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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

You have mentioned three points..
How can BSF kill BD people unless they tried to immigrate..?are they attacking in your own territerry..?

Yes sometimes they are entering into BD territory .Like in 2001,but that case was clinically oppressed by the Indian Media.Where they claimed BD army and BDR attacked India.But actually the truth is that,Jawans of Indian army was also among the deads.It was confirmed by their uniform.Moreover,most Indian casualities was caused by public wrath rather than BDR fire.They were killed inside BD territory.

Just google "BSF killing Bangladeshis" you will find lot of material about BSF's human rights violation.
How do you know what I have written is a distortion? Have you read the book?
Actually when you said HUJI is working for RAW, it beats common sense. Thats enough to spawn credibility issues.
I am reading the link you gave.
Is the content exactly the same as the second edition ppl here mention?
Or is the new edition a significant revision?
The people of Bangladesh need to be educated about the true face of India. My book covers many issues that have never been revealed in Bangladesh. Let people decide for themselves based on the information available on how much to trust India. If the interpretation and information I have given is wrong then the book will be easy to denounce and in the end worth nothing. However, for the last 2 years there has not been one single response or criticism of the book or its contents.

I read your online book at a glance. I don't agree with most of the contents and think it is alarmist.

But still a good effort on your part. My compliments.

Regarding the fact that no one has denounced it, the reason could well be that few people know about it or give it the importance to try to rebut the points raised. That may well change.
You are here making tall suggestion on how Bangladesh should submit to indian hegemony and how antagonized you and your coutry are because Bangaldesh not only refused to do that but also dispise indian attitude.

Now you are so miserably trying to make Bangladeshi election about a mandate on submission (indian idea of "friendship") to india. Bangladeshi people has lot more important things to consider than indian. BUT thanks for reconfirming indian wishes and agenda on influencing this Awami govt to submit to indian hegemony.

As I said before, more vindication for book like this and a demand of the time.

Your interfering attitude on Bangladeshi political and internal policy are not welcome but learn more before making demand here.

During BNP rule Bangladesh attined highest growth in country history 6.8%.

During the last BNP government the average growth rate was 6-6.5%. This was never matched under an AL government. Instead the AL government nearly bankrupted us.

I would certainly expect you guys to know that it was a period of high tide that lifted all boats. Even Africa had a high growth rate during this period.

You have to see the performance in good times and bad to make a meaningful comparison.
Actually when you said HUJI is working for RAW, it beats common sense. Thats enough to spawn credibility issues.
I am reading the link you gave.
Is the content exactly the same as the second edition ppl here mention?
Or is the new edition a significant revision?

The thesis is pretty much the same but it is a significant revision on the first edition. Everything has been redone for the second edition.
You have mentioned three points..
How can BSF kill BD people unless they tried to immigrate..?are they attacking in your own territerry..?
Your second and third points are contradictory..
We are listening in recent days about that terrorist act.?
If it is fictional than so good..If not then point to be worried..

Thats the boxed indian mentality I have mentioned before. Indians have no clue or pretending what had GOI and their intel/security forces are doing inside Bangladesh and elsewhere. Indian media created that boxed world and indians are happy living in it.

There are more than half a million illegal indians in Bangladesh (by conservative estimates) who are staying, working illegally and illegally transferring money to india. There were many report on them and are great security risk. You can see them everywhere in Dhaka, Chittagong and elsewhere from illegal medical practice, shops and taxi drivers etc. With indian influenced Awami govt in place now, number of illegal indian expected grow exponentially in Bangladesh.

Myth of Bangladeshis illegal immigrants and their imaginary numbers has been exposed many times over. India is not an economic Disneyland that Bangladeshis will be flocking there. Just being Bengali speaking Muslims do not automatically making them Bangladeshi but unfortunately that’s the MYTH indian media created and indians in their boxed world so consumed.
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I would certainly expect you guys to know that it was a period of high tide that lifted all boats. Even Africa had a high growth rate during this period.

