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Breaking! Israeli Pilot was captured in 27th February standoff

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im sorry but...brain fart

Your opinions as much as I respect them; are just that...opinions. Mine is opposite yours and I find the article very very plausible. THAAD was deployed within 24 hours. One would have to be exceptionally ignorant or be ulteriorly motivated to discount Israeli involvement.

Taimoor Sb’s analysis is on point and it would be a disservice to Pakistan not to take these possibilities into account and plan accordingly.
Su 30 was shot down along with mig21.
Witnesses described 2 parachutes.
ISPR stated they captured 2 pilots, which was later claimed to be an error of reporting. The fact was that Israel officially never took part so it could not claim that pilot and India could not do because it was not their pilot. Both Israel and India were under impression that su 30 was invincible. This too could be one of the reason why Trump agreed to meet Imran Khan,... same trump who was so much against Pakistan just few months earlier. And what Imran khan said to trump,... a good news about 2 hostages?
Your opinions as much as I respect them; are just that...opinions. Mine is opposite yours and I find the article very very plausible. THAAD was deployed within 24 hours. One would have to be exceptionally ignorant or be ulteriorly motivated to discount Israeli involvement.

Taimoor Sb’s analysis is on point and it would be a disservice to Pakistan not to take these possibilities into account and plan accordingly.
I initially thought it was bs as well but 1 day after downing abhinonedone, THAADs were indeed rush delivered to isreal...on top of that, america suddenly took a 180 degree u turn and started becoming extra nice to Pakistan...
I am no supporter of Dr Dhabardhos. I know for certain he lied on certain occasions. I also know and understand that he exaggerate a lot to sell his show. But in the story line he told yesterday, there seems to be some substance.
This is not the first time we heard that we had an Israeli pilot in custody. Many people have said that in the past not just Dr.
What he said yesterday is a step further, he disclosed that Pilot had been handed over to Israel.
What doesn't make sense is why would Pakistan quietly hand over Israeli pilot, when this could have been the biggest diplomatic coup for Pakistan to embarrass both India and Israel in the world!!
This is something I am not understanding. If it was Nawaz Butt's or Zardari's regime I could understand it. But IK wouldn't allow that to happen.

We have the evidence how Kulbadan's case was fought in ICJ by current Pakistani government. They stood up to India, and now again in UNSC and in their efforts to make the world realise what Indians are doing in Kashmir and their further designs.

I am sure Pakistan wouldn't have let such opportunity by. That's make me suspicious of this news/analysis.
Su 30 was shot down along with mig21.
Witnesses described 2 parachutes.
ISPR stated they captured 2 pilots, which was later claimed to be an error of reporting. The fact was that Israel officially never took part so it could not claim that pilot and India could not do because it was not their pilot. Both Israel and India were under impression that su 30 was invincible. This too could be one of the reason why Trump agreed to meet Imran Khan,... same trump who was so much against Pakistan just few months earlier. And what Imran khan said to trump,... a good news about 2 hostages?

Su30 is a dual seater, my guess is Israeli pilot was the GIB.

My concern is, if we had such a big catch, why did we let go? And on whose order?

These are very serious national security issues and someone on top , like usual, did the "matti pao " on this, and the result is that they got more bold and we are where we are now.

im sorry but...brain fart

You are not hatched yet properly on this forum, steady now.
Well since we Pakistanis love to create conspiracy theories, let me add another one. May be he's still in our custody, may he died in custody, who trully knows???

May be unlike endia we don't put all our cards on the table until and unless we're completely cornered (which currently we ain't) and this news of israeli pilot in custody will become public once an 'incident of greater magnitude happens in the future'. Then again Natanyahu is going to endia in the coming weeks, so if we really had the pilot, this could be the perfect time to disclose it. If they dont disclose it during his visit then it means only 2 things.

We never had him.
We had him but couldn't expose him due to pressure from the Saudis/US or a traitor amongst us decided to put national security at risk, yet again.
Su30 is a dual seater, my guess is Israeli pilot was the GIB.

My concern is, if we had such a big catch, why did we let go? And on whose order?

These are very serious national security issues and someone on top , like usual, did the "matti pao " on this, and the result is that they got more bold and we are where we are now.

You are not hatched yet properly on this forum, steady now.

As I said that handing over Israeli quietly is not making sense to me at all.
Unless as you said, the order came from Uncle SAM and the PA brass obliged as they have done on so many occasions. For them the lollipop of Americans would look in to the situation is enough.
There is no hiding my feelings that Pakistanis coy approach had not bear any fruit in the past and it will not bear any fruit now.
Only one thing which is pushing me to accept the statement of the Dr is that his show is heard by Pakistan. If the PA knew he was lying they could have conveyed their message to the Nation via ISPR. They have not commented yet. This is highly suspicious. Why you wouldn't clarify matter of such national interests!!
Israeli attacking Pakistan is a national security issue, definitely.
Well since we Pakistanis love to create conspiracy theories, let me add another one. May be he's still in our custody, may he died in custody, who trully knows???

