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If you were to ask me I'd say the Muslim 'nation' is only suffering as much as the non-Muslim 'nation'. Everybody has their problems. Even I had troubles when I moved to UK to pursue my studies. The world would be such a bad place to live if everybody got into the act of playing victim.


The issue is not about playing victims. There is domination of Muslims lands (because of Oil). Your denial does not take away from that. Resources are being siphoned off and this is being used to drive the radicals to further radicalism.

Name me one other nation "entity" that is subjected to outside influences as much as the countries within the Islamic block. There is no other 1-1 comparison. Other nations are suffering but not under subjugation. Africa would be in the exact same boat as Muslims if they were not so divided in their cultures and ethinicities.

At one point or another, every single "nation" that you quote here has responded violently to outside interference. Muslim nation is no different. Just because you live in a time where there is a reaction from the Muslim nation to the many real and perceived issues does not mean that this case is one of its kind and without precedent.

And I agree this is off topic so no more responses from me. If you want to chat about this then bring it over to the other thread that you just opened up about the BD writers claim that there is something inherently flawed in Islam.
So kill the rulers of Baharin, Oman, Saudia, Kuwait!!! THEN go after the evil amerika
So kill the rulers of Baharin, Oman, Saudia, Kuwait!!! THEN go after the evil amerika

Yeah and then things will be hunky dory right? Just like with the advent of democracy in Palestine with a democratically elected Hamas government not being allowed to rule? :)

I really don't want to get into this debate about the blame game...I am writing about the street sentiment and I have even stated that some of these are perceived while others may be real. Muslims are not the only ones with these real or perceived notions, Hindus, Christians, Jews and what not have no less...
Name me one other nation "entity" that is subjected to outside influences as much as the countries within the Islamic block. There is no other 1-1 comparison.

Its the other way around no other nations warrant such a interference.

At one point or another, every single "nation" that you quote here has responded violently to outside interference. Muslim nation is no different.

Its not a national conflict that we are speaking abt here. Are we?

Why does a british muslim blow up britishers in London for Iraq!!!
Its not a national conflict that we are speaking abt here. Are we?

Why does a british muslim blow up britishers in London for Iraq!!!

When I say nation, I do not mean nation states...I mean nation in the biblical/Islamic sense.

What a British Muslim does is wrong...he is no martyr, he has killed innocent people...he is not on a battlefield...what he has done is wrong, similar to the 9/11 bombers...shall I go on??
Changing colours of Lal Masjid

By Baqir Sajjad Syed

ISLAMABAD, July 5: Little would have the founders of Lal Masjid ever thought in 1965 when they named it Lal (red), departing from the usual tradition of giving Islamic names to places of worship, that this mosque would one day find itself at the centre of a bloody controversy.

It was named by the Auqaf department, which had originally constructed and operated the mosque, because of its red coloured edifice rather the usual meaning of ‘revolution’ ascribed to the red colour.

With the passage of time, the colour of the mosque building changed but not the spirit within.

Though the first Khateeb of the mosque was Maulana Abdullah who had been selected by President Ayub Khan on the recommendation of a leading cleric for the capital’s then central mosque, the hobnobbing of the Auqaf-managed mosque with jihadis started with the Afghan war almost over a decade after it was built.

The only previous known political involvement of the mosque was in Tehrik Khatam-i-Nabuwat.

Maulana Abdullah, the father of Maulana Abdul Aziz and Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi the two brothers currently running the show, developed strong association with Abdul Rab Sayyaf, Jalaluddin Haqqani and Ahmed Shah Masood and with the rise of Taliban in Kabul associated himself with the student movement.

Gen Ziaul Haq patronised the jihadi philosophy propagated by the mosque. Maulana Abdullah taking advantage of his close connection with the military establishment founded many seminaries and mosques by occupying unutilised state land, one of the more prominent among them was Jamia Fareedia in E-7.

Maulana Abdullah was assassinated in front of the mosque in 1998, but his legacy was carried forward by his two sons.

In 2001, Maulana Abdullah’s sons played a pivotal role in the formation of an anti-US alliance of religious leaders following the US-led attack on Afghanistan.

Lal Masjid showed its street power for the first time in 2003, when students of its Jamia Fareedia played a major role in the Millat-i-Islamia organised riots after the killing of Maulana Azam Tariq. A cinema employee was killed and dozens other were injured as the seminary students ransacked cinemas, restaurants and gas stations in the capital.

In 2004, a controversial edict about Pakistan army soldiers killed in operation in South Waziristan brought the Lal Masjid brothers back into the limelight. It was the same year Lal Masjid’s links with Al-Qaeda were revealed with the arrest of Osama bin Laden’s driver. The government at that time also accused Maulana Abdul Rashid of masterminding attacks on government installations.

However, he was very soon mysteriously cleared of those charges. Now Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Ijazul Haq claims he had played a major role in getting Maulana Abdul Rashid absolved of the charges after he gave him an undertaking that he would not involve himself in political and anti-state activities anymore.

