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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated


Mahsud will, of course, deny.

I also saw on TV that the shooter was behind and riding the rear of the SUV and shooting with a pistol.

The stupid govt spokesmen are causing all this confusion!
Salim these are new pictures. This is work of ISI and our agencies and the blame has been put on Al-Qaeda.
Salim these are new pictures. This is work of ISI and our agencies and the blame has been put on Al-Qaeda.

Offcourse ISI has nothing better to do and so they decided to take out their own political leader. What a shame that people like you are actually protecting AQ and blaming the agencies.:sick:
Im not pretecting Al-Qaeda. If they are behind her killing let the people know the truth. Eliminate them completely if the the responsible but the government has been changing her stance since the murder. Yesterday Mr. Cheema confirmed the cause of death. Now these pictures have changed everything.

The conversation between the terrorist was intercepted and recorded. Why were they now eliminated at that point
The conversation between the terrorist was intercepted and recorded. Why were they now eliminated at that point

If the conversation is intercepted that doesnt mean that they can just stom in and eliminate them. These terrorists are very well planned and to take them out a full strategy is needed not emotions. Remember it was the musharraf government who at the first place allowed BB to return from her self created exile and it was the government that took off all the cases against her in the name to reconsilliation. If the government would had been soo afraid of her they wouldnt have had allowed her to come at the first place. Also keep in mind that dispite of repeated attemps made by the government to warn BB about the dangers that she could face, it was BB's decision alone to carry on with it. Remember what happend at karachi when BB landed. Besides BB isnt the first person who encountered the suecide attack, before that the PM, the president, the interior minister all have suffered the same, its just unfortunate that BB couldnt survive it but not because of the government faliure but because of her ignorance. And at this hour what we as a nation must do is to atleast stand united and face the common enemy who wants to disrupt the political procress in the country and lead it to choas.
Really a tragic incident although I am not a fan of Benazir but I am sad to me this cowardly act has been done by Al-qaeda.Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman and Qazi Hussain Ahmed should also be interrogated because these are the people who are the supporters of Al-Qaeda.

I Guess Bilawal will take the place of Benazir,any one knows about what is the party decision in this regard?

Seemingly the conversation was recorded after the fact, why, beacuse that is when it took place. Tracking it and attacking it are two different things.

You can inetrcept a call through so many different triggers but to reach the target, you need assets in that area to act immediately. we may find out about that later.

ISI operatives do not participate in suicide missions against party chairperson--what if ppp wins the election now and forms the govt---where would the ISI going to hide itself then. The elected prime minister is going to ask for the details of security arrangements from all the participating agencies---what then.

Hillary need to hold tight to her horses---there is no reason to interfere in the internal affairs of pakistan---it will give more fuel to the radicals. Some of its own investigations regarding big name assasinations have been plagued with a lots of deceit and deception.
I have been following the events as soon a friend called me on Thursday saying that BB had just been shot. I grow more and more despondent about the people that call themselves Pakistanis and the State itself.

On coolly examining the events; I couldnot fathom how this action could help Musharraf. Things were going smoothly. The whole idea was to form a "Liberal" govt. BB was doing fine and all indications were that PPP will be the largest party. So people blaming ISI are out of their mind. What could be the possible motive???.

The balme game is therfore a symptom of the malaise that even after 60 years of independence, we are just a bunch of power hungry people who lose no opportunity to exploit one the saddest events in Pakistan's history to destabilize Pakistan. After the assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan in 1951, IMO this is the saddest event.

I am deeply disturbed by the events myself. Not that I particularly liked BB; but because I am deadly against killings and suicide bombings. It shows that we are still a nation of intolerant savages who only know law of the gun.

Now the blame game. There is no doubt that govt carries some blame for not being able to control suicide bombers. However, I also blame former CJ who ordered release of 60 odd terrorist suspects. The media, specially Geo TV who made heroes of Lal Masjid criminals and aired the views that somehow fighting the govt with force to enforce Islamic Sharia was justified. But most of all I blame the politicians, who in their bid to bring Musharraf down, are out to destroy Pakistan. I have not heard a single sane comment about this sad event. Every one is out to destroy the peace.

IMO, BB was killed by the forces that are fighting USA in Afghanistan, in Iraq and also in Pakistan. BB had openly declared that if elected she will let US forces hot pusuit inside Pakistan and also let CIA interrogate AQ Khan. BB was playing to the US audience for getting US support but to me this was akin to signing one's own death warrant.

Instead we find that every one is implying that it Musharrf and the agencies were directly or indirectly involved. And look at what has happened to Pakistan. The destruction alone must amount to billions of dollars. I am very near the stage to say "to hell with it". If my countrymen want to make Pakistan another Somalia/ Iraq or Afghanistan, so be it, it is what the **** desreve. ( This includes me as well).

The question is what next??. If one examines the way Rajiv Gandhi benfitted from Indra's assasination; I would say that today, even if you put an '***' as PPP candidate, he will probably win on sympathy vote. However should PPP also decides to boycott the election, we are surely in for another emergency and possibly a Martial Law.
.... also let CIA interrogate AQ Khan.

Who will be in trouble, if AQ Kahn opens his mouth? Do you guys still beleive that AQ kahn alone run the proliferation? As he is an important person in Pakistan's nuclear program, he will be under tight security of PA/ISI. But, still the ISI/PA says that they don't know what he is doing.
What ever may be the motives the solution is yet to be given for the steps to be taken for Stabalizing Pakistan. It is time that the politicians put their differences aside and form a government with all parties representation in the best interest of Pakistan and let this turmoil pass. If not then in coming days we may see a lot happening in Pakistan which will only get us closer to one point and that is in the interest of Pakistan, to hell with democracy and impose emergency.

