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'Brain drain' discourages young Pakistanis

Everyone knows stories like this. On one hand, diaspora form a valuable resource in terms of remittances and expertise, but this lasts only as long as the stay abroad is temporary and links with the homeland are maintained. On the other hand, once these people start getting PR/GC status or nationalities, then it turns into a net loss for the country as they make permanent homes elsewhere. Within two generations it is a different story.
One of the reasons they are not taxing remittances, as they are portrayed as an asset which will keep on giving RoI, and you are overlooking the fact that those people will never loose their connection to the country, How many people have you come across in Canada who does not have any asset, saving account back in Pakistan?
Even after 2 generations people are not cutting their ties to Pakistan, and i dont see that happening for another 2 generations.
One of the reasons they are not taxing remittances, as they are portrayed as an asset which will keep on giving RoI, and you are overlooking the fact that those people will never loose their connection to the country, How many people have you come across in Canada who does not have any asset, saving account back in Pakistan?
Even after 2 generations people are not cutting their ties to Pakistan, and i dont see that happening for another 2 generations.

The generation that migrates first keeps ties strong with the homeland like you say. The next generation, not so much. The third generation, hardly at all.
Not a big deal? The exodus means that only the failures are left to make the country work. Which is why it does not work.

Why dont u reserve your judgments about the 'failures' in Pakistan. Much better than successes who live in other countries and have the gall to come and gloat at failures.

What exactly has mr. successful starbucks coffee boy done for pakistan?
Brain drain will continue until there is focus on local industries

a) Auto
b) Engineering
c) Pharmaceutical
d) Oil and Gas Sector

We need a maga project launched for Prison in Baluchistan , and put all corruption and politicians in the prisons 1 way ticket to Prisons

Promoting local industries that create good jobs for the young professionals need the proper government policies to foster the growth of the economy. Those policies are lacking thus far.
Not a big deal? The exodus means that only the failures are left to make the country work. Which is why it does not work.

That is how it works in every country in the world.
Indians also left in droves till the late 90's. Then when the Indian economy bettered on account of being run by the 'failures', they came back.

The point is that there are no 'failures' and no 'successes' and the fact that those who prefer to move abroad are not necessarily the best or the most capable.

Today atleast in one sector- education - only those Indians move abroad for education who are unable to make it into the good Indian colleges. This was not the case earlier.

It is exactly the same for Pakistan. Once the economy betters, they will return - and the economy will indeed become better - its not a question of if but when.
That is how it works in every country in the world.
Indians also left in droves till the late 90's. Then when the Indian economy bettered on account of being run by the 'failures', they came back.

The point is that there are no 'failures' and no 'successes' and the fact that those who prefer to move abroad are not necessarily the best or the most capable.

Today atleast in one sector- education - only those Indians move abroad for education who are unable to make it into the good Indian colleges. This was not the case earlier.

Good points, except that I generally try to avoid direct IndoPak comparisons because of the high risk of a trollfest.
Good points, except that I generally try to avoid direct IndoPak comparisons because of the high risk of a trollfest.

I did not intend for it to be a toll fest.

The comparison is only because the sociology of the subcontinent is the same. What happens in Bangladesh would be vaguely similar to what happens in India and to what happens in Pakistan.

Think of it as a lead indicator - that the economy improved despite millions of people moved abroad, but a percentage came back as and when the economy back home improved.

Same thing will happen in Pakistan. I broadly agree with what Nawaz is doing in Pakistan right now wrt managing the industries/economy. It will start reflecting in a couple of years.
I did not intend for it to be a toll fest.

The comparison is only because the sociology of the subcontinent is the same. What happens in Bangladesh would be vaguely similar to what happens in India and to what happens in Pakistan.

Think of it as a lead indicator - that the economy improved despite millions of people moved abroad, but a percentage came back as and when the economy back home improved.

Same thing will happen in Pakistan. I broadly agree with what Nawaz is doing in Pakistan right now wrt managing the industries/economy. It will start reflecting in a couple of years.

Neither you nor I may intend it as such, but I have seen many a thread ruined by trolls despite the best of intentions.

I do agree with you that the economic policies of this government will play a large role in slowing (or accelerating) this "brain drain" described in the OP.
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