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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Anyone justifying BBs killing means that he/she is thinking on the same lines as those terrorists who committed this heinous crime.

I was never a big fan of BB during her life, but still I am saddened over her death. I hate to see any human being killed in the circumstances as she and the rest of 30 (or so) were killed. I hope that this incident will open the eyes of other politicians, and they realise that everyone’s time will be up one day and whatever looting they have done or plan doing will come in front of them on the judgement day. May Allah bless those all who died today and teach our rest of leaders some sincerity with this country.
My condolences to Bhutto family, the Pakistan Army has always been their enemy.




She was no saint but, as mentioned elsewhere, it'll be interesting to see how her legacy develops over time. Those alive sin, debase themselves, swoon to corruption, and all the other foibles of man and beast.

The dead rise above their sins, often forgotten entirely when cloaked in noble sentiment and adroitly perpetuated. Some, even, to true martyrdom. We'll see with Ms. Bhutto.
She was no saint but, as mentioned elsewhere, it'll be interesting to see how her legacy develops over time. Those alive sin, debase themselves, swoon to corruption, and all the other foibles of man and beast.

The dead rise above their sins, often forgotten entirely when cloaked in noble sentiment and adroitly perpetuated. Some, even, to true martyrdom. We'll see with Ms. Bhutto.

Good post!
She was no saint but, as mentioned elsewhere, it'll be interesting to see how her legacy develops over time. Those alive sin, debase themselves, swoon to corruption, and all the other foibles of man and beast.

The dead rise above their sins, often forgotten entirely when cloaked in noble sentiment and adroitly perpetuated. Some, even, to true martyrdom. We'll see with Ms. Bhutto.

Excellent post Sir, I couldn't have said it better!
WHAT????? Sir please do not insult the dead and your ex-PM, criticising her as a politician ceases when we talk about her as a person..

She was a charasmatic person with a fan following all over the world...

She was one of the most popular Pakistani leader, have you seen the people howling on the streets?

Please leave such comments for another day.. You are not representative of all Pakistanis... and there are indeed many in Pakistan who admired her..


And neither are you a representative to pass judgements on what a person should and shouldn't talk about, it's good to keep ones shitty mouth shut when he doesn't know the ground realities, I have noticed Indians talking charastmatic out their *** everytime.

Not trying to instigate any flames or anything, but their are times to talk and not to talk about such things, when they don't concern you (People of other nations). Espically, feeling sorry and making a devil look like a saint, which Indians are always prone to do.

People carry the coffin of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto at a local hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007. Bhutto was assassinated in a suicide attack earlier Thursday that also killed at least 20 other people. Her death stoked new chaos across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.
(AP Photo/Anjum

People carry the coffin of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto at a local hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007. Bhutto was assassinated in a suicide attack earlier Thursday that also killed at least 20 other people. Her death stoked new chaos across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.
(AP Photo/Anjum Naveed)

People reach out to try to touch the coffin and look into the coffin of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto at a local hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007. Bhutto was assassinated in suicide attack earlier Thursday, that also killed at least 20 other people. Her death stoked new chaos the nuclear-armed nation, an important U. S. ally in the war on terrorism.
(AP Photo/Anjum Naveed)

Borrowed from Capt. Bluesman elsewhere but it'll be interesting to see Ms. Bhutto's legacy over time. For the near-term, however, more pressing temporal matters prevail.

Neo, I understand your personal lineage. I was raised similarly. However, unless force-of-habit prevents, please feel welcome to desist from "sir". I no longer serve nor possess rank commensurate with that phrase and feel absolutely no more than your equal, if that.:)
Inah Nil Lah hai wa nil lay hai rajaun.

We have lost a muslim soul, irrespective of how corrupt she was.

May she rest in peace. Ameen.

I condemn this brutal act, and who ever did this (most likely raidcal taleban + al-qaeda and local militants) did not do this nation a favor.

Ya Allah, protect Pakistan and its good leaders. Ameen.

Inah Nil Lah hai wa nil lay hai rajaun.

We have lost a muslim soul, irrespective of how corrupt she was.

May she rest in peace. Ameen.

I condemn this brutal act, and who ever did this (most likely raidcal taleban + al-qaeda and local militants) did not do this nation a favor.

Ya Allah, protect Pakistan and its good leaders. Ameen.


Well said.
And neither are you a representative to pass judgements on what a person should and shouldn't talk about,

Fair enough.. but today is not the time to judge her character as a politician..
She was a crap politician may be.. but in all fairness to the dead one should respect her as Neo said..

I'm saddened and shocked by the death of Benazir, we may or may not like her, she was a patriot in her own way and a pioneer at the same time.
As first woman ever to head a major muslim country she made history, did a lot to improve womens position and rights in a society and culture dominated by men, by doing so she contributed a lot to portray Pakistan as a moderate country.
Her death is a loss to the women of Pakistan, a loss to her supporters and family, a loss of very imfluential person throughtout the world.
Benazir, may God have your soul, RIP!
I am not a supporter of the Bhutto´s , I would have hated to see her come in power again. But her death is certainly not what any of us could have wished for...this is a very dangerous and worrisome development for the country.
Its time not to fight and blame eachother but to unite against the rogue eliments manifasting throught the layers of our society. Its time to say NO to the constant fear and threats from extremists and to fight them. Its time to realise who our friends and true leaders are. Its time to be patriot and put Pakistan before anything else.
Its also time to moan for the loss of a great, educated and secular person and to credit her for the good she did to the country, for the country.

it's good to keep ones shitty mouth shut when he doesn't know the ground realities,

Get a grip on yourself you are a senior member not a sorry 12 yr old with no manners..

I have noticed Indians talking charastmatic out their *** everytime.

Well sir I am a Thai citizen
I have mixed heritage.. my paternal grandfather is of Indian origin, grandmother Christian Burmese, my maternal grandfather a Pashtun my maternal grandmother an Arab(Sayyida)...

Though at the moment I am in New Delhi I have an internship that shall last till march 2008..

Not trying to instigate any flames or anything, but their are times to talk and not to talk about such things, when they don't concern you (People of other nations). Espically, feeling sorry and making a devil look like a saint, which Indians are always prone to do.

By abusing a billion people and sterotyping them and clubbing non Indians with them.. you are not trying to flame then do what??

Irresp of whether she is a saint or not she was a vulnerable woman who died at the hands of suicide bombers...

People shall feel sorry for her because of what her family has gone through and the fact that she was thrust into the political arena with the execution of her father.. one cannot but sympathize with her family and supporters.. irresp of whether she was a saint or the devil.. Looking at the crowds thronging her rally makes one feel that this Nation of Pak people supports the devil more than the saints..

I do not know why did you single out my post just because I did not put a Pakistani flag?? or was it because of the orange in the dress of the profile picture(which actually belongs to a Malang baba of Pakistan)..

Death is a biggest reality of life.. It goes on showing no one is going to live for ever and all our lives we run after power and money for what?.....my aim is not to take life too seriously as no one gets out alive any way....

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