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Breaking News - MiG29 damaged at hard landing at Carrier

Wow another post filled with sheer ignorance, stupidity and trolling.....

Not a single piece of information released and some genius already brings up stupid comments like this one.... keep it up :tup:

Tell me even one, just one nation that has the capability for carrier ops which did not have an accident while take off and landing.

Carrier landings are the most difficult ones and only a force of extremely well trained pilots can operate carrier borne aircraft.

Before you bitch around on others, how many carrier landings were done by pilots of your nation?

Exactly, ZERO.

Now grow up or keep embarrassing yourself kid.
Takes time to learn and operate fighters on a AC such things do happen from time to time and no country is immune from it.
Media out to tarnish navy with overhyped incident after incident,blowing minor mishaps completely out of proportion.Several harriers were lost to seaborne ops throughout the yrs,i don't think it ever made news.Here because right now navy mishaps sell,small incidents being inflated.Cheap stuff.
Media out to tarnish navy with overhyped incident after incident,blowing minor mishaps completely out of proportion.Several harriers were lost to seaborne ops throughout the yrs,i don't think it ever made news.Here because right now navy mishaps sell,small incidents being inflated.Cheap stuff.
What do you expect? The media is a reflection of the people and 99% of people are completely ignorant on defence matters- you can see it for yourself on this very forum! Except in the Indian media they don't try to educate the masses about such matter but pander to them.
Flying off and landing on ACC's and operating on carrier beds is one of the most dangerous jobs for any navy personnel and equipment.
naval aviators are flying at 300+ MPH, aiming for a landing patch that is barely 5 meters long on a landing deck that is moving itself and pitching from side to side. Naval aviators refer to landing on an ACC as a "controlled crash" and for good reason.

This is not a job for the lighthearted and it is certainly not easy. There are VERY few pilots in the world qualified to do so and the number of naives whose pilots regularly land on an ACC and that too with an arrestor wire you can count on one hand. Naval aviators are regarded as elite in most militaries and one really cannot underplay how treacherous the job is. In this instance we don't know the specifics- weather conditions, wind speeds, night/day time, visibility, sea state etc etc

It's funny some trolls coming on here and saying nonsense like "flying coffins" and the IN needs to recheck its equipment, coming from members whose navies have precisely 0 experience in carrier operations. What the IN is doing really is very unique- supersonic high performance jets flying off a medium sized ACCs in a STOBAR configuration.
5 years is a considerable amount of time to get the hang of it bro.

I hope the Pilot is safe and sound.
I think longer. A minimum of 5 years in which they will have (many) more accidents.

It is the period in which not only will they learn to operate such planes with the Carrier, but also learn carrier maneuvers, landing and ops in different environments.

Eke out basic and advanced strategies, have tons of exercises and push to understand the limitations of the system put together.

It takes a minimum of 5 years for any major advanced system(system here means a combination of different both major and minor assets) to get integrated and start functioning such that the Armed Forces can really leverage it in times of crisis.
5 years is a considerable amount of time to get the hang of it bro.
It works like this.
The Navy right now is just getting to work on the Carrier and its functional operations.
Then they will re check the basic strategies for its use.

After that they will push the envelope in its operational ability - and that is a vast exercise. Such that the know the extreme limitations of the system.

Thirdly they develop advanced maneuvers.

Now a substantial part of it is done in major Naval exercises which are not held very often. They are spaced out so that after each exercise the lessons learnt are incorporated in the standard operating procedures and drilled in.

Now at each stage they will learn many things the hard way and keep refining their procedures.

All this will easily spread over 5 years.

This entire process wont happen for the second Carrier that is already under construction. Since this Carrier is a first in most ways including its air wing, its a generational jump. The second carrier and the third will be more of a plug and play scenario. This one will take time.
I hope the Pilot is safe and sound.
Yes he is. Turns out it was not a major incident.
Finally it turns out to be a non issue and not worthy for prime time news!
Our media is really pathetic and reported it like a big issue.

Pilot and crew at AC are safe and working as normal!!
Finally it turns out to be a non issue and not worthy for prime time news!
Our media is really pathetic and reported it like a big issue.

Pilot and crew at AC are safe and working as normal!!
It was always likely to be this- the initial reports said "hard landing" anyway, the Indian media simply doesn't understand what this means so newly inducted air craft carrier+ minor mishap= inordinate coverage.
Indian media logic vs reality.

media: --------------------------------------------------------------------> reality:
aircraft damaged while landing -----------------------------------> burst a tyre while landin
aircraft destroyed while landing -------------------------------- > burst 2 tyres while landing
Are the pilots from Air force or Navy??
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