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BREAKING: Fire reported on the Israeli ship in the northern Indian Ocean after it was hit

You can attack millions of Israeli vessals with a pleasure and with my blessings:tup: but don't assume the slightest about the GCC.. They are primed and ready to roll.. Don't confuse tiny Israel with the GCC..

By the way for the attacks :tup: Keep them coming
Now this is the funniest comment I have ever read on this whole damn site! Yeah Iran is shaking in its boots right now!!! :omghaha:
if it is an attack , israelis will visit them soon . :D
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This is an Israel..... better don't mess with Her... they have the richest history for taking revenge.

If 1 Israel will be killed then they will take down at least 5 people... does not matter belong to which country.
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Zionist and RSS both love each other fascist do**.
Only difference is one love swastikas the other hate swastikas
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Its looks like israel fales flag drama because jews zionists are the biggest evilish liers on this earth...

but they get benefit of doubt due to control of western media and politics

and they can play holocaust card for another 100 years probably
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