You have to see the performance in good times and bad to make a meaningful comparison.
While your comments are true in pribciple, AL has tried to pick the slice from the good-timing- pies twice as well but horribly failed in both 72-75 & 96-01 eras. And only fools or contained/defenceless people give in to choor, daku, rapists more than twice.
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Bangladeshis did not vote for India they voted for Tk.10 rice, employment and cheap fertilizer. We will see the reaction when AL cannot deliver.
The notion of AL's sailing on power by its promise for providing TK 10 P/KG rice isn't fully true either and I'm surprised that an intelligent chap like you can't recognize that. AL has come to power simply because the so-called WOT nexus has supported it. The process of bringing AL back to power started from the first day of the last BNP's tenure and it was schemed for years to have 28th OCT, 06's SHOCK & OWE to shape it up. Then many dramas were played, deceptions were multiplied and forces were used to have enemy of mankind's student in power, period.

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The notion of AL's sailing on power by its promise for providing TK 10 P/KG rice isn't fully true either and I'm surprised that an intelligent chap like you can't recognize that. AL has come to power simply because the so-called WOT nexus has supported it. The process of bringing AL back to power started from the first day of the last BNP's tenure and it was schemed for years to have 28th OCT, 06's SHOCK & OWE to shape it up. Then many dramas were played, deceptions were multiplied and forces were used to have enemy of mankind's student in power, period.


While I agree to some extent with your view I do not think that Gen. Moin and others were that intelligent to carry out such a complicated plan. They changed plan about 4 times during the last 2 years. Only after they failed to do anything they decided to bring the AL into power.

There is an advantage in holding AL to its promises. Now they will have to deliver and deliver they must.

Yes the lying by the AL has started but the people have least patience.
While I agree to some extent with your view I do not think that Gen. Moin and others were that intelligent to carry out such a complicated plan. They changed plan about 4 times during the last 2 years. Only after they failed to do anything they decided to bring the AL into power.

There is an advantage in holding AL to its promises. Now they will have to deliver and deliver they must.

Yes the lying by the AL has started but the people have least patience.
Thanks for pin-pointing the issues and it is good to see you are on the top of this subject. BTW me saying The process of bringing AL back to power started from the first day of the last BNP's tenure and it was schemed for years to have 28th OCT, 06's SHOCK & OWE to shape it up is actually meant for bringing any Anti-Islamic party. IND being the prime schemer and making US to allow taking MUA gang’s ride, it has masterfully choreographed, hold its nerve, meticulously planed and ruthlessly executed the SNATCHING BANGLADESH drama. I must say IND/RAW’s success in OPERATION BANGLADESH is second to none in human history. It is by far more complicated but has seen light at the end than any other intelligent out fit’s one IMO. I also agree with you that MUA gang doesn’t have intelligence for drawing such Multi-Layered, hydra-attributed and sheer-deceptive plan but at the end he has also got what he wanted. Now I must say ISI is nothing compare to RAW, MOSSAD, especially in BD’s context. BRAVO RAWers! you guys deserved to be named as the best students of Chanakya. Furthermore by maneuvering so clandestinely, IND has taught US a great lesson on how to win a country of 170 millions without firing a single shot IMHO.

Right before 1/11. 07, I read a comment of a researcher in BDMILITARY on WAR PARTY’s prime beneficiary in our country, IND’s grand scheme of snatching power away from BNP, JI for ever and in my hindsight I felt the same. Now seeing BNP’s 29 seats in parliament, I think it is on the verge of having Muslim League’s fate. And AL goon’s current BNP cleansing mission further fits in that case. So, Zainul Abedin’s revelation of RAW's enormity in BD land is absolutely right and given the geographic proximity, our homogenous ness and AL’s greed for power; IND can impose slavery on us by its wish. I shiver by foreseeing that HINDUS backed up by ALers are raping my sisters like they have been doing for years on Kashmiri women and curse all AL bastards, their traitor leader Sheik Haramjada, Bibi Hasina, MUA, DGFI, Shushils along with terror Altaf of MQM.

