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Boycott campaign against Indian dalal papers Daily Star and Prothom Alo

The rating in Fb page of Daily Star certainty went down from 4.5 to 3 in a single day.
That's the new "cholen shobai milla report dia profile khaia dei generation"....Nobody buys Daily Star because their good reviews on facebook....these are the most widely circulated newspapers in the country and no amount of facebook reporting or wive's sandals is going to stop them anytime soon.
The rating in Fb page of Daily Star certainty went down from 4.5 to 3 in a single day.
Yeah I can see that....Its rated 3.3 based on 1.4k peoples rating. Ain't its too insignificant?
Yeah I can see that....Its rated 3.3 based on 1.4k peoples rating. Ain't its too insignificant?
Most of the 1 star was rated in the last few days....many reviews are just copy paste of others....and a significant number of them make you wonder whether the reviewer even reads a English daily or not....feelgood cyberactivism.
Seriously....facebook ratings mean something these days?

The desperation is pretty epic.
as much as I try I can not read that.... English -.-

The comment posted urges people to boycott the Indian dlal newspapers in Bangladesh The Daily Star and Prothom Alo ...

You are getting home delivery of Bangla newspaper in Great Britain?

I am in Bangladesh and have been so for the last 15 years. I keep saying that but you guys just ignore it.
India can help people who want to put sandals in newspapers by mailing the old used sandals to interested BD members...

Not all are married like MBI M.
I believe we can do something along the likes of the pink chaddi campaign to our munshi bhai :)
Hence... PROVED..!! LOL. This guy's logic is impeccable.. If Indians laugh at this thread, then it proves his point. If Indians would counter the stupid thread, then it would mean Indians are trying to suppress the universal truth, and hence prove his point. If Indians would ignore this thread, then he would say India is exposed and so Indians are hiding from this thread, and therefore prove his point. :D

@idune, Believe me, It'll be equally hilarious for us if Mr Munshi put his wife's sandals on your face, and our comments would pretty much be same in that scenario too. Does that mean you're also an Indian propaganda tool?? :D
Most of the 1 star was rated in the last few days....many reviews are just copy paste of others....and a significant number of them make you wonder whether the reviewer even reads a English daily or not....feelgood cyberactivism.

I have gone through the reviews and "most of the reviews are copy paste to others" is a false statement. Yes Their English is not good as yours but They expressed their feelings and the newspaper cares as it has deactivated the review system. At least the editor now knows he is unpopular. The daily star and prothom alo are widely circulated because we don't have alternatives.
Just boycotting will not work we need to create better media and support it. Today it's proved propaganda some times work. So without countering it we cannot achieve our goal.
I have gone through the reviews and "most of the reviews are copy paste to others" is a false statement. Yes Their English is not good as yours but They expressed their feelings and the newspaper cares as it has deactivated the review system. At least the editor now knows he is unpopular. The daily star and prothom alo are widely circulated because we don't have alternatives.

Ah...Facebook, where people can say all kinds of things...

There are actually plenty of alternatives. It's just that TDS does a lot of branding which prompts people to buy it.

TDS is probably the most liberal of all newspapers here. The only ones that are a bit conservative are The New Age and The Financial Express (which I read because I need the info).

TDS is something one would 'enjoy' reading. Their opinion write ups from various authors and journalists can be interesting to read though, and they can be quite informative. They can be worthwhile as long as it isn't Syed Badrul Ahsan.

@MBI Munshi , have you heard of Taj Hashmi? What do you think of him?
@MBI Munshi , have you heard of Taj Hashmi? What do you think of him?

Yes I know Taj Hashmi. We were in contact for a while. He comes from an intelligence background and was once close to the US military. There was some falling out and now he works privately.
Yes I know Taj Hashmi. We were in contact for a while. He comes from an intelligence background and was once close to the US military. There was some falling out and now he works privately.

Damn, a fallout? I could imagine. I often see his opinion pieces on TDS. I find them worthwhile to read. Looking forward to read his book.
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