Good but noora hv to go .. its Pakistan not pukhtoonistan
Exactly. It is Pakistan, not Pukhtoonistan. Don't like it? Go back to Pukhtoonistan aka Afghanistan. Punjabistan is very much part of Pakistan, in fact every fabric of Pakistan. Punjab is the reason Pakistan came into the existence in the first place while Pukhtoonistan was the first to oppose the creation of Pakistan chaired by Punjabi-origin people.
You should be more concerned about Pervez Khattak who has long history of loyalty with Pukhtoonistan than Pakistan given his efforts to sabotage the development of Pakistan for so long, yet personally picked by Imran Khan right after Imran Khan's pro-TTP stances policy that boiled down to undermine the integrity of Pakistan.
If it was up to Pukhtoonistan alone, there would be no Pakistan and we wouldn't be having conversation about this thread today. Despite of oppose from Pukhtoonistan, Turkey along with Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations came to the rescue for the idea of Pakistan and made the concept of Pakistan into the reality. Of course, along with Turkey and Arab worlds, Punjabi should be given the credit for sticking with Pakistan through thick and thin to made the concept of Pakistan into reality. If it wasn't for the followers of Punjabistan, there would be no Pakistan.
Need i remind you that Pakistan is built for everyone; Muslims and Non-Muslims and when i say Muslims, i mean every kind of Muslims including Sindhi, Balochis, Hazara, Urdu speakers from India, Bangali and all kinds, and that includes Punjabi - never mind that they made Pakistan into the reality in the first place. They would have been oppressed to non-existential in Pukhtoonistan where Sindhi, Balochis were oppressed, killed in Pukhtoonistan aka Afghanistan, and to the extent, oppressed Hazara ended up seeking safety in Pakistan away from barbaric Pukhtoonistan.
This Pakistan is not on sale nor belong to anti-Pakistani aka Imran Khan and Pervez Khattak. It is no wonder why dharna and racial wars instigated by Imran Khan and Pervez Khattak failed miserably. This is Pakistan, and anti-Pakistani elements are not welcome in Pakistan.
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