Finally you are saying that public will be impatient soon by AL’s broken promise but would AL care for that? I see ALer’s mission on cleansing BNP, JI is just to pre-empt public revolt in near future and get depressed by anticipating their grips on power for a long time. But always pray to Almighty that HE saves the humanity from the RAW, MOSSAD jalims, amin.
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I agree with you that the plan from the end of BNP tenure was to bring a pro-Indian government to power. The method was, however, never very precise and the plan kept changing with sometimes RAW winning and sometimes some other group. In the end the RAW plan won.

I have also heard from some informed sources that there is a well orchestrated plan of assassinations of leading anti-Indian elements. The killing seems to have already started but more needs to be verified.

I also agree with you that the ISI is no where near RAW. The main weakness of ISI is the media and propaganda. I think they have very little investment in this area or on how to use it properly. The BNP also suffers from a serious weakness in the media which they did nothing about during their 5 year rule.
I agree with you that the plan from the end of BNP tenure was to bring a pro-Indian government to power. The method was, however, never very precise and the plan kept changing with sometimes RAW winning and sometimes some other group. In the end the RAW plan won.

I have also heard from some informed sources that there is a well orchestrated plan of assassinations of leading anti-Indian elements. The killing seems to have already started but more needs to be verified.

I also agree with you that the ISI is no where near RAW. The main weakness of ISI is the media and propaganda. I think they have very little investment in this area or on how to use it properly. The BNP also suffers from a serious weakness in the media which they did nothing about during their 5 year rule.

The method wasn't precise because BNP+JI's hard work over the years drew down Indian influence in many Governmental areas, although its dalal's deep infiltration went on by higher space with more vigor in Hasina's tenure. Time laps and JI+shibir's visibility in everywhere alongside with BNP made it impossible for RAW or any other anti-Islamic intelligent outfit's to have exact, definitive means to have its desirous end. So, THE EMERGENCY HEDGE was brilliantly bought and the experimental process of imposing slavery on 170 million genepueges was pursued subsequently.

Your info is correct and this is how it will work,

You probably know that IND/RAW's main enemies are JI's leaders and they will be tried in special court (REGULAR JUDICIAL PROCESS WON'T BE FOLLOWED AND PROCESS WILL BE MANIPULATED LIKE SADDAM’S CASE) in Kangaroo style and the entire top bras will be guilty as war criminals. In last few years RAW's agents already manufactured evidences to make them guilty. Their true position will not be understood by masses and people won't cry for them either. Everyone will go with their lives afterwards but the progress of Islamic clock will be turned back for decades.

Yes ISI's main lack is in mastering propaganda. E PAK was lost primarily because of it IMO. Ayub's philosophy of showering economic improvements without balancing with propaganda was also followed by BNP, JI and we saw the similar outcome again. English's PR mastery-tactic was rightly picked up by the Babus of KOLKATA and Bankim Chandra, Iswar Chandra Gupta etc created precedence for this generation of Bengali nationalists.

Side Note- Did you notice the novice ness of the ministers of Hasina cabinet? IMO that also fitted with Indian plans of black mailing BDeshi nation and making slavery facile.
Side Note- Did you notice the novice ness of the ministers of Hasina cabinet? IMO that also fitted with Indian plans of black mailing BDeshi nation and making slavery facile.

There are more RAW faces in this cabinet then ever before. These are the most prominent.

AK Khandaker
Dilip Barua
Sohail Taj
G.M. Quader

You might be able to add a few more.

Both the ISI and DGFI suffer from lack of expertise in information warfare or propaganda. That is why neither is a match for RAW.
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Sunshine in Bangladesh

It is a mistake to believe that the large anti-India constituency in Bangladesh has disappeared with the return of Sheikh Hasina to power at the head of a 12-party alliance led by Awami League. India should avoid embarrassing her by periodically recalling what a great friend of India she is. Also blaming Bangladesh at this point of time for the infiltration and terrorist activities could prove to be counter-productive to India's long-term security interests. Instead we should focus attention on two critical aspects of border security - riverine terrain and topography of villages which tend to spill into each other's territory, say the authors

After the anger and pain caused by the Mumbai attacks last November two successive events have brought some cheer to India. First was the defeat of the separatist forces in Kashmir polls and then came the news that the 'pro-India' Awami League has swept the Bangladesh parliamentary polls. The poll outcome from Kashmir was on expected lines; Awami League's landslide win surprised political observers in and outside Bangladesh.

