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Brand New Indian Anti-Submarine Warships Begin Service Next Month

You got to love the Chinese and their dick measuring competition's. its so funny to see.

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Simple fact, P28 has superior sensors. Armament wise also superior. True only a few will be built but they are actually frigate going by armament and tonnage. It is named corvette for name only.

By modern standards, P28 is too small to even be considered a frigate so do not fool yourself. P28 has inferior sensors and has very low endurance (3,500 nautical miles) compared to a modern frigate. With such low range, P28 is predominately designed for littoral warfare.

Also, you need to learn the difference between tonnage and displacement. They are two separate things. Tonnage is used for commercial merchant ships, while displacement is used for naval ships and they are very different methods of calculation.
You got to love the Chinese and their dick measuring competition's. its so funny to see.

*********************** We have over 70 destroyers and frigates compared to your 23! :haha:

We are building 12 Type 052D destroyers which are 7,500 tons and equipped with AEGIS type air-defense. India has so far only built 3 Kolkata class destroyers, equipped with the shitty Barak 8 missiles (poor range and low speed). Even a Harpoon missile could get past Barak 8. :rofl:

The PLAN is also going to build the 10,000 - 12,000+ ton Type 055 destroyer! They will be one of the largest and most powerful destroyers in the world. The PLAN is likely to order at least 20 or 30 of them.

So you poor people can laugh now about the P28 being bigger than the Type 056 corvette, but remember, we have so many more ships than you, and we are building far far far bigger destroyers than you are!:dance3:

What is more important, a big corvette or a big destroyer? :coffee:

Indian Navy is lower than ********. Even Italy has a more modern and powerful navy than India.:omghaha:
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By modern standards, P28 is too small to even be considered a frigate so do not fool yourself. P28 has inferior sensors and has very low endurance (3,500 nautical miles) compared to a modern frigate. With such low range, P28 is predominately designed for littoral warfare.

Also, you need to learn the difference between tonnage and displacement. They are two separate things. Tonnage is used for commercial merchant ships, while displacement is used for naval ships and they are very different methods of calculation.
An anti submarine corvette typically has an displacement ~2000 Ton plus, P28A falls into this category, This ASW is planned to stay near Indian coast or Andaman to protect Indian waters. What do you expect a 5000 ton ASW Corvette ?

Inferior Sensors ? isnt that a bizarre claim ? Just because it doesnt belong to PLAN or US Navy it doesnt mean it doesnt have any teeth
@Chak Bamu; this post complies with the standards requirements of posting on pdf, right?
Your call.

Edited the deplorable language. But kept the post. I'll have to delete your post to remove the reference to that arrogant piece of writing.
Edited the deplorable language. But kept the post. I'll have to delete your post to remove the reference to that arrogant piece of writing.

Pls do that. But tell me now, what kind of discussion can you propose with such a mind-set on display!
Not just the language which is obnoxious, even the "alleged" facts are plain drivel.
I can see no reason to find any tolerance for such things......... And that phenomenon is more rampant here on the forum than we may like.
Chinese members here learn to behave it serious to make fun of Sindhurakshak tragedy ! I can troll you for anything but not where lives are involved ! Feel Sad for
Chinese submarine 361 too but I dont make fun of that incident ! IF aircraft accident happens then submarine accidents too happen !
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By modern standards, P28 is too small to even be considered a frigate so do not fool yourself. P28 has inferior sensors and has very low endurance (3,500 nautical miles) compared to a modern frigate. With such low range, P28 is predominately designed for littoral warfare.

Also, you need to learn the difference between tonnage and displacement. They are two separate things. Tonnage is used for commercial merchant ships, while displacement is used for naval ships and they are very different methods of calculation.
frigate tonnage basically used to identify who much weapons its can carry ? Displacement used to tell us ship size.

both are different and have value.

Well Indian Frigate tonnage is equal to what china call their ships destroyers and , those india called covertte , china called then frigate.

Just china tell its people a dissolution lie.
Edited the deplorable language. But kept the post. I'll have to delete your post to remove the reference to that arrogant piece of writing.
I'm not sure if it is the same post that you are talking about, but one post on the previous page says that the Indian Navy is "worse than dog shit". How is such language not infraction-worthy, and why is it still kept there?

Besides, why is there so much dick measuring with PLAN? Aren't all those posts off topic? Please ask them to post about PLAN in the China section, not the Indian section. This news is too important to be drowned in a measuring contest.
I'm not sure if it is the same post that you are talking about, but one post on the previous page says that the Indian Navy is "worse than dog shit". How is such language not infraction-worthy, and why is it still kept there?

Besides, why is there so much dick measuring with PLAN? Aren't all those posts off topic? Please ask them to post about PLAN in the China section, not the Indian section. This news is too important to be drowned in a measuring contest.

To put it simply: the "tolerance bar" could do with some raising. The Mods here are hardly in the role of 'Nursemaids' who should have to go around "cleaning-up" after some idiotic brat has vomited something.
I see no reason why a Mod should even have to spend his time editing posts in the hope that something sensible may be lying within a heap of garbage!
To put it simply: the "tolerance bar" could do with some raising. The Mods here are hardly in the role of 'Nursemaids' who should have to go around "cleaning-up" after some idiotic brat has vomited something.
I see no reason why a Mod should even have to spend his time editing posts in the hope that something sensible may be lying within a heap of garbage!
Give Mods a break dear. I've spent an hour cleaning up a thread about Kashmir & abolition of Article 370. I could be here 24/7 and still people will be unhappy. I have not taken a look at the whole of the thread. I just looked at the post you brought to my notice.

It is not my job to ban people left and right. That would leave precious few on PDF. Many posters here have matured over time. If mods were over-strict, they would not have lasted at all. We are here to regulate discussion, not monopolize it or throttle it.
Indian members should be careful regarding Chinese members troll and we shouldn't be making fun but should show respect where its due,and I request chinese members too show the same kind of respects for India.Please @Chinese-Dragon can you make your fellow chinese to understand.
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