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Breaking! Altaf Hussain appologizes for his speech within 24 Hours

Bias is a very strange thing, the more one gets educated, the more apt one becomes in finding arguments to support one's bias. The most biased people, I have seen were among the most educated people. Education is not the cure but rather a catalyst to biases that one harbors.
or maybe preprogrammed in ethnic hate which leads to more jahalat and then emotional and drama baazi rhetoric useage to brainwash ppl(an area altaf hussain excels). Some ppl mqm supporters ,even here, act like zombies. Tho other parties supports are also similar in behavior. But...
Altaf Hussain Flirting with Female Anchor Neelam on LIVE TV

#Alcoholic #Psycho #Mohajir
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Really? Then why is malik ishaq wandering around with his private milita? Why is Nawaz sharif allowed to use punjab police as his private militia? Why are retired officers involved in land grabbing mafia and acting as private militas for certain influential people?
Sorry, I am just not seeing what you are seeing.
More emotional arguments rather than substantiating anything. Its not that ASWJ and all other militias are allowed to roam free. Army is slowly disposing all of their assets. And I can understand that it would be painful for a puppet at the time of being done away with.
More emotional arguments rather than substantiating anything. Its not that ASWJ and all other militias are allowed to roam free. Army is slowly disposing all of their assets. And I can understand that it would be painful for a puppet at the time of being done away with.

LoL, it is easy to dismiss an argument by saying its based on emotions. Nothing I said however is emotional, but based on facts. Everyone in Pakistan knows it. If you deny that then I really don't know what to say to you.
LoL, it is easy to dismiss an argument by saying its based on emotions. Nothing I said however is emotional, but based on facts. Everyone in Pakistan knows it. If you deny that then I really don't know what to say to you.
Being emotional and unsubstantiated are two different things. We all know that these assets were created by the military. While LeT was created to counter Indian influence, the LeJ was created to keep a check on Iranian sectarian aspirations in the name of SMP and TNJ. MQM was created to counter PPP. But military men gave them an overdose of ability to wreck violance. And its a good thing that finally there is a team in military that is finally doing away with these assets turned militias.
I can imagine many among MQM officials would be wishing he either dies or is taken off power because one thing we know for sure he isn't going to retire for more than a day since that drama already has many episodes and is quite boring.

Btw, why does this thick fck always talk as if he is drunk?
Fellow Pakistanis, do not be fooled by this drama carried out by the traitors Ghaddari and Altaf co...... Rao Anwar is corrupt to the nth degree, they dont become righteous overnight. Everything is by design and not an accident. They both (Zardari and Altaf) showed a flexing of their muscle and a statement to the establishment to 'Back off' with the operation or else......all the while Nawaz Sharif sitting on the side lines like a meesni bheegi billi :)
Its high time, the establishment showed us/them what they are all about !
MQM should be named MQM (Sorry).

This is the trend. Say something provocative and then apologize. Leave the govt in the morning and return to the govt in the evening.

Altaf Hussain has become a joker now!
This greasy toad was drunk perhaps during speech and spilled his true inner wishes in drunken state...........There is pattern to their behavior, bark and then apologize, kill and then cry victim

@Secur @syedali73
APPOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED! Bring justice to this Bas!t!d! Will he beg RAW for assistance live and get away because he says "mera maqsad dil azari nahi tha"??. GOD dam Altaf and his appology, we need this a$$hole fixed. PERIOD!

@Law enforcement agencies of Pakistan, is there any red-line for his douchebag? Can he utter $hit everyday and still be tolerated? How many opportunities are you prepared to give to this traitor before deciding enough is enough?

And you believe it...:lol:

Cause he has a rule in life, irrespective of what happens to country, to nation or to humanity... Altaf is right.

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