Jamia Hafsa, although established in 1992, made headlines in 2005, when its girl students resisted an operation in the wake 7/7 London bombings after British Prime Minister Tony Blair called on Pakistan to crack down on radical Islamic schools. The operation turned out to be a major embarrassment for the authorities and could not yield the desired objectives.

The dawn of 2007 took the mosque to the prominence it never enjoyed before. The mosque clerics began to assert themselves quite often and adopted uncompromising stance on different issues. It still remains a mystery as to what encouraged these clerics to become so menacing and adopt such a stiff position.

It all started when Molly (Misbah Rana), a Scottish girl at the centre of a custody battle, enrolled at the Jamia Hafsa. This was extensively covered by the international media.

Few days later on January 21, burqa-clad baton-wielding female students of the seminary occupied the children’s library to protest demolition of mosques built illegally on state land.

While the controversy about occupation of the children’s library lingered, the students of Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid launched an anti-vice campaign and kidnapped an alleged operator of a brothel in their neighbourhood. Later policemen were kidnapped and set free.

In April, the mosque announced establishment of Sharia courts, but suspended their working soon after passing an edict against the then tourism minister Nilofar Bakhtiar for hugging a parachuting instructor. The edict ruined her political career and she was forced not only to resign from the ministry but also from the post of president Pakistan Muslim League’s women wing.

But the climax was reached when the students raided a Chinese massage centre and kidnapped Chinese masseurs. It was around this time the government started feeling international pressure and altered its policy of restraint.

The Lal Masjid showdown nearing its logical end with the arrest of its chief cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz looks to have ensured one thing that the mosque known for its radical jihadi views wouldn’t be the same anymore.

When I say nation, I do not mean nation states...I mean nation in the biblical/Islamic sense.

What a British Muslim does is wrong...he is no martyr, he has killed innocent people...he is not on a battlefield...what he has done is wrong, similar to the 9/11 bombers...shall I go on??

Im happy!!!:cheers:
The government should level the "mosque" right now!

and drop these cowards on the indian border ( hehe )
Yeah and then things will be hunky dory right? Just like with the advent of democracy in Palestine with a democratically elected Hamas government not being allowed to rule? :)

I really don't want to get into this debate about the blame game...I am writing about the street sentiment and I have even stated that some of these are perceived while others may be real. Muslims are not the only ones with these real or perceived notions, Hindus, Christians, Jews and what not have no less...

Agreed, I am not saying anything against your line of thinking, but Hindu's, Jews, Buddhist and Christains arent doing suicide bombings om night clubs ,All I am saying is, what is the use of all this Street Bravado, when your own leaders are in bed with the your enemy
Agreed, I am not saying anything against your line of thinking, but Hindu's, Jews, Buddhist and Christains arent doing suicide bombings om night clubs ,All I am saying is, what is the use of all this Street Bravado, when your own leaders are in bed with the your enemy

Well you can't really say that others are not involved in suicide bombings (Tamil Hindus, Catholic Christians in Ireland, Jews in pre-partition Palestine, Basque in Spain etc. etc.) all have used similar tools. Maybe in some cases they do not die with the bomb but the impact on the victim is the same.

Our leaders being in bed with our enemies is not the fault of the people.
Yes, What stupdity is to attack the enemy, while your own leaders are in bed with them, dont you think your attack should be directed at your own leaders first, but since they are muslims they are being forgiven for their conspiracy.

Hindu, Catholic and Jews have never in the matter of terrorism, has ever matched the capabilites, the zeal, ferocity and ruthlessness of the islamic terrorist especially on a global scale
The government should level the "mosque" right now!

and drop these cowards on the indian border ( hehe )

Either they will trained and sent back for havoc in pakistan or they will return in Body bags to pakistan.
Hindu, Catholic and Jews have never in the matter of terrorism, has ever matched the capabilites, the zeal, ferocity and ruthlessness of the islamic terrorist especially on a global scale

Adux have you forgotten the catholic inquisition..... ooh sorry when its non muslims we dont call there killing catholic terror its called the spanish inquisition.If you check up on it millions where killed mainly muslims.
Then there is the IRA who where catholic but where never called a catholic terrorist group.
The zeal, ferocity and ruthlessness of the hindu terrorist in gujrat on a local scale and the short time span it was carried out in can not be matched.
And the jews they can not be matched in killing.Check there own books and read about all the nations they wiped out.
Then there is modern day palestine where for every 1 jew that has been killed about a 100 muslims have been killed since the theft of palestinian land took place.
Hindu, Catholic and Jews have never in the matter of terrorism, has ever matched the capabilites, the zeal, ferocity and ruthlessness of the islamic terrorist especially on a global scale
:blah: :blah: :blah: You sound idiot you are every where on this thread talking with no substance and meaning.
What is the proof proof of claim?
It can be easily proved that Indian state is a sponsor of terrorism and neuclear proliferation.
Indian government has been responsible for the genocide of Muslims, than how do you expect them to react. Dude its not religon element its a repsonse of Indian attrocities.
Hindus are responsible for every conspiracy and propaganda in this world without them this word would be peaceful and more beautiful.
Go fix your house first and find reasons why your army is shooting around un-armed civilians.
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