The open enthusiasm coupled with a sense of relief shown in India over the Bangla result is perhaps justified as it marks a 'positive' change from the patently anti-India policies followed by the previous civilian regime headed by Begum Khalida Zia. Her Bangladesh National Party (BNP) is totally shaken by its near rout in the 300-member Parliament (National Assembly) of Bangladesh.

And a sullen Khalida Zia could well spoil everyone's party. She has already declared a 'war' by rejecting the poll verdict as being rigged. Her allegation sounds vacuous when nearly everybody, including the large number of international observers who were present during the 29th December ballot, say that the elections were free and fair. Some say they were the fairest elections in Bangladesh in many years.

But that will not necessarily encourage Khalida Zia from reviewing her 'verdict'. Her intensely bitter and personal enmity with Shaikh Hasina, who heads the victorious Awami League, is such. It could also be because she expects her rival to initiate probe into the corruption charges against her and her sons, even though Hasina has ruled out any vindictive action. Anyone who counsels her to take a more 'positive' view of things runs the risk of being rebuffed by the Begum whose late husband presided over the destiny of the country as its president.

What should be receiving more attention in India is perhaps not Hasina's victory but how the 'history' will unfold itself with street violence designed to immobilise the new government about to be resumed with Begum Zia in the lead. That will be bad news for not just Bangladesh, which has just seen the end of two years of indirect military rule, but also for India. Delhi's expectations rest on the hope that Shaikh Hasina will be firmly in the saddle for her five-year term, counter opposition attempts to paralyse her government and act against terrorists operating from its soil against our north-east.

The next few weeks will therefore be crucial and require close monitoring by India to gauge the public mood in Bangladesh. India's hopes of restoring good neighbourly relations with its eastern neighbour will suffer a great deal if the BNP again works up its anti-India rhetoric to instil a fear among ordinary Bangladeshis about India preparing to 'take over' their 'Sonar Bangla'. One immediate effect of the BNP campaign would be that the Awami League would be stymied by the charge that it is not patriotic enough if it extends an overly hand of friendship to India and offers to sort out through dialogue all problems to each other's satisfaction.

In the circumstances it might be better if India does not embarrass the Awami League by periodically recalling what a great friend of India the party founded by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman has always been. It is a mistake to believe that the large anti-India constituency in Bangladesh has disappeared with the ouster of Begum Zia from power.

A section in Bangladesh, which cuts across party affiliations, is opposed to giving India any 'concessions' - like opening Bangladesh territory for transport of Indian goods from India's northeast to the hinterlands, and offering to sell natural gas to India. As Prime Minister, Begum Zia had successfully moulded public opinion into one of hostility towards India, something akin to Pakistan's. She pursued this policy with such resoluteness that when the Tatas went to her with the proposal to invest billions of dollars-the largest that Bangladesh ever received by way of foreign investment-- she said 'no'. A few expressions of regret over it were indeed heard in Bangladesh but not from the majority in the country.

The 'India factor' occupies a prominent place in the Opposition space in Bangladesh. In fact, as Khaleda Zia's predecessor in office, Shaikh Hasina herself was not averse to echoing some of the (mostly imaginary) fears about India in the minds of ordinary Bangladeshis. She was quite critical of India on the issue of sharing of Ganga waters. The Indian request for good transit has been pending very long; neither of the Begums has shown willingness to favourably consider the Indian request.

Khaleda Zia, aligned with the religious extreme right, willingly turned a blind eye to the use of Bangladesh territory for terrorist activities against India with ISI's involvement. She used to aggressively reject the oft-repeated charge about Bangladeshi immigrants entering India. But it does not appear that Shaikh Hasina would address these two Indian concerns with utmost urgency and to India's satisfaction, unless she wants to give more powerful ammunition to Begum Zia.

Suffice to say that building up pressure on Shaikh Hasina to take up matters of India's interest in right earnest from day one will not serve any purpose. If Begum Zia queers the political pitch in Bangladesh-and she seems intent upon doing it-Shaikh Hasina's first priority will obviously be preventing the situation from escalating into a chaos of the kind that would invite military intervention.

