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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

In the Pakistani (secret) agencies and in the army there are so many people who are not secular, who are fundamentalists and will help a suicide bomber to carry out his job," said the former district leader, Saifullah, who uses just one name

can someone tell me is it true that there are extremists in pakistan army its self and also in pakistan secret services who are helping the terrosrists and other extremists and sympathise with them if this is true then how are they able to keep their jobs can someone tell me please.....???
In the Pakistani (secret) agencies and in the army there are so many people who are not secular, who are fundamentalists and will help a suicide bomber to carry out his job," said the former district leader, Saifullah, who uses just one name

can someone tell me is it true that there are extremists in pakistan army its self and also in pakistan secret services who are helping the terrosrists and other extremists and sympathise with them if this is true then how are they able to keep their jobs can someone tell me please.....???

The onus would be on Saifulah to validate his claim.

As far as people "losing their jobs" for "supporting suicide bombers" - I doubt they go to work and brag about their connections to AQ and how they helped Akbar blow himself up the other day at BB's rally. There is a vetting mechanism in place, but there are limits to what such monitoring can accomplish and how much money a developing country can put into such systems and processes.
Re: BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated


Originally Posted by Malang
WHAT????? Sir please do not insult the dead and your ex-PM, criticising her as a politician ceases when we talk about her as a person..

She was a charasmatic person with a fan following all over the world...

She was one of the most popular Pakistani leader, have you seen the people howling on the streets?

Please leave such comments for another day.. You are not representative of all Pakistanis... and there are indeed many in Pakistan who admired her..


now she's dead all of sudden she becomes saint?

First ask her family to give $5 billion, then ask for forgiveness.

Islam demands greater emphasis on Haqooq-ul-Ibad (Rights of People) than Haqooq-Allah (Rights of God).

Do you know that no one can forgive Haqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of people) expect people themselves?

And i choose not to forgive her, only if her family returns all the money they stole.

All sins which do not relate to any other person and are such that Allah will punish because of disobedience, will be pardoned. Even Kufr and shirk can be pardoned by truly asking for forgiveness. But sins in which the creatures of Allah are concerned, for instance, making wrong use of an orphan's property, making false charges against someone or doing cruelty, these cannot be pardoned by merely asking Allah's forgiveness.

For this, the person concerned should be asked for pardon. First pay him his dues and ask his forgiveness then expect Allah's pardon. These sins are infringement and violation of Huqooq-ul-'Ibad (peoples' rights) and they cannot be pardoned by Allah alone.

Salaam!....I agree with your views......it was bound to be trouble once the usa/brits had decided that she would be the ideal person to rule Pakistan (as a very pro western stooge). The western powers had engineered her coming back.....please remember ...TWICE SHE RULED....SHE SCREWED THE COUNTRY UP same as Nawaz sharif. In the werstern world no incompetent leader gets elected twice....in Pakistan's case...she was given two chances....WHY COULD SHE NOT LET SOMEONE ELSE have a chance....hmmmmm......POWER....a hunger for POWER.....POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY....now she has met her fate: to this I say

TO ALLAH WE BELONG TO HIM WE RETURN.........and this is when the real accountability starts. We will all one day die and then we will be judged on our actions...have we dealt with one another.

We pray that God Allmighty protects this nation and unites it's people. We pray that true teachings of Islam is adhered by the nation. We pray that religious extremists and secular (man made law) fundamentalists are eradicated so that this nation can prosper as have many previous islamic nations in the past.

Democracy...which democracy?....the west or the kufr world will only accept DEMOCRACY THAT CONFORMS TO THEIR LIKING (where one becomes absolute stooges)....Hamas in palestine was democratically elected....thus this was not accepted by the west...hence engineered instability and infighting amongst the palestinians.

I hope Pakistan...infact I'm quite confident that this nation will pull out of this quagmire.....engineered by foreign powers who would like to see a weak and 'failed' state..........inshallah it will prevail as a progressive muslim country one day....despite have the kufr world detest it!
Let me post an analysis by BRASSTACKS Think Thank on the same point as you pointed out


Benazir assasination, as expected is claimed by Al-Qaeda. Dspite the fact that CNN has released a letter from her which accused President Musharraf to plot her assassination, no serious analyst or even the Americans have bought this theory as the signatures are too strong to point towards Zawihiri / Osama backed tribal militants of local origin. CNN has almost removed that hypothesis from their discussion now.

