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Brahmos to be EXPORTED to UAE ; VIETNAM; South Africa ; Chile

oh really tell me which kind of SAM system you have can intercept Bhramos im too curious to know thanks in advance

but now you your talking about sharing tech and TOT with china to develop those in house .... well good luck if china shares its laser weapons tech with pakistan ... god bless china :D

as for knowledge sharing in this kind of cutting edge well sir no one shares it with you until or unless you have developed something of that kind already in house hope you get my point sir

now lets get back to the topic of the thread shall we :azn:

You are one of those people who don't have clue what level of Cooperation China and Pakistan have :azn: . Its NCW era and your military know that both side have this capability and only huge salvo of Brahmos / Nirbhay or Babur / Raad / CM400AKG will allow hitting few targets on each side due their defense capabilities. Now Pakistani air defense (all three services) is well networked and can respond to any threat (BM & Hyper-sonic system not included till now).
You are one of those people who don't have clue what level of Cooperation China and Pakistan have :azn: . Its NCW era and your military know that both side have this capability and only huge salvo of Brahmos / Nirbhay or Babur / Raad / CM400AKG will allow hitting few targets on each side due their defense capabilities. Now Pakistani air defense (all three services) is well networked and can respond to any threat (BM & Hyper-sonic system not included till now).
Thik hai...Now can we discuss something beside pakistan.
you are one of those people who dont have clue what level of Cooperation China and Pakistan have. Its NCW era and your military know that both side have this capability and only huge salvo of Brahmos / Nirbhay or Babur / Raad / CM400AKG will allow hitting few targets on each side due their defense capabilities. Now Pakistani air defense (all three services) is well networked and can respond to any threat (BM & Hyper-sonic system not included till now).
well kid you dont know me niether you know what kind of knowledge or sources i have still you are blaberring like that when you seem like you dont have any answer to the points i raised in my previous posts and now are trying to get personal .... well try harder im already to well versed with that kind of attitude and i know more than you can possibally know as to what China has given to pakistan or what it intends too so better not go there tell me what you have right know and what kids of deals you have made with china regarding such SAM systems which have cability to intercept missiles like Bhramos which travel at mach 2-3 and go beyond hypersonik speeds in dive phase

as for Babur -or raad well we are already buying the latest stuff from france and israel and even USA and also developing owr own in house sytems to have a multi layerd SAM systems and multi layered and multi band AESA and PESA based land , AWACS and Aerostat based radar network + giving it a top cover of space based Spy SATS watching this theater 24 X 7 X 365 so dont try plying me with fance "name dropping" cheers kid :D
I know abt this , here I meant what BRAHMOS (JV India and Russia) developed is new developments, which even other russian missiles dont have.

seriously .....!!!!! they have this tech only for Brahmos??? now why would a country give better tech to a system in JV for shorter range and not have the same for its own missiles which are not in JV and have much longer range?

beats me the bold part of your logic .....!

Did I mentioned Pakistan in my post?? I just ask how your super brahmos will defend against laser / energy weapons?? and PN will have them as soon they are fully operational with Chinese Forces, because we don't have to reinvent wheel again.

What does the term fully operational mean???

DEWs even US does not have yet you claim China has operationalised the systems already?
Man .. even chinese need to know this ....

Pakistan have capability to defend against Brahmos now, but in a salvo launch some may get through and hit targets same will happen in case of missiles launches from Pakistan side some will got through and hit targets. When I talked about reinventing wheel I never meant about buying, i was referring to TOT and learning from what China offer in terms of tech available same has happened since decades between China and Pakistan. Its called knowledge and expertise sharing.

Which system?

You are one of those people who don't have clue what level of Cooperation China and Pakistan have :azn: . Its NCW era and your military know that both side have this capability and only huge salvo of Brahmos / Nirbhay or Babur / Raad / CM400AKG will allow hitting few targets on each side due their defense capabilities. Now Pakistani air defense (all three services) is well networked and can respond to any threat (BM & Hyper-sonic system not included till now).

You know how long does it require to actually operationally deploy an AD node??

@GURU DUTT sorry didn't see you were in an intellectual intercourse here .... carry on I will butt out
seriously .....!!!!! they have this tech only for Brahmos??? now why would a country give better tech to a system in JV for shorter range and not have the same for its own missiles which are not in JV and have much longer range?

beats me the bold part of your logic .....!
Its commonsense, These advanced tech are developed at BRAHMOS not in russia nor Russia provided it. Plz tell me the advanced tech I mentioned before do any russian missiles carry till now other then Block 3 ?
Why Russia is deciding to buy BRAHMOS ? if they were having all the tech brahmos have.
well kid you dont know me niether you know what kind of knowledge or sources i have still you are blaberring like that when you seem like you dont have any answer to the points i raised in my previous posts and now are trying to get personal .... well try harder im already to well versed with that kind of attitude and i know more than you can possibally know as to what China has given to pakistan or what it intends too so better not go there tell me what you have right know and what kids of deals you have made with china regarding such SAM systems which have cability to intercept missiles like Bhramos which travel at mach 2-3 and go beyond hypersonik speeds in dive phase

as for Babur -or raad well we are already buying the latest stuff from france and israel and even USA and also developing owr own in house sytems to have a multi layerd SAM systems and multi layered and multi band AESA and PESA based land , AWACS and Aerostat based radar network + giving it a top cover of space based Spy SATS watching this theater 24 X 7 X 365 so dont try plying me with fance "name dropping" cheers kid :D

look kid first try to know who you are talking too then try to be keyboard warrior on PDF, I m not keyboard warrior and I m proud that I have served in Min Def therefore my knowledge and understanding is much higher of defence matters then you can think.
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