I will say no more...


Shot by an amateur photographer, the images telecast by DawnNews TV make it abundantly clear that there was no security cordon around Ms Bhutto’s vehicle.

They show a young clean-shaven man, wearing a waistcoat and dark glasses, inch inconspicuously towards the slow-moving vehicle of Ms Bhutto. Standing closely behind is a man believed to be the suicide bomber with a piece of cloth draped around his face. The first image catches the duo looking straight into the camera.

Another image shows the sharpshooter open fire on the unsuspecting political leader with remarkable aplomb. He is just a couple of metres away from his target. One of the party activists clinging to the vehicle seems to have spotted the assassin, whose upraised hand carries a gun.

The third image shows activists around the vehicle ducking their heads in reflex, suggesting that the gun has been fired. Unfazed, the assassin is still in their midst.

Crucially, Ms Bhutto has disappeared from the sunroof. And, equally crucially, the suicide bomber has yet to blow himself up.

read the rest of the story here: Telltale images expose fatal security flaws : Benazir’s assassination -DAWN - Top Stories; December 30, 2007
Solid she was outside the secuirty cordoned gate she was outside the gate at that time.

further more this picture clearly proves that it was not a sniper shots as claimed by some western media who tried to malign Pakistan army and ISI.

If anyone of you are closly watching the developments the Interior Ministery Spokesman Cheema in the very first press conference after Bhutto's assassination, while replying to a question said that they had found two postols from the scene of the incident.
However he said it was not clear these belongs to whom, adding that these can be of the secuirty gaurds of BB but "we are investigating".

So now i guess it is cleared that pistol was used by terrorist to kill her and there was no use of any sniper.
US warned BB weeks before fatal attack: report

WASHINGTON, Dec 29: The Bush administration had warned former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, weeks before her assassination, that extremists were trying to kill her, the Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday.

The report, however, claimed that the Pakistani government rebuffed US entreaties for beefed-up security for Ms Bhutto. “The decision to provide intelligence to an opposition candidate in a country headed by a strong American ally reflects US recognition of the gravity of the threat Bhutto faced,” the report said.

The newspaper also noted that Washington backed her effort to reclaim power in Pakistan because it saw her as a stabilising influence in the turbulent country.

Although acknowledging the danger, US officials stopped short of providing direct security services, such as the private contractors they arranged for Afghan President Hamid Karzai and for top leaders in Iraq, the report added.

The intelligence shared with Ms Bhutto was furnished by the US Embassy in Islamabad, a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity told the paper. Along with information about possible threats to her, the Americans provided security advice on ways her risks could be reduced.

The US official said the Americans were aware that Ms Bhutto faced serious dangers, especially in light of an earlier attempt on her life, a bombing during her homecoming rally in Karachi on Oct 18, in which more than 140 people were killed.

Americans also “reiterated” that the Musharraf government needed to make vigorous attempts to avert dangers to her, the official said.

US warned BB weeks before fatal attack: report -DAWN - Top Stories; December 30, 2007
Jana Ji, any idea why no post mortem was performed?
Will PPP allow to exhume the body?
Telltale images expose fatal security flaws : Benazir’s assassination

KARACHI, Dec 29: The controversy over the manner in which former prime minister Benazir Bhutto died in a Dec 27 attack in Rawalpindi deepened on Saturday night when DawnNews TV aired chilling images of an armed assassin taking a shot at her as she acknowledged the cheers of jubilant party activists from the sunroof of her bullet-proof vehicle.

The government has insisted that Ms Bhutto died when her head slammed against her vehicle by the blast from a bomb. But the Pakistan People’s Party has held that she died from bullet wounds.

Shot by an amateur photographer, the images telecast by DawnNews TV make it abundantly clear that there was no security cordon around Ms Bhutto’s vehicle.

They show a young clean-shaven man, wearing a waistcoat and dark glasses, inch inconspicuously towards the slow-moving vehicle of Ms Bhutto. Standing closely behind is a man believed to be the suicide bomber with a piece of cloth draped around his face. The first image catches the duo looking straight into the camera.

Another image shows the sharpshooter open fire on the unsuspecting political leader with remarkable aplomb. He is just a couple of metres away from his target. One of the party activists clinging to the vehicle seems to have spotted the assassin, whose upraised hand carries a gun.

The third image shows activists around the vehicle ducking their heads in reflex, suggesting that the gun has been fired. Unfazed, the assassin is still in their midst.

Crucially, Ms Bhutto has disappeared from the sunroof. And, equally crucially, the suicide bomber has yet to blow himself up.

The unsettling images raise significant questions about the quality of security arrangements made for the former prime minister who narrowly escaped a suicide attack on her homecoming procession on Oct 18.

The fact that an armed assassin managed to get just a couple of metres away from Ms Bhutto clearly gives the lie to the government claim that she had received a VIP security cover.

Also, the new images seem to lend credence to the assertion made by a close aide of Ms Bhutto who insisted that the opposition leader was shot in the head and neck.

According to the Reuters news agency, Sherry Rehman, a PPP spokesperson, said: “She has a bullet wound at the back of her head on the left side. It came out the other (side). That was a very large wound, and she bled profusely through that.”

Ms Rehman prepared the slain leader’s body for burial.

“She was even bleeding while we were bathing her for the burial. The government is now trying to say she concussed herself, which is ludicrous. It is really dangerous nonsense.”

However, the government stuck to its version, saying Ms Bhutto’s party was welcome to exhume her corpse to chec

Telltale images expose fatal security flaws : Benazir’s assassination -DAWN - Top Stories; December 30, 2007

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