Imran Khan is not blaming AQ or Taliban. He is indirectly blaming Musharraf.

Everything points to terrorists, call them by any name.

Even BBC is now putting the partial blame for her death on western governments and western leaders for pushing her into Pakistan despite the risks she faced from Al-Qaeda. The blame for her death is falling on Al-Qaeda and also on western governments for pushing her too fast in very dangerous turf where religious radicals had already vowed to kill her upon her arrival. Baitullah Mehsud and many similar militants had vowed to meet her at the airport with his suicide bombers. Even within Pakistan, no one seems to be buying the theory that Musharraf government got her killed. The media is in fact totally silent over the possible lists of suspects despite the fact that Al-Qaeda claim is being flashed on screen.

If elections are to be held and there is so much at stake since NS is no pushover, what was she expected to do?

Organise her campaign by remote control?

Any leader in such circumstances where the situation is very nebulous and is interested in winning power, would have to have a finger on the pulse and lead from the front.

If she lost the election through remote control, she would then become a 'has been'. Dangerous for those who make politics their career!

In a knee jerk reaction, Nawaz Shareef has now announced boycott of elections after assassination of BB. This throws the entire election process into a tail spin as he also announces launch of a protest movement against President Musharraf till he is ousted. NS says "saving Pakistan is more important than elections" basically signaling that he is going to launch a civil disobedience movement after 3 days of mourning. The government minister says elections will be held on time as schedule. Americans are also supportive of the election process so far.

Rhetoric apart, who can now dare address election rally with suicide bombers lurking in the wings. Even NS' rally was attacked!

Civil disturbance is an easy way out, where personal danger is not there and yet a statement can be made.

American requirements from afar may not be what moves Pakistani politicians. or do they?

But the question is whether he can or he cannot muster enough street power to create a crisis for President Musharraf ?. PPP is now decapitated and stunned at the developments. their thinking capacity is seriously impaired right now. NS is counting on PPP's angry voters to side with him as force multiplier but this would not be an easy task for him. in fact, it is going to be a risky gamble.

That depends on the Pakistani population's perceptions crossing party lines.

Depends on how the Pakistanis perceive the assassination.

He has seriously miscalculated many times in the recent past and another miscalculation can land him in jail or in exile once again. In our assessment, he is overplaying his cards and his dependence upon JI, Imran Khan, PPP and some sub-nationalist groups is going to create chaos but not the desired results that he wants.

Who knows?

It is all upto the Pakistani public's anger or otherwise.

Think tanks can only speculate thinking.

Worst case for the government, he will invite chaos, lawlessness and then Martial law and cancellation of elections. Best case for the government, he will be arrested and exiled and not able to generate mass civil disobedience movement. Right now, the NS and PPP camp do not have enough understanding, strategy or the willing manpower to launch a massive street movement together. Their voters or support base were gearing up for elections not jails or tear gasses. The mental shift would be more difficult than the policy shift which their leadership has now taken.

To be seen.

Too early to predict.

Fanatics like the suicide bombers are capable of anything. Depends on the fanatical maze that some go through!

So, as PPP workers are on a rampage all over the country especially in Karachi and Sindh, Nawaz Shareef is trying to increase pressure on the government and working to create a larger opposition block. Next 3 days would decide a lot as to how things shape up. So far the government has not offered any serious resistance to the rioting crowds but sooner or later things will have to be brought under control even if that means bringing in para military or even the army depending how things shape up. There are signs that this is now going to happen and rioting will be controlled.

Govt is playing it cool and assessing the options.

A right move to calm down emotions.

A very harsh action now will only steel the resolve of the Opposition with dire consequences.

A wise move.

We do not see any major security meltdown for the government if they handle the rioting and also handle the media and perception war well. So far, this is the weakest link in the government’s plan. There is no media plan, no coordination, no strategy and no spokesperson handling the crisis. This would be serious blunder and could escalate the situation.

Media and journalists will make merry with the woes of the people as they always do.

It is their bread and butter and the way to keep the fires burning in their hearth and homes!

They are like vultures!

No need to panic. It is a manageable situation and the government is slowly getting the grips of it. Next couple of days woud clarify everything but we see things towards improvement for the time being as internaitonal pressure is almost negligible on the government and local situaiton is being tackled now.

In the Pakistani (secret) agencies and in the army there are so many people who are not secular, who are fundamentalists and will help a suicide bomber to carry out his job," said the former district leader, Saifullah, who uses just one name

can someone tell me is it true that there are extremists in pakistan army its self and also in pakistan secret services who are helping the terrosrists and other extremists and sympathise with them if this is true then how are they able to keep their jobs can someone tell me please.....???

From where you had posted this claim ??

can we have a link ???

if hez some from PPP a leader who is not known than well we have many of such saifullahs just today i had eddited many news where these so-called district leaders are beating their own trumpet
Just want to say...A whole load of Bullshit that happened yesterday...
Just want to say...A whole load of Bullshit that happened yesterday...

Come on man you got to condem such acts. Look I really didn't like Benazir either but still when I heard the news, in a way I was sad.
Nawaz was never intellectual. Benazir has drowned the nations twice and now rsiked twice her future while we have a war on terror on a much broader scale then 911... Even Imran Khan starts blaiming other parties while he cannot go further then barking cause I have never heard a logical step, in fact he even embraced fundamentalistic groups to get more power... Besides the fact that we are all over the news with a bad pr we have stupid government information (bullet killed now car killed) and we can add to that that Pakistani politicans are the worst of its kind. The military might have wrong title but the rest is ready to be toasted by Al Qaida cuase they are that stupid that they risk their futures on the most childish way (see how Pinky started hanging outside her car while almost being blown up a month ago)... I would have gone towards massive education and economical reforms. Moving towards pushing gIslam out of politics.... And tough towards terrorists...

This is all late and wrong... I have no clue what BB would have brought but a dead BB is a shame. Shame for Pakistan.
Nawaz was never intellectual...
Benazir has drowned the nations twice..
Even Imran Khan starts blaiming other parties while he cannot go further then barking cause ....
we have stupid government information ......
Pakistani politicans are the worst of its kind.

As everyone else seems stupid and incapable to you…why don’t you offer your ‘’intellectual services’’ to government, they might make you next PM or something else as the vacancy (PM) is presently vacant anyway and plus you are also a THINK TANK !!!:azn:
As everyone else seems stupid and incapable to you…why don’t you offer your ‘’intellectual services’’ to government, they might make you next PM or something else as the vacancy (PM) is presently vacant anyway and plus you are also a THINK TANK !!!:azn:

I would vote for him.. over Musharraf.
Since you're "unperkable", why don't your offer your "unperkable services", x-man. I'm sure you'd stop all the mustard & cheese from flying into and out of the country, or other such important things.

My condolences to Bhutto family, the Pakistan Army has always been their enemy.

Mr. Joharmunier first please introduce yourself and them start posting:

Second Pakistan army will always be against people who are or will destroy pakistan, I thought thats there job.
Mods please do you have the OTH which a pakistani officer or a soilder takes before wearing the uniform can you put it on a thread.
till yesterday most people wanted to get rid of her, Now she is dead and now everyone is saying oh this not the way we wanted her to go. Do you actually think she would have said ok I retire someone else should now be the chairperson by popular vote. no these people when they do wrong things they know their end pretty much.
This is probable the most happiest event for America. Why i think that? Because this will give their media chance to throw hate in people's minds against pakistan and later on get the public to support them as they "try to get into pakistan" which is really NOT easy to do.
Since you're "unperkable", why don't your offer your "unperkable services", x-man. I'm sure you'd stop all the mustard & cheese from flying into and out of the country, or other such important things.


WOW wow wow...I didnt know that, my ' perk' posts have hit you that hard that you cant get over with it. :tsk: Easy boy...forget about that...ralax your nerves...hypertension is not good for heart!!

Onto your query, I dont consider everybody else stupid as MUNIR highlighted in his post.They know their jobs and know what they are doing.

cheers :cheers:

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