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Brazil ignores India, sells arms to Pakistan

EVERY1 ignores india let's see USA CHINA ITALY FRANCE BRAZIL i can go on btw by now india got habit of being ignored so they keep on doing the same moves

I don't blame them it's in their blood plus they got ignore so many times ppl
that's good for Pakistan,at last they found another seller after china and usa...
Looking at the the trend of Pakistan Military's acquisitions such as a Chinese SAM spotted in High Mark exercises and now this news, it is pretty sure that Pakistan's Military must have many other surprises for India...
This article states

There is no official confirmation so far on the nature of cargo loaded on the C-130 transport aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force. One report claimed that it was short range air to air missile 1-A Piranha, whose improved version MAA-1B is still under development. Other claim has been that the cargo was unguided bombs based on the US MK Series.

And interestingly here is wat i found on wikipedia

Users of 1-A Piranha

Brazilian Air Force

Colombian Air Force

Pakistan Air Force

Then this article further goes on to say

But the ammunition mentioned in the reports is old. Piranha missiles were used in now retired Mirage III fighter jets of the Brazilian Air Force. PAF still flies a variant of Mirage III.

which is complete bullshit because according to wikipedia source this missile is new as it achieved operational capability in 2003

here is the info
Its development began in the middle 1990s, the original project was released in the late 1970s, and achieved some degree of operational capability in September 2002. It has been assumed that the missile achieved initial operational capability in 2003 coinciding with the last test campaign.

Source:Mectron MAA-1 Piranha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brazilian air force want to replace all MAA-1 piranha by 2015...and here some countries is buying it.....
This article states

And interestingly here is wat i found on wikipedia

Users of 1-A Piranha

Brazilian Air Force

Colombian Air Force

Pakistan Air Force

Then this article further goes on to say

which is complete bullshit because according to wikipedia source this missile is new as it achieved operational capability in 2003

here is the info
Its development began in the middle 1990s, the original project was released in the late 1970s, and achieved some degree of operational capability in September 2002. It has been assumed that the missile achieved initial operational capability in 2003 coinciding with the last test campaign.

Source:Mectron MAA-1 Piranha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Re-Read your post against, it says that it was assumed that it had achieved its operational capability in 2003, but it doesn't say it was confirmed and certified.
And this solves the mystery

Here is an article i found by brazilian defence industry, originally the article was in Portuguese language and i translated it into english

Pakistani C-130 comes to Brazil and feeds information on the export of missiles
National Industry
Written by Defence Brazil
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 18:00
Aircraft was in Sao Jose dos Campos twice this month.


(Defence Brazil) - A C-130 Air Force Pakistan became common object at the airport in Sao Jose dos Campos in June while visiting the city at least twice a day 8 and another ten days later.

These visits would not be noticed if not for the unconfirmed information, collected by the source DB, that the C-130 would have stayed on both occasions only until the next morning to be loaded quietly at night, and that the load at least the last visit, would have been 20 cases of Mectron of 490kg each, containing air-air missiles, short-range AAM-1A Piranha.

Pakistan acquired two years ago a batch of 100 anti-radiation missiles MAR-1, manufactured by Mectron, for R $ 85 million, but rumors report that the sale would have caused uneasiness in relations between India and Brazil, large partner of Brazil and the enemy of neighboring Pakistan. Therefore, this sale would have been canceled at the end of last year without the purchasing country has received the missiles.

The sale of missiles to Pakistan is treated as a state secret. Due to a confidentiality clause in the contract, Mectron, FAB, nor any Brazilian official said the export of artifacts to the Asian country.

At the time of the alleged cancellation, it was reported that the Pakistan Air Force would be interested in missile air-air short range Brazilians. At the time, raised the possibility of interest is the MAA-1B, more modern version of the Piranha, but that is still in beta testing and should only be ready early next year. This charge, if confirmed, shows that the interest of Pakistan for missile air-air short range is real, though the missile is sold the first version, MAA-1A.

According to information compiled by the Defense Brazil, the first goal of Pakistan would join the MAA-1A Piranha their aircraft, and teaching and thus pave the way for easy integration of the new version, MAA-1B, which also would have already signed their sale, missing this new version just closed for testing and enter the production phase.

No information of the value of this supposed negotiation or how many missiles may have been loaded on two trips to the Pakistani C-130 Sao Jose dos Campos.
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Govt. of India has not made any official statement.

If brazil ignores india's concerns, india can sell weapons to its adversaries and a lot of them.

Its business my friends. Nobody is permanent friend or foe in international diplomacy.

oh please... Indian gov are bunch of whinners.. F-16s JF-17 french avionics, cobras, TOW missiles etc makes India cr@p in their pants..
btw What can india sell to brazil adversaries? Arjunk? LCA? or small weapons that and unreliable compared to what they can get from other markets?
just think before you make a fool out of your self..
Gazwa e Hind. Wow frightning arms build up dude...

a) Oliver Perry Class decommisioned war shhips
b) Missiles retired by Brazil
c) Tanks that caught so frequently (Al Khalid) that they had to put in a fire alarm an call that tranche 2
d) Unbeatable leadership skills (ZH etc.)
Please dont flame.....Post constructive if you can.....

Post reported.

---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

If brazil keeps selling arms to pakistan it will keep losing at world cup soccer :partay:

He he pardon the poor joke
It was funny and sad as well. I really wanted Brazil to win :)
oh please... Indian gov are bunch of whinners.. F-16s JF-17 french avionics, cobras, TOW missiles etc makes India cr@p in their pants..
btw What can india sell to brazil adversaries? Arjunk? LCA? or small weapons that and unreliable compared to what they can get from other markets?
just think before you make a fool out of your self..
It's GOI's job to keep you guys fighting with sticks and stones. They seem to be doing a good job of it too.
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