weapons or even joining their ranks and posing as them, they would not mind to have fighters with expertise to hit tanks, vehicles, helicopters.

Meanwhile wait out the 8 months.
Unrealistic, America produces enough oil and food to sustain itself. America will absolutely **** Iran into oblivion Safavid dynasty.
Oh well and then we have oil in sands of Alberta as well. It will be good for Canada too. Low oil prices have messed up Calgary's finances for sometime now.
It's like you can't into anything, being energy independent doesn't affect oil prices. The price of fuel directly correlates with food prices, just because you can supply demand doesn't mean that the middle and lower class can afford it. Therefore economic recession, riots, internal instability, Chiraq becomes a staple for US cities.

Oh and good old zionist predatory capitalists will suck up whats left.
Oil is going downhill anyways. There's something called electric power. Sooner than later, the economies of Iran and Russia will all go downhill anyway since there's gonna be way less demand for oil. Don't believe me? Look at MBS of Saudi Arabia using Saudi Aramaco's profits to build new infrastructure with renewable energy supplies.
We will annex Canada soon enough buddy, don't you worry.
Ha ha ha! You are welcome. Do remember why white house is called white house :)

Oil is going downhill anyways. There's something called electric power. Sooner than later, the economies of Iran and Russia will all go downhill anyway since there's gonna be way less demand for oil. Don't believe me? Look at MBS of Saudi Arabia using Saudi Aramaco's profits to build new infrastructure with renewable energy supplies.
Thats still 30-40 years in future.
by u.s logic military leadership of u.s who are involved in mass genocide of people in afghanistan and middle east should be killed like they killed iranian general
Most probably some NATO countries were informed, anyway Europe is America's dog so we good.

We shall see, we shall see.

Allright buddy, we shall see if you have either.
I wouldn't characterize NATO members (US allies) in such light. Hundreds of them died in a completely pointless war masterminded by the Bush Administration they had no stake in.
Oil is going downhill anyways. There's something called electric power. Sooner than later, the economies of Iran and Russia will all go downhill anyway since there's gonna be way less demand for oil. Don't believe me? Look at MBS of Saudi Arabia using Saudi Aramaco's profits to build new infrastructure with renewable energy supplies.

It will be decades before that happens. We are talking about NOW where there's like a conflict brewing, dude.
It will be decades before that happens. We are talking about NOW where there's like a conflict brewing, dude.
I'm sure the United States can tolerate higher oil prices temporarily if it means retaliating against Iran (assuming Iran attacks the US again). Iran using oil prices as leverage against the US is wishful thinking. Hopefully they don't miscalculate again like they did with their top general.

We will annex Canada soon enough buddy, don't you worry.
I'm sure the United States can tolerate higher oil prices temporarily if it means retaliating against Iran (assuming Iran attacks the US again). Iran using oil prices as leverage against the US is wishful thinking. Hopefully they don't miscalculate again like they did with their top general.

It will take months or years for oil infrastructure to go back to normal, just look at Abqaiq that was a limited scale cruise missile attack using impactors instead of warhead and it cost the Saudis half their production and hundreds of millions, replace those impactors with warheads and you'd have a helluva lot more damage to deal with. That's enough for enormous damage to world economies. Any potential conflict will likely be low to mid-level and last for months before a truce is broken and parties go home to lick their wound. But it will take a while for those wounds to heal.
by u.s logic military leadership of u.s who are involved in mass genocide of people in afghanistan and middle east should be killed like they killed iranian general
The difference between the military leadership of u.s and the iranian general is that the people in the middle east get ruled by people like me. They will always look up and see a face like mine looking down at them. That’s how the world works.
The wars of the future will not be traditional land wars, but shooting gallery’s.

In fact, Neo-cons have this belief they can have a “limited but effective” engagement entirely by air against Iran. They believe they can punish Iran to the point that Iran changes their behavior with little losses.

Like most children on here they think “mah F-22 and mah B-2 pew pew pew”.

But I have read Pentagon war game assessments and think tank assessments and the biggest unknown in all of those is what will Iran do. It is what makes Iran the most fascinating war game opponent in the Pentagon (true story) much more than Russia or China could ever dream.

Anyway, I think if war happens it would be similar to Israeli war of 2006 but on a larger scale. World powers will attempt to get a ceasefire in. In the meantime both sides will try to throw as much punches as they can without escalating to land war.

This means the war that I’m talking last’s 30-180 days and involves multiple theaters (israel, Syria, Arab states, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan). Iran will likely take a decent amount of damage (nothing life threatening), but the US will take enough damage that it will result in focusing on China moving forward rather than Iran. (Infamous China pivot).

Again ON PAPER this is how it should go, but as we know in war anything can happen. Trying to have a “controlled conflict” is extremely difficult.

Nonetheless, that is the war I envision that is coming.
by u.s logic military leadership of u.s who are involved in mass genocide of people in afghanistan and middle east should be killed like they killed iranian general
The atrocities in question committed in the Middle East over the last 20 years were not committed by the US military (save for a few incidents). They were committed by rivaling terrorist/political/state factions all vying for the vacuum of power after the fall of Iraq. It is true that Bush's invasion led to this turmoil but the US military is not the genocidal machine you're speaking of. The Iranian general in question was actively targeting American soldiers and pretty good at it to (over 600 service members dead) ... he deserved to be taken out.

Invasion was never the right thing, air war would have worked just as well.

You don't want Canada?
Tell that to 43 ...
Then it is settled, the chance of full-blown war is higher now than ever.
A full blown war/ground invasion is not gonna happen. Trump is not gonna risk his re-election in 2020 and another Iraq disaster. Iran is not gonna risk getting wiped off the face of the earth. War is not gonna happen. Period. At most, a limited airstrike/missile skirmish might occur but a huge showdown, no.
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