Indian interests are not going to be served at all if democracy in Bangladesh derails again. If Shaikh Hasina is a friend of India she can be expected to look at India's concerns-but only when it suits her politically. And it may mean months. More so since both the 14-party alliance led by Awami League (AL) and the 4-party coalition of BNP gave primacy to local issues of bread and butter in their manifestos. While Awami League promised a job to one member of every family, BNP bolstered its image with three square meals a day for every individual.

Not that ideological and religious orientation of the two alliances took a back seat during campaigning. Khaleda Zia did not mince words in her promise of pursuing "Islamic values" with hardcore fundamentalist orientation. The Awami League's attraction lies in its Bengali nationalist moorings and reliance on 'spirit of the Liberation War", which still has potent pull in Bangladesh. India also loomed large over electioneering not merely because it is the Big Brother but because, Silchar, Gauwhati, Kolkata, and far away Delhi are magnets not the poor in search of a livelihood. Well that is infiltration by another name and the route adopted by ISI foot soldiers, Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) and Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami (HUJI) for targeting India with impunity.

Blaming Bangladesh at this point of time for the infiltration could prove to be counter-productive to India's long-term security interests. Instead we should focus attention on two critical aspects of border security - riverine terrain and topography of villages which tend to spill into each other's territory. Palaniappan Chidambaram should wear his thinking cap to address the issue, which has become a part of PUC (paper under consideration) at his North Block office under successive home ministers of India.

M Rama Rao, -Syndicate Features

Central Chronicle--Column
There are more RAW faces in this cabinet then ever before. These are the most prominent.

AK Khandaker
Dilip Barua
Sohail Taj
G.M. Quader

You might be able to add a few more.

Both the ISI and DGFI suffer from lack of expertise in information warfare or propaganda. That is why neither is a match for RAW.

My, my , my dear God !

Awamy action is so-predictable that anyone sensible and keep eyes, ears open can understand its leader's move but why can't BNP/JI's leaders? And even if they do then why can't they pre-empt it? AL's picking on a Hinduni as 90% Muslim's foreign minister has hinted which direction it would take our beloved country. And the first follow up action of Dipu Moni shows how she has already started to dance in RAW's Jalsha.

Moni renews SA task force pledge
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009 2:21 pm BdST

Dhaka, Jan 08 (bndews24.com)—Bangladesh's first woman foreign minister Dr Dipu Moni took office Wednesday, and said that Dhaka would work closely with its neighbours to curb terrorism in South Asia.

"Terrorism has no boundary. Regional cooperation is required to curb terrorism," she told reporters at her foreign ministry office.

She said her ministry would also work to resolve Bangladesh's maritime dispute with India and Myanmar.

She called for immediate halt of the Israeli incursion into Gaza. "The killing in Gaza cannot be supported under any circumstances. We want the war to stop and its solution," she said.

On her first day in office, the minister said she would prefer continuation of Bangladesh's foreign policy unless any decision was found "flawed".

"We will discuss with our neighbours formation of a regional task force for elimination of terrorism," she said, pointing out the imitative was included in her party's election manifesto.

"The government will decide what on format the task force will be made."

The new foreign minister was very optimistic about resolving sea boundaries with New Delhi and Yangon.

"We hope that any maritime disputes would be settled through discussions with our neignbours," said Dipu Moni, trained as a physician, public health specialist and a lawyer before becoming a politician.

On trial of war criminals the minister said the government would decide whether it would seek assistance from the United Nations to try the war criminals as pledged by the Awami League.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed state minister for foreign affairs Hasan Mahmud said Bangladesh needed to associate itself with the economic boom in the East.

"This is the time for us to be associated with the flows of development and economic boom in South East Asia," said Mahmud.

She said her ministry would not oppose any policy adopted by the previous BNP government "just for the sake of opposition".

"It is not our policy that we need to turn down any proposal adopted by the BNP government for opposition's sake. We will continue any initiative for the cause of the country," she told bdnews24.com.

Moni renews SA task force pledge :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::

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