May be unlike endia we don't put all our cards on the table until and unless we're completely cornered (which currently we ain't) and this news of israeli pilot in custody will become public once an 'incident of greater magnitude happens in the future'. Then again Natanyahu is going to endia in the coming weeks, so if we really had the pilot, this could be the perfect time to disclose it. If they dont disclose it during his visit then it means only 2 things.

We never had him.
We had him but couldn't expose him due to pressure from the Saudis/US or a traitor amongst us decided to put national security at risk, yet again.

Dr is adamant that we have already released him. If true, then it's a betrayal of Pakistan.

There were some strange and unusual characters who visited Pakistan in aftermath of 27th, like FM of Luxembourg!!

There was a news of a Israeli registered jet liner visiting Pakistan, cant recall if it was before or after 27th.

As I said that handing over Israeli quietly is not making sense to me at all.
Unless as you said, the order came from Uncle SAM and the PA brass obliged as they have done on so many occasions. For them the lollipop of Americans would look in to the situation is enough.
There is no hiding my feelings that Pakistanis coy approach had not bear any fruit in the past and it will not bear any fruit now.
Only one thing which is pushing me to accept the statement of the Dr is that his show is heard by Pakistan. If the PA knew he was lying they could have conveyed their message to the Nation via ISPR. They have not commented yet. This is highly suspicious. Why you wouldn't clarify matter of such national interests!!
Israeli attacking Pakistan is a national security issue, definitely.

Dr has been, for weeks, constantly, and relentlessly is keep on bringing Israel is his shows.

You like him or hate him, I am sorry but no one can deny that he is top and most senior anchor in Pakistan, and he cannot keep on bringing a matter into his audience attention, like he has been, without having some prior information. This just goes against the professional ethics.
Dr is adamant that we have already released him. If true, then it's a betrayal of Pakistan.

There were some strange and unusual characters who visited Pakistan in aftermath of 27th, like FM of Luxembourg!!

There was a news of a Israeli registered jet liner visiting Pakistan, cant recall if it was before or after 27th.
Well he has a habit of over exaggerating things but i like him. Anyway, the israeli aircraft landed just BEFORE 27feb i remember it, the mullas created quite a ruckus after that, everything inexplicably went mum! Something definitely happened but unless the GoP comes clear about it, we shall never know.
Well he has a habit of over exaggerating things but i like him. Anyway, the israeli aircraft landed just BEFORE 27feb i remember it, the mullas created quite a ruckus after that, everything inexplicably went mum! Something definitely happened but unless the GoP comes clear about it, we shall never know.

It was actually zafar helali who broke the news. He is someone who has actually been part of "establishment", being a ex diplomat.
  1. Isreali pilot was captured but released during op swift retort. (Who released him and why?)
  2. Israel is fully involved in this recent flair up of tension between Pakistan and India.
  3. Game is now gone to full scale hostility where Mossad and shin beit are fully assisting India against Pakistan.
  4. Shaheen series missiles are ready and deployed to nuke Israel. Atleast 4 Israeli cities are at target excluding Jerusalem.
  5. Indian shenanigans are fully backed by Israel.

A day after op swift retort, America deployed THAAD in Israel. Why? I raised this issue back then as well. Did explicit threats came from Pakistan in the aftermath of Israeli pilot capture? What American battle group is up to in gulf ? Is Iran their target or Pakistan is the one they got in crosshairs?

After op swift retort, there is also a noticable change in Pakistan and GCC relations. Things have gone quite. PMIK while being on American soil ruled out any conflict with Iran. Why he said that , out of all places in America? Then came Indian action over Kashmir and GCC reaction was pathetic to say the least. Its clear their strings are getting pulled from Israel.

From Pakistani perspective, wargaming this , GCC is completely ruled out as a route to conduct 5th gen warfare against Israel. Iran and its proxies specially hizbollah becomes very attractive proposition. Taliban were created by Pakistan but now they got strong links with Iran. In similar way, hizbollah should be engaged and given expertise to raise their game to next level. Hamas must also be helped to build their offensive capabilities and ISI should have full presence around Israel.

It's not a time to play an ostrich whose head is buried in sand. Pakistani inaction will invite further trouble because it seems they have not learned anything from 27th feb. They are relentless and edgy, borderline reckless. Only when we take the consequences in their own homeland, only then they will back off.

Gloves off approach is the need of hour. No more dithering, no more time wasting, no more ignoring the danger that is starring at us.

im sorry but...brain fart

According to DGISPR's statement on March 5th in Kamran Khan's show at Dunya News, 1 pilot died, 1 released.

Listen to the video from 0:55...

Allah knows best.
According to DGISPR's statement on March 5th in Kamran Khan's show at Dunya News, 1 pilot died, 1 released.

Listen to the video from 0:55...

Allah knows best.

Su30 is dual seat. Three pilots in total. One released (mig21), one died (su30 pilot) and the GIB of SU30 is where this Isreali connection fits in.
Su30 is dual seat. Three pilots in total. One released (mig21), one died (su30 pilot) and the GIB of SU30 is where this Isreali connection fits in.
maybe an isreali f15? if so then history has been made because uptil Feb 27th, no f15 has ever been lost in combat. would show why americans would be interested in keeping this